10/14/2022 05:28 PM 

Information about the Cult of Kosmos

Cult of Kosmos







Hellenic monotheism

We're political. Those who do not stand with us, stand against us. And they pay for that mistake.DEIMOS TO KASSANDRA ON THE CULT'S MOTIVES, 431 BCE

The Cult of Kosmos was a secretive organization which operated throughout Greece in the 5th century BCE. The Cult worshipped a deity called Kosmos and plotted to control the Hellenic world from behind the scenes for their own interests. To that end, its members infiltrated every sector of Greek society, even forcing the Pythia to be their puppet. They were directly responsible for catalyzing the Peloponnesian War, which they hoped to prolong as much as possible by manipulating both sides of the conflict.
Ultimately, the Cult was entirely exterminated by the misthios Kassandra thanks in part to the machinations of their own leader, Aspasia.



Decades ago, a group of people gathered together to uphold a theory which they believed could control the universe. That the world functioned in equal parts, order and disorder.PYTHAGORAS THROUGH THE PYRAMID TO KASSANDRA, 420S BCE.

The Cult of Kosmos was founded at some point after the meeting of Hermes Trismegistus and Pythagoras which had led to the establishment of the Cult of Hermes. Disaffected with the Cult of Hermes' ways, a number of followers splintered from the group and formed their own collective: the Cult of Kosmos, led by the Ghost of Kosmos.

Greco-Persian Wars

The powers that be in the Greek world weren't doing things the right way. The Cult just wanted a clean slate.ASPASIA TO KASSANDRA, 420S BCE.

Leonidas confronts the Cult of Kosmos

By the 5th century BCE, the Cult had formed a partnership of sorts with the Order of the Ancients in Persia. Though both organizations worked independently of one another, their aims often aligned; together, they sought to install King Xerxes I of Persia as overlord in Greece, and as a result the Cult supported his conquests, seeing him as a means to unite all Greece as one under his ordered rule.

In 480 BCE, when Leonidas I of Sparta consulted the Pythia about going to war against the Persians, the whole Cult confronted the Spartan King, warning him not to oppose their plans. Nevertheless, Leonidas chose to disregard their threats and fight against the invaders, an act of defiance which cost him his life.[5]
Following Leonidas' defiance, the Cult grew determined to wipe out his bloodline due to its potential for interference.[3] In 446 BCE, through their manipulation of the Pythia Praxithea, the Cult spread word that the youngest grandchild of Leonidas, Alexios, would bring ruin to Sparta and, as a result, the infant was sentenced to execution. Concurrently, Alexios' sister, Kassandra, tried to save her brother only to push him and the executioner over the cliff of Mount Taygetos, for which she was dropped to her death as well.
The fall failed to kill the children, however. While Kassandra fled and went into exile, her mother Myrrine took Alexios to the Sanctuary of Asklepios in Argolis to seek medical aid. The priests at the sanctuary, foremost among them Mydon, did what they could for the mother and child, but ultimately convinced Myrrine that it was best to leave the badly-injured child to the mercies of the gods. She did so, and when she had turned her back to Alexios, the Cultist Chrysis took him under her wing, healed him, and raised Alexios like so many others to be a part of the Cult. Alexios was subsequently renamed Deimos, and the Cult saw him as a weapon rather than just another foot soldier.

Peloponnesian War

The Cult meeting in 431 BCE
Several decades later, the Cult orchestrated the Peloponnesian War in an effort to achieve control of Greece amidst the conflict of the country's two most notable poleisAthens and Sparta. At the same time, they discovered that Kassandra was operating as a misthios on Kephallonia. Initially, the Cult desired to have Kassandra killed but Elpenor of the Eyes of Kosmos branch convinced them to instead hire her and have her assassinate her stepfather Nikolaos,to avert an immediate Spartan victory over Athens. But in doing so, Elpenor exposed the Cult's existence to Kassandra, who decided to hinder the Cult's plans for control over Greece by demolishing the Cult as a whole.

