06/28/2024 08:34 PM 


In a near-future world, the ability to trade and manipulate memories revolutionizes society, creating a new economy where experiences become the ultimate currency. As memory trading firms rise to prominence, they reshape the financial landscape and redefine the concept of personal identity. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly utopian advancement, a dark undercurrent of corruption begins to take hold.

High-ranking politicians and corporate moguls exploit the technology, using manipulated memories to sway public opinion and consolidate power. Meanwhile, a underground movement of memory rights activists emerges, fighting to expose the truth and protect the sanctity of human experience. The conflict escalates as hackers and rogue scientists develop techniques to authenticate and safeguard memories, leading to a cat-and-mouse game between those who would control the technology and those fighting for transparency.

As the crisis reaches a boiling point, society fractures along ideological lines. Some advocate for strict regulation of memory technology, while others push for universal access as a fundamental right. A global summit is convened to determine the future of memory trading, with the fate of human consciousness hanging in the balance. The world watches with bated breath as philosophers, scientists, and policymakers grapple with profound questions of identity, free will, and the very nature of reality itself. The decisions made in this crucible will shape the course of human evolution, ushering in a new era where the boundaries between memory, experience, and truth are forever blurred.

06/28/2024 08:31 PM 


DID YOU READ THE RULES?: (There's no secret password or anything! We're going off the honor system here)
WRITTEN SAMPLE: (At least two paragraphs. Can be in character if you want but isn't necessary)

06/28/2024 08:20 PM 

Taken Roles

NAME: Levi Daniels. FACECLAIM: Nicholas Galitzine. OCCUPATION: Creates false memories and sells them.
NAME: Abigail Phillips. FACECLAIM: Sabrina Carpenter. OCCUPATION: Memory Rights Movement Activist.
NAME: Penelope Devereux. FACECLAIM: Kirsten Vangsness. OCCUPATION: Hacker. Teamed up to help try to get rid of fake memories.
NAME: here. FACECLAIM: here. OCCUPATION: here.
NAME: here. FACECLAIM: here. OCCUPATION: here.

06/28/2024 08:03 PM 


  1. We ask that Characters be 18+ in age.
  2. Keep OOC Drama to a Minimum – This is a roleplay, so IC drama is expected and encouraged! Incessant OOC Drama, however, is not tolerated here. As admins, we expect you will endeavor to solve all OOC issues with other players on your own before you address concerns to the main. We are all mature adults and should be able to treat each other with love and respect even when we are having disagreements. If you feel admin intervention is absolutely necessary, we will happily assist. We would just like to emphasize the importance of personal conflict resolution as a first choice course of action.
  3. No Bubble RP-ing – Sometimes it is hard to keep your characters from interacting with the same people continuously and we understand that; but always try to find opportunities and scenarios where your characters can interact with as many other characters as possible. We will have a spot for group rp to try and discourage bubble rping.
  4. Discord – Discord will be our main place. That being said, you do not need to have an account associated with rpme to join.
  5. Activity Checks - They will be performed every two weeks.  That may seem too long for some people, but we feel that it's best. We like to think we're pretty chill (sometimes a little too chill).

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