12/08/2020 02:26 PM 

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Category: Stories
Current mood:  adventurous

Foamy crests folded and slid shallow against the smooth, flat sand, before Isolde’s booted foot. A winter’s sun pierced rays of warmth into the misty morn and Isolde felt waves of light against her face as she knew there was more story to be told.

A lot had transpired in a year, and even as Brigaine and the other servants about Dunlace Castle were hustling about collecting greens and making ropes and wreathes for the upcoming Yuletide, the queen was feeling a familiar stir of wanderlust. Tristan and she had been wed on the Beltaine, just past, and had shared a magical several months together…longer than they had ever spent. Yet, as they had agreed, he had returned to Arthur’s service in Britannia and his last correspondence to her, came from Brindenmoor, in Scotland. It was often he had spoken to her about his beloved home. She yearned to go there.

Just then, the mournful sound of a foghorn from a ship, no doubt bound for Europe, drew her attention. This started her mind conniving.

(later~ the next day)

Sir Rory held Emerald’s leather reins as he stood mounted, in front of the castle waiting diligently for his queen. She had given little warning to the castle folk, that she would travel to Scotland for Yule, but they smiled, knowingly, for it had been many years coming ~this romantic interlude between these two….and now, even in marriage the soul mates were apart.

“How long will you stay,’ Rory asked after grabbing her bags and satchels and tying them securely on his steed. “I have not found him, yet, milord…I may be home sooner than you think!” she laughed. “I’m just hoping to find him in the country, you know…it is hasty of me to set off without telling him. It is time, though, I think, that I visit Brindenmoor. I have a letter here to go off on ahead of me. Hopefully Tristan will meet me at the port in Leith. If not I will be finding a room.”

She smiled at her determination. It felt good to begin an adventure once again. She hoped Tristan would be happy.


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Feb 15th 2021 - 9:11 AM

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Feb 15th 2021 - 9:09 AM

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         Black Roses
By day she walked a narrow path
Where all thought she was good
And in the daylight all was well
Behaving as she should
 In her blood the sidhe did dwell
The seelie by the day
Did chatter to her listening ears
And charm her in their way
The pixies, elves and faeries
Were friends to her in truth
They loved her curiosity,
Her beauty~ and her youth.
Black Roses she did love in night
The moon with claws of black
The screeching of the crow and owl
The Wolf roaming in its pack.
In her blood the sidhe did dwell
The unseelie by the night
Beckoned to her in subtle ways
And in her dreams the sight
The restless evil creatures
Returning to the earth
Nurturing seeds of darkness
Revenge, wrath and mirth
Is it wrong to follow two paths?
Maybe it would be right
To listen to your head by day
And to your heart by night?



Feb 14th 2021 - 8:00 PM

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Tristan Brindenmoor FOS
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He marveled at her courage.  But he had ever done so. This golden woman had saved him. He knew it in his soul. He leaned in quick now. Delivered a swift and deep kiss. It began a spark, deep within them both.....
Twas Tristan who pulled away from it. He stood gasping...
Staring at her heaving busom, the hot look in her eyes.
He grabbed her hand then, and raced them both up the remaining stairs to their prepared bedchamber.
Isolde shreaking like a young maiden at his boldness....
He could neer remember a more joyous and exciting moment...

That which she had wanted hours ago, when they entered the bedchamber, anticipated for days prior
didn’t come as expected….but then he never was predictable.  Tristan danced by his own drum…she had been half afraid of the result if they were to be on the same song….
His kiss was hard and long..her eyes flew open then her heart pounded.  All the way up the steps to the bedchamber she worried, would this be their coupling?  Please let it be, lord…as she didn’t think she could bear another moment without his warm body against hers.
The lights were dimmed and only a lonesome taper glimmered on the table under the lacey curtain under window.  The faintest scent of lavender caused her heart to steady and she stood ready for her lovers next move.  She hoped the serious smile open hands signaled her submission.

Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Feb 14th 2021 - 7:41 PM

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He marveled at her courage.  But he had ever done so. This golden woman had saved him. He knew it in his soul. He leaned in quick now. Delivered a swift and deep kiss. It began a spark, deep within them both.....
Twas Tristan who pulled away from it. He stood gasping...
Staring at her heaving busom, the hot look in her eyes.
He grabbed her hand then, and raced them both up the remaining stairs to their prepared bedchamber.
Isolde shreaking like a young maiden at his boldness....
He could neer remember a more joyous and exciting moment...



