Apollo Corporation

01/12/2022 06:26 PM 

the meeting



You never know what lurks,
in the darkness.


Most never understood Ledgend and Apollo’s relationship. How could you? One minute he is trying to kill him and the next he is teaming up with him to take down something much bigger. He hated the fact that he needed him at times, and he wished the creature would just either disappear, or maybe die, but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

The night air greeted him as he sped down the highway. The city of Dubai greeted him. He was coming home temporarily. He had a job the next week with a Stephen Strange and he actually was working with Ledgend. That rarely happened, he often hunted the creature, but once in a while, if he had to, he would work with him.

He thought often of his childhood. When his parents were alive. He would stand upon the balcony in Dubai to watch the fireworks during New Years Eve. His mother holding his hand, he remembered looking up at her, that smile, he would never see that smile again. His parents were murdered, and every since their deaths during his college years, he had been hunting down who had killed them.

As he turned the corner, and headed into the city, he sighed. He would get on a plane tomorrow and head to New York City. He never cared to work and be in NYC, he had no clue why, just wasn’t his style. The next day he boarded his private jet already set up to land at JFK airport. As he sat back and watched Dubai disappear, he wondered exactly what Strange wanted with someone like him.

Apollo was neither good nor bad. Most hated vigilantes, thought they got in the way, but Apollo thought if only the cops did their jobs finding his parents killers, he wouldn’t have become this. He set up in his usual hotel room as he then went through all of his belongings, the next day he would head to the Sanctum.

When it came to magic. Apollo tried to stay out of it. He was in the spy world. Running several corporations that focused on security and surveillance throughout the world. Magic was not on his table. He didn’t care for it, and wanted to stay out of it, but hearing someone like the Sorcerer Supreme wanted to talk to both him and Ledgend. This couldn’t be good. He decided to take his bike to the Sanctum, would be simpler travelling through NYC on a bike.

He parked it rather close as he took off his helmet and walked towards the Sanctum. He was then reminded about how much he didn’t like Manhattan. As he walked towards the front of the Sanctum, he saw Ledgend standing there. “Waiting for the door to open. Just walk in man” He said calmly as he continued “Any weapon you have will turn into something that isn’t harmful, just saying” He walked through the door as he looked around. Just as weird as he would imagine. “What do you need from us Strange” The fact he was here with the man he wished dead only made things worse.



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