In 431 BCE, the Cult held their first meeting for many decades in the Sanctuary of Kosmos. Unbeknownst to them, Kassandra had also infiltrated it, and after learning of their plans for the Greek world, she resolved to destroy the Cult by hunting down its members one by one to halt their schemes.

Despite the Cult's attempts to remain secret, whispers and rumors about them had spread throughout Greece by the time of the Peloponnesian War. Herodotos had heard about them, and some even knew about how the Cult had forced Lagos, the Archon of Arkadia, to do their bidding by holding his family hostage. Despite Kassandra eliminating the cult's leaders, remnants still remained. The philosopher Sokrates was once captured while in the process of being tried by an Athenian court, but Kassandra rescued him from a sanctuary the cult members were using as a base.


The Cult of Kosmos were not polytheistic and had a deistic belief system. According to Aspasia, the nations in Greece were already chaotic and the Cult wanted to use a controlled war so as to create a clean slate on which to establish an orderly and unified Greek Nation, one where violence would be absent and the people could move towards a more rational and developing society, which would be built by the people for the people. Aspasia mentioned this would require a very wise and philosophical king.[3]
Some members of the Cult did, however, idolize and worship the people within the bloodline, truly believing them to be actual demigods, such as Deimos. The members of the Cult soon grew chaotic and greedy, and used the Chaos to earn massive amounts of profit and political power. Eventually, this led to the Cult becoming corrupted with greed and personal gain, and these individuals enabled Deimos to become their violent leader. Aspasia, while still the leader of the Cult but unable to do anything to stop them, opted to use Kassandra to help her destroy the Cult so she could resume their original goal.



The Cult of Kosmos was divided into seven branches, each comprising five Adepts and led by an individual called the Sage. Serving under these leaders were arrays of soldiers who carried out their will, assassinated their enemies, protected them as bodyguards, and defended their strongholds. These cultist guards were divided into three units: guardians, vanguards, and scions. They represented warriors of standard, heavy, and agile physiques, respectively. Whereas the towering vanguards were known for their mighty strength yet sluggish pace, the scions were trained to be almost unmatched in the swiftness of their attacks. The Cult observed gender divisions in their army ranks, such that men were always trained as guardians and vanguards while the scions were exclusively women.[3] Many of these soldiers were pulled from aspiring Olympic athletes who had become addicted to mind-altering drugs that the Cult had secretly provided.[13] Despite the Cult's attempts to have an iron grip on their members, some managed to successfully abandon it, according to Myrrine.[14]


These Masked Men, they’re organized and unafraid. Their greatest weapon is no blade; it’s our greed.LEIANDROS DESCRIBING THE CULT'S TRUE POWER.

The Sages and Adepts were each provided with dark cloaks and grotesque white masks to serve as their disguises. Although they donned these when congregating,the y refrained from wearing them in their daily lives. In this way, they blended in with the public, concealing their allegiances to the Cult behind their regular personas.

The Cultist guards, in contrast, were far more visible due to the standardization of their armor. Each soldier was clad in the Dark Steel set, consisting most prominently of a helmet which bore a fearsome mask moulded in the visage of bearded man's face. The Dark Steel Chestplate incorporated metal pteruges, and gauntlets protected the forearms. As part of their specializations, guardians were fielded with swords and shields, vanguards with large shields and heavy battleaxes, and scions with daggers.vThe Cultist Guards were also fed with a special medical concoction which makes them stronger and more resilient than most soldiers in the Peloponnesian and Delian Leagues.


Sages are marked with an asterisk. (*)
Eyes of Kosmos
The Silver Vein
Main article: The Silver Vein
Delian League
Main article: Delian League
Peloponnesian League
Gods of the Aegean Sea
Worshippers of the Bloodline
Heroes of the Cult
Main article: Heroes of the Cult

Allies and puppets

Behind the scenes

The Cult of Kosmos are the primary antagonists of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
They base the Cult their snake symbology on the myth of the giant snake Python and, as a whole, met annually to perform their rituals and discuss their plans under a giant bronze sculpture of the snake. Kassandra also compared the Cult to the mythological Hydra while discussing the Cult with her mother Myrrine.

Connection with the Templars

It is a group that will later become the Order of the Ancients and then Templars. In the modern day era Templars are all working for Abstergo Industries, and they have managed to outnumber the assassins, who are in hiding.

Name and titles

κόσμος (kosmos) is a word that stems from ancient Greek origin, and it means both 'order' and 'world', mainly because the ancient Greeks thought that the world was perfectly harmonious and impeccably put in order. While the leaders of the Cult are dubbed Sages, this terminology does not have any connection to the Sages, the human reincarnations of Isu.


The Cultists wear theatrical masks from a

09/09/2022 04:30 PM 

More info about Basim, reincarnation of Loki

Twelve centuries had passed since the day Basim,.the reincarnation of Loki, found himself defeated by the unknowingly reincarnations of his brothers Tyr and Odin. The Norse Vikings Eivor 9Varinsdottir and her brother Sigurd. The latter had been visiting Constantinopel when their paths crossed. It later became obvious to Basim that neither, unlike him , remembered anything from their previous lives.

                  Eivor, Sigurd and Basim (Odin, Tyr and Loki)

Eivor, Sigurd and Basim (Odin, Tyr and Loki)

Equipped with this knowledge Basim also knew that every reincarnation had a special mark on the right side of their necks. Sigurd had one but it later turned out that Eivor’s mark was hidden underneath a scar from wolf’s bite, giving her the nickname WolfKissed. For long Basim pretended to be an ally and the Hidden Ones, as he and his apprentice called themselves, built a bureau in Ravensthorpe, the name of Eivor’s clan. The Hidden Ones had been enemies of a group that was seeking to dominate the world and it had existed since long before their creation.

The Hidden Ones settle down in Ravensthorpe

Eivor was given a so called Hidden Blade, but instead of hiding it underneath the arm, probably because it was a beautiful piece of work, it was fully visible. Basim did one evening while spending time with Eivor by a campfire mention his son and what happened, referring to Fenrir, who was trapped by Odin with the help of Tyr. Later Eivor relived this very event with the help of the seer in the settlement. A seer whose mother was a reincarnation as well as it turned out.


The reincarnation of Odin/Havi as the female viking Eivor Varinsdotter, with Hidden Blade visible on right arm

But not even when Sigurd lost his arm just like Tyr did when trapping Fenrir the memory of her old life as Odin/Havi resurfaced. Instead it was visions as she called it, even after the encounter in Norway where she and Sigurd found a machine in the resemblance of a metal tree, Yggdrasil in Norse mythology. Among its metal branches was the seer who had later disappeared, and her daughter Valka took over.

Where I was trapped for Two millenium, stuck on its metal branches

After activating the machine both Sigurd and Eivor was trapped as well and ended up in a simulation of Valhalla, in a place known as the grey. When both managed to escape Basim was waiting for them but to his surprise both viking siblings managed to defeat him. So 2000 years passed and it was the year 2021 that a woman named Layla Hassan showed up in the Yggdrasil cave in Norway. Unbeknownst to Loki she had been reliving past lives of safes, people inherited with the sixth sense: the Egyptian Bayek, founder of the Hidden Ones, the Greek misthios Kassandra, nicknamed Eagle Bearer, and Eivor Varinsdottir.

The Eagle Bearer Kassandra meet the Raven Bearer Eivor

The Staff of Hermes Trismegistus was not only bestowing eternal life but was also the vessel of Loki’s lover Angrboda (Altheia in Greek mythology). It had been passed on to Kassandra by her father Pythagoras, who was the guardian of