Jan 17th 2021 - 2:11 PM

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Isolde sat at the end of the path, surrounded by the wet and drooling walls of the cavern below Brindenmoor. She listened while Tristan revealed the amazing tale of his grand da and those before him. She could see the drama that played out between them and this otherworldly giant. She worried he was still behind the rocks which gleamed of shiny coal, or was it an ancient ore which only grew in these murderous depths.

Holding her woolen cape close her blue eyes were lost in Tristan’s as the tale came to its end, and she gasped. “Milord….you were the first child as well, were you not? How did you escape the fury of this orc? Have you seen him? Is he here now?” she whispered and stood, ready for escape. We have no weapon, milord….what magic must you wield in our defense?” Then after a deep inhale she gained her compose….and smiled.
“We have faced dragons, and sea serpents….in our adventures to many realms. I am not afraid.”
She lifted her chin, and reached for his hand. There must be other creatures living in this cave. What other secrets are you keeping from me, my knight? She laughed. It was silent for some time except for the dripping of earthen water and the flutter of a bat. The queen was anxious to return to the warmth of the hearth and the meal which had been prepared for Yule.

“Thank you for sharing the secret of Brindenmoor with me, my love. It is dark, and ominous indeed, yet I can only love you more for it. The mystery of your bravery and strength …your wisdom and kindness to me. It explains why it took so long for me to catch ye! But I want you to know that I have courage as well. We will have our firstborn with resolute pleasure. There is nothing ~the evil creature could send our way, that we can’t conquer together in truth and in love.”
She raised her eyes to his to get his response.

Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Jan 17th 2021 - 10:01 AM

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The slow descent into the ancient Keep was always a rewarding one for Tristan.  It was ever more so this night, because Isolde was at last by his side to see its wonders for the first time. Her tight grip upon his hand, belied her nervousness at such an adventure.  But she had the heart of a Queen, and readily followed. Further proof,  that his bride choice had been a wise one. Tristan was wise enough to keep such council to himself.  The mind of a woman can be most contray in these affairs or matters. Being wedded sure was tricky ground for a man to maneuver in. He thought to himself.
In moments, the stairway opened up into a ledge, which overlooked a vast chasm. The very sight of it thrilled him to this day. He turned to gauge Isoldes response to the hidden cavern. But she uttered not a word. She simply looked on in wonder.
Brindinmoors Secret had claimed another victim. 
It's true scope and size remained largely unknown.  Even unto now. His grandfather stood King here in his youth. He showed young Tristan it's vast secrets when he was old enough to wield a sword for the first time. His response was very much like Isoldes.  Open mouthed wonder at the very sight of it. 
But its true secrets were buried deep in its vast cavernscavHhe told young Tristan,  that his family mined gold here. Aye and from deep within too!
A thick winding vein, of the most pure gold,  that had ever been seen anywhere in the known lands. But with it he cautioned,  came both a Curse and Secret.
This got Tristans attention at once. He had never been enamored of treasure and coin. But legends and lore fascinated him to his very core.
As he now began to guide Isolde down the curving path to the bottom,  he began to tell her the true dark secret of the ancient Keep by the sea. As told to him by his Grand Da. And it's dark curse as well. 

"Cormac Cairn Drust was yer great great Granda lad!"  And it fell to him, to slay or be slain by the giant who dwelt in the vast underground.  This great deed, had been so entrusted unto the first born son of every King who inherited the Castle  Keep above it. As young Tristan listened further,  he half hoped that this adventure was not suddenly going to end with him, as the next intended Sacrifice in the long line of succession. But he needn't have feared. Cormac Conn was named after him, and he loved his grandson above all other things in this life.  There would be no great battle. For it had already taken place. "The battle raged for three days, it is said!  And at last, tired and weary of the fruitless encounter,  praised the giant. He flattered him with fine words about his prowess in battle. He told him that this epic fight would make him even more feared than ever before!  The giant was taken aback by this praise  and flattering words. He relented anger and his rage. Cormac proposed a truce. A respite to take nourishment and ale in great quantities.  This warmed the giants heart and he readily agreed.  Delighted that his trick was working,  Cormac ordered that ale in vast quantities be brought to the caves entrance.  That livestock be brought as well. It took some time, but soon casks of goodly ale began to arrive at the cavern.

