04/03/2018 07:26 PM 

The Betrayal


The Betrayal-- A poem hardly written.  Did it mean that the urge to live was the equation or some sort of illusion? You had to be present with sensitive attitude and if your eyes are see through and clear you will not need to bow and bring reverence, it will happen automatically, simultaneously, synchronicity. Some do it gradually with disbelieve that a legend would truthfully exist before their eyes.

  For my biggest surprise I become the right hand of the Emperor Palpatine, well, that was something he said to the each of us, we were three. And Lord Darth Vader the golden child, his prophecy our promise.

  Who was this man behind the mask, there is an occult side to the Force in which individuals awareness strive as through the whole universe was build around one's own intuition and economical system. There were rumors in the corridors of power to the Galactic Empire, that he had loved once and deeply enough he nearly commit suicidal using the force against him. Yes, everyone followed his path and silenced without questioning, yes I was one of them.

I'm Lady Lumiya a Cyborg Sith and this is my story.

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The real lion seats were no one sees, and this God of the intrepid Empire dominated driving away his gift by his path, contrasting battle meditations through the destine of so many, during and still, after Palpatine's death it seems my Lord and master will not come out of his Meditation Chambers as it's not tendentious and a polite fiction. There are new worlds, simply a continuum into eternity.

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From the earliest date there had been nothing known for me to do, as a shepherd and and lamb given a cautious service were id seat outside the Meditation Chambers and from a cordial distance for his aura is great. In occasions, he wouldn't come out really, nor for food, nor for information, nor for power. Maybe I set outside as his apprentice meditatively picked up as part of my job a lot untold ages ago.

   The tapping noise was there again, workers emitted an immediate entrance when urgent news agitated the reception who held it. I had nod while a tablet of information was left and as I was reading its data. It appeared to be a signal from the future, a call, a reception from.... no.... I can't, he is not present, when he comes out I will give him this... The worker had already left, was not conscious of what rank it was, or whom it was, we all seem to blend into one only pattern. The ones in the inside ovule of Lord Vader guarding his secrets, praying as a sect to shield master minds.

   My hand drooped the tablet reacting to some brief disturbance, he has a grandchild. Ultimately strong with the Dark side, powerful enough to kill nonstop a carried of his whole bloodline, had surface the legions of translucent dialects in the force as my Master and Lord meditated.

   His power's presence let me orbited easily towards this frequency, but wait! Broad rapidly the chart towards me and view the numbers. His son or daughter, is alive now! Standing up I intermediately knew who will tell me. Assaj Ventress! By the year and the birth it must have been the children of Padme, and who else will have betrayed for the Information she broad from Obi Wan. She was on that mission covering every aspect, from the destruction of the Jedi Temple,... to... Had risen angrily from my seat. Turning back towards the Meditation Chambers who certainly feelt like when ever he dipped into his inner depth everything rotated towards him, this important material shall be handled cautiously.


03/09/2015 02:17 PM 

Out the Worlds News, Inspired on fear out the uncertain.

Out the Worlds News

  Nyghtwolfe frowned, having made a hard decision. But she knew in her heart that it was the right one to make. I'm Lady Lumiya not a single female waiting for Empress decisions.

"I need to purge myself of all the negativity and rejoice once again in the simplicity of just breathing, seeing, tasting, touching, smelling. To unclutter the troubling thoughts of the mind and be again at peace with myself in the silence." 
She looked at me as if the medallion was handed to her, "Gather up all that is good and wholesome in your heart. Spread it around to everyone you meet. Share a sunny smile to the wilted flowers of the soul, and nourish them with love."

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 With this words of hers the Forest of Androia had taken her into an other dimension, the weight in her hands out the Medallion was immense, this power element whom her words had spoken touched me deeply a vague melancholy sudden warning me for how much I will miss her, as she parted away living me alone in this path. 

"Do please,... don't leave!" But she was my Master, my Empress and Goddess, I was just a mortal of higher rank with some noble blood to study the God's out the Science. Did not understand her, it was like she left me something to learn. What is wholesome in my heart? A raw emptiness undressed my heart with a cool sharp pain living me vulnerable. 

The mystery of being alone and finding the resources out of a plain Forest with just a path, made me over react with fear, voices over my head asking me "How did you end up in here". "All the education you had, and the possibilities", "You are insisting your time is on! Is it worth it to make your own?" Had look around and no one was there, every one had left onto their houses and new domains, with the same duties, with old wounds to heal. I could not even pretend to any one, that I was perfectly happy. Whom would I make believe something I don't even feel. "Where will I find my virtue to her words?"

 Walking with a torment of thoughts, with my horse could only seek for orientation, the reality of being lost in the mids of this trees and fields haunted me for hours, maybe it was the power of The Medallion affected me, I would rather have a magnetic needle to point me over which path, had just remember was going to go towards the North.

 The weather was not that bad, my horse and this Medallion was all I had, So I have cared for my clothe to ride the horse getting ready to mount and secure the bags well tight to the back and front. We did win the wars in the gates of hell and cleared the paths, now had secured my mind that everything that Nightwolfe told me, was to be just in a matter of time and sharing loving the moment. Had walk away the horse and seat in a rock to tighten my boots, and out my pocket had written her words to remember, Because this Medallion causes too much strength in the contra part of its own Power. Will have to study the actions and reactions of this piece and for its theory if it is to believe or not. So I must experiment much along the way.

 That afternoon hours before the sunset, me and my horse galloped, the fears of being alone and non protected made me doubt again, for a second the horse stopped the ride out of my command, it was frustrating. A well educated lady as me with noble blood, alone? I'm not a herald of love from where I come and towards I go, maybe it is in the path.

 As the horse shacked their heads and waved his hairs from side to side, could not think any more, I could return home, way is the horse stooping? Where is home any way without an adventure, who cares what people think? Who cares if I think too much? I'm a scientist and can deduct very well, when my brain is working at its best. What is going on?

 The reigns in my hands hold it them with such uncertainty, not very focus and in command, I was kind of loose for a certain distorted reason. Had just remember the gossips for peace or confrontation from the Greeks, and Androia did not want to be involved in wars, this maybe just this Gods an ancient source of power I could not detect clearly. If there was an Anthropologist who could help me En-code the meaning of this Medallion, gosh this is too heavy. Why are the Gods doing this to me? Have never being so insecure. Is the sun raising? No, is the sun set.

 Passed by an abandoned cabin, I was more exhausted from my mental filtration to discover a true path, then from the drive it self. Coming down the horse, hold him ass we walked around searching for water, there was wheal behind so I have managed to love my circumstances and bring the ability to share love and life, and pulled up the bucked from the cord and thanking my horse, had let him drink from it. Well, we have moved something, I guess.

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