12/08/2020 02:26 PM 

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Category: Stories
Current mood:  adventurous

Foamy crests folded and slid shallow against the smooth, flat sand, before Isolde’s booted foot. A winter’s sun pierced rays of warmth into the misty morn and Isolde felt waves of light against her face as she knew there was more story to be told.

A lot had transpired in a year, and even as Brigaine and the other servants about Dunlace Castle were hustling about collecting greens and making ropes and wreathes for the upcoming Yuletide, the queen was feeling a familiar stir of wanderlust. Tristan and she had been wed on the Beltaine, just past, and had shared a magical several months together…longer than they had ever spent. Yet, as they had agreed, he had returned to Arthur’s service in Britannia and his last correspondence to her, came from Brindenmoor, in Scotland. It was often he had spoken to her about his beloved home. She yearned to go there.

Just then, the mournful sound of a foghorn from a ship, no doubt bound for Europe, drew her attention. This started her mind conniving.

(later~ the next day)

Sir Rory held Emerald’s leather reins as he stood mounted, in front of the castle waiting diligently for his queen. She had given little warning to the castle folk, that she would travel to Scotland for Yule, but they smiled, knowingly, for it had been many years coming ~this romantic interlude between these two….and now, even in marriage the soul mates were apart.

“How long will you stay,’ Rory asked after grabbing her bags and satchels and tying them securely on his steed. “I have not found him, yet, milord…I may be home sooner than you think!” she laughed. “I’m just hoping to find him in the country, you know…it is hasty of me to set off without telling him. It is time, though, I think, that I visit Brindenmoor. I have a letter here to go off on ahead of me. Hopefully Tristan will meet me at the port in Leith. If not I will be finding a room.”

She smiled at her determination. It felt good to begin an adventure once again. She hoped Tristan would be happy.


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Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Dec 24th 2020 - 10:21 AM

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The festive mood in the halls of the old castle,  was most welcome to his heart and soul. Having her here at long last, was a boon as well. The two kingdoms standing as one,  cast an air of safety about the ports. Both merchants, and men of the sea,  like Tristan himself,  stood to gain from it. But it was his heart that gained from it the most. Love had found the Warrior King at long last. And he could scarce believe it.

So with the airs of baking breads, and roasting meats, wafting throughout the old keep,  he had grabbed both wine and goblets, and set off to find his queen. He didn't have to go far. She had made herself to home at once. And quickly set about decorating and planning.  She certainly was busy enough it seemed. Her eyes and ears everywhere, as she personally took over the arrangements and decorations. Isolde was a force of nature, unto herself.  None could resist her charms it seemed to him.
His smile was therefore instantaneous,  as he recognized Rainey fully covered in garlands and wraps of both Holly and Pine!  And sneezing away as well.
Tristans smile grew broader as their eyes met. " My dear Rainey! He exclaimed with mock and overdone surprise....
You never once let on about being so festive a fellow!"
Tristan delighted in his anguish.  And with Isolde close by, and even a few children, Rainey barely bit off his colorful reply, and instead showed his true colors. He merely grumbled.
Tristan turned away, concealing his amusement at his friend's distress. 
Isolde was just about to scold him, when she noticed the wine, and the look in her mans eyes. Her small smile as their eyes met,  was  all that was needed. And as he turned the corner, to ascend to the Royal Chamber, he could hear her footsteps following behind him.....

"There will be more than music, in the old castle tonight I'll wager!" Rainey said softly to himself. 
Then he promptly sneezed three times running, amid the  laughter of the children......



Dec 21st 2020 - 11:21 AM

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Dec 21st 2020 - 11:19 AM

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Dec 21st 2020 - 11:15 AM

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Dec 21st 2020 - 11:14 AM

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Dec 21st 2020 - 10:48 AM

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Having taken in the lovely Scottish landscape even in her quest to be chased, the young queen felt fairly giddy as Tristan’s steed moved up beside her.
He was pleased that she came, she could feel it as she gazed into his hard, roguish face.  A warrior he may be, but she knew the way to his softness.
“Your home is impressive, milord”, she smiled, “I am anxious to meet your family here.”

As they narrowed to cross a wooden drawbridge. the familiar strings of a fiddle and the merry song of the castle folk could be heard ever so faintly.  In the distance and through a cloudy mist, Isolde began to make out the stone stronghold which was Brindemoor.  As they continued their approach she was charmed by the ropes of pine and holly draped around the fortress entrance and the welcoming wreathes hung about window and door.  Her face flushed with joy when they came to the stables and Tristan helped her down from her mare.  There was no hesitation now as she reached around his strong neck and moved in for a warming kiss.  “I am so happy, my love.  Our first Yule at Brindemoor….you have to agree it was a grand idea?” 

A quiet snowfall dampened the path, as they walked toward the thick wooden door to enter Tristan’s home.  As they entered, Isolde noticed every scent and sound, it was warm and inviting just as she had imagined.  The grand room dazzled with the lights of Yule.  The low flame at the hearth, and the candles set in wall sconces throughout the room and above the mantles, acted as waves of light and invitation.  The evergreens strewn on every ledge and table, were intertwined with Holly berry and thistle.  Looking to the lovely woman who ushered them in, Isolde spoke.
“Thank you for your hospitality on such short a notice.  I was not even sure Tristan would be here this holiday”, she paused, “a warrior’s life is not to be planned you must know as I do.  I am so gladdened to be here!”
She looked to Tristan for a word….and found that he had disappeared.
“I have been Tristan’s chambermaid here at Brindemoor for many years, Isolde….and I know more of you than you dream.  He has gone out to direct your friends from Ireland.  I’m sure you are tired from your journey.  Tomorrow is Yule.  Sir Tristan is very partial to this time of year.  He will want to show you around.  Come, follow me abovestairs to rest.”

Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Dec 21st 2020 - 9:05 AM

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The race along the treacherous cliffs was not a part of Tristans Yuletide plans at all. But as was often the case with Isolde, plans were changed at the very last moment.  And so he gave the big warhorse his head.  Bel-Jour needed no urgings. He lowered that massive white head, and began to rapidly close ground. And while Tristan had never doubted his speed, even he was surprised, at how quickly they began to make up ground. 
In but minutes, and with Brindioor Keep looming ahead,  they at last, pulled alongside their quarry.  Isoldes beaming smile, overcame him at once however. And as it ever did. Her infectious laughter then, was soon joined by his own. And for the first time in many moons, he felt the loneliness,  tensions and worries that had burdened him, flow from his soul. Isolde had returned at last to Castle Brindimoor. And the ancient keep never looked grander he thought.  They soon clattered over the lowered drawbridge, and to a goodly bit of cheers from it's  folk. Tristan was a good and fair Lord. And as such, he was much loved by his people. But this type of thing always put him ill at ease

. There was Yuletide hustle and bustle this day. For boughs and holly, and candles aplenty, were being placed in abundance for the feast and festival.  And though he had overseen much, he knew the mind of his Queen, and wisely had left many of the important details incomplete.  
For he also knew, that Yuletide, was one of Isoldes favorite seasons!
And  even though he was a powerful King now, Tristan was wise enough, to also know when to step aside.

Yule was important to both Lord and Lands. And as such, he was extremely happy,  that they would share in it together. 



Dec 15th 2020 - 7:35 PM

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Dec 15th 2020 - 8:50 AM

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…he knew she was coming.  The port at Leith was bustling, more busy than Wexford, but just as friendly.  Brigaine hurried alongside her queen, sputtering under her breath at the spontonaity of it all…having given her no notice …and traveling alone, two women…was her Lady mad?   Isolde  could read her mind and just smiled to herself. After all…she was used to adventure , and it seemed that would nary change.  Before she had time to think more of it she spied a familiar face, even as it seemed so many were staring at her….”Rainy!  I am humbled by the welcome!  You received my letter then? …”  she followed his eyes to her husband mounted upon his beloved Beljour.  She felt her heart flutter…as it was always her response and ever would be when she saw him.  She had missed him more this time than ever.  Overcome with joy that finally she would see the place of his birth, her eyes teared ….a place she knew he truly loved as she did Ireland.

It didn’t matter that all eyes were on them as Tristan mauled her in the carriage…for them it was a cocoon of intimacy, one moment that felt like a lifetime of forever.  

Nar did she feel the chill of northern winter air, as she mounted the mare Tristan had gifted her with.
Fastening tight, the broach of her woolen cape, the queen allowed the hood to lay loose.  She needed to feel the wind on her face, blowing through her hair as she raced ahead laughing free.  In the distance were snow covered hills, not  like the hills of Eire as these were more jagged  and majestic, and it was  not long before her little  ‘fling ‘ drew to an abrupt end.

“”Tis beautiful, milord….your country” she yelled back at him.  Snowflakes had begun to float between them and he looked the winter rogue. “I can see why you love it here, so.”  Then hesitating with surrender she added….”you will have to take the lead mon cara…I am sure to get us lost.”

Tristan Brindenmoor FOS


Dec 15th 2020 - 7:09 AM

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Rainey stood nervously in the bustling port of Leith. The marketmen were like flies this day. As is their want,  with the arrival of any ship in port. But this day was very different.  Isolde Queen of all Ireland, was even now, debarking amid a boisterous Royal fanfare. As wife of Tristan. The Black Wolf of the Northern Sea. She was accored such. Even so....The Kings wife was popular enough, but it was her care and aid to the less fortunate here, that had won them over. As she approached,  he gave a quick start at her beauty once more.
"Gods....and his master was a lucky one!" 
He said softly to himself.  Her smile was quick and and full for him. But he realized  his station, and quickly bent the knee. 
Isolde bade him to rise at once..."My good and dear Rainey! she spake softly to him. He rose and gently took her offered hand. His kiss opon it,  was soft and respectful. Ever appreciative of the honor extended. 
As he gained her eyes, he saw mirth tugging away at the corners of her mouth.
"And where is my roguish husband then?
If not here to meet his Queen?
She prodded at him playfully. 
The trusted warrior turned and pointed to the high cliffs overlooking all.
"He be there mum!  Upon Bel-Jour!
and with Nightshade! His fine black filly.
Her eyes searched the cliff wall, until she found him. Twas then her heart skipped.....
Their separation would at last be over...
She turned just then, as the Royal Footman opened the carriage door. 
Isolde smiled and waved enthusiastically,  for she was given a roucus greeting, as the coach made it's climb through the village, before coming at last to a stop.
She was shocked when the door was swiftly opened! But laughed in delicious delight, as her Royal Wolf as she lovingly  called him, suddenly climbed into the carriage,  and began. smothering her with boisterous, and eager kisses!
The Foot men discretely looked away however. And now realizing that he could not compromise her dignity further, he steaded himself. Regained his composure,  and they exited the carriage with some shred of dignity. He chastised himself then,  as they assisted the Queen to her mount. Tristan turned cursing, and quickly mounted Bel-Jour. And as Isolde stared at him boldly.....she shouted.
"Beat me to Brindenmoor.!.....Or it's the stables for you this night!"
He swore aloud then. Barking orders at the coachman to follow.
Wheeling  Bel-Jour about, the King watched helplessly now,  as the swift black filly raced away with his Queen.
The only sounds left to him, were the crying gulls circling over head.
And the faint sounds of laughter on the winds....

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