The giant delighted in this, and astounded all by draining the entire contents of one full wagon load! Cormac looked upon this in wonder. But he knew that there could not possibly be enough ale in the known world to quench such a thirst. So he had conspired to lace the casks with a powerful sleeping potion.  Nervous that he might not have enough to constantly control the giant, Cormac ordered the entire dose to be emptied into the first cask. The giant drained it all, and eagerly drained the next 2 wagons full!
The potion began at last to take it's toll. He staggered about clumsily until he at last sagged to the floor. Twas then that Cormac betrayed the truce, by leaping upon the sleeping giant, and plunging his longsword deep into his eyes. Haadron awoke in a now blinded rage. He roared out oathes and curses as he stumbled in the safety of Brindinmoors deepest caverns. "Cormac the Betrayer!"  He cried out.
You may have the gold!.....but you will pay a heavy price for it I swear!  The First Born of yours!  And the first of every male heir afterwards, shall suffer grievous death in its first year!
You will regret your betrayal to the very Gods!
but you will find no relief from it!"
And so it was to come to pass. Brindinmoor gave up her riches. But she th ook her toll as well.  The legend never left him,  after that dark telling.  And even now, he himself,  had no child. Isolde would change that now. But this dark part of his past must now,  needs,  be known.
She had remained quiet through the telling. 
Now as he gazed into her eyes, Tristan hoped fervently, that she wouldn't hate him for it.....




Dec 26th 2020 - 11:39 AM

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Dec 26th 2020 - 11:35 AM

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Never did she expect that Tristan’s telling of the secret of Bridinmoor would lead to a new adventure!  Isolde’s eyes were wide with amaze and curiosity as he led her through the portal hidden in the antechamber!  Her booted foot danced  over the bare earthen floor of  a forever cave behind her brave knight, and as she held his hand she stretched her neck only to see the dark stone walls ahead. 

Thankfully, and out of nowhere a lighted torch materialized in his other hand.
“It is a dark path we take to find the answers to your tale, milord,” she forced a laugh and continued to decipher the grim surroundings.  “I suspect we are staying in Scotland, though….?  Or are we off to another realm?  I have heard the Celts journeyed many miles before coming north…”  She wondered how deep his roots were told.

Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Dec 24th 2020 - 8:23 PM

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He gazed  into her loving eyes. This woman had captured his heart. The telling of himself in any real or meaningful way, had long been avoided. He himself,  was not always keen on the shedding of blood. And though a noble sentiment indeed, he had shed much. And the  retaking this keep was a dark and bloody tale. He had avoided it's  telling. But now it was time to reveal Brindinmoor Keeps dark past. He reached out to take the hand of the woman he had surrendered his heart to. "Come love.....he said softly. I will show you magics and mystery!"  Isolde gave a ready smile. And quickly rose to her feet. But instead of heading for the door, and the guarfs beyond. He took her into a small antechamber.  And after feeling behind a large cabinet of weapons he pulled open the entire affair. The cabinet swung open as a door now. And Tristan smiled at Isoldes shock.
"Every good Castle should have a few secrets do you not agree Fair One?" Her ready smile, and quick kiss at this sudden adventure was his answer.  He grasped her slender hand inside his then, and led her inside an old and ancient passageway. And Isolde squeezed his hand back, even tighter, as they descended down the spiral staircase of olden stone. Passing now, statues, weapons and armor from a lost time.
And a lost kingdom.........




Dec 24th 2020 - 3:40 PM

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….she lifted her skirts to follow her husband up the wooden stairs. The sconces along the climb were ablaze cheering her onward as she moved with anticipation. It had been too long since she had shared the warmth of the hearth, a cup of spirits and Tristan’s closeness.

A flutter of joy passed through to her core, as she entered the room. It was mostly dark, barring the quiet flame in the corner hearth and the slender tapers at the bedsides. Isolde moved behind Tristan who was now warming himself at the fire. She reached out for the hand he held idly at his side, knowing she would soon be overcome by his embrace.

“I love your home…our home, Tristan. Tell me do..were you born here? You never speak of your parents.” She still held the wine he had pour her in the great room…and hoped he more. She began to move in closer, lifting on her tippy toes to feel his cheek. “You know, if we have children, you will have to tell them your story, milord…..mayhap you could practice it on me?”


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