06/28/2024 08:03 PM 

Category: Guidelines

  1. We ask that Characters be 18+ in age.
  2. Keep OOC Drama to a Minimum – This is a roleplay, so IC drama is expected and encouraged! Incessant OOC Drama, however, is not tolerated here. As admins, we expect you will endeavor to solve all OOC issues with other players on your own before you address concerns to the main. We are all mature adults and should be able to treat each other with love and respect even when we are having disagreements. If you feel admin intervention is absolutely necessary, we will happily assist. We would just like to emphasize the importance of personal conflict resolution as a first choice course of action.
  3. No Bubble RP-ing – Sometimes it is hard to keep your characters from interacting with the same people continuously and we understand that; but always try to find opportunities and scenarios where your characters can interact with as many other characters as possible. We will have a spot for group rp to try and discourage bubble rping.
  4. Discord – Discord will be our main place. That being said, you do not need to have an account associated with rpme to join.
  5. Activity Checks - They will be performed every two weeks.  That may seem too long for some people, but we feel that it's best. We like to think we're pretty chill (sometimes a little too chill).

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