Apollo Corporation

01/01/2022 09:49 PM 

Apollo Corporation

Apollo Umbra


We specialize in protecting you.

What is Apollo Corporation?
As Found of the Apollo Corporation I feel obligated at telling you exactly what we are.
I started this corporation right out of Stanford University where I received my Master’s in Computer Science and Bachelor’s in Business.
We are a surveillance/technology company.
What does that mean, you ask?
Well, simply put we study and develop new technology for surveillance. We aim to protect you and keep you safe.
The company was started in Los Angeles, but after our first government contract I knew I had to expand the company.
I brought it to New York, Dubai, London, Star City, and Gotham City.
We are always opening more companies, but the founder currently resides in Gotham City and is always looking to developing bigger and better ways at keeping the public safe by surveillance.  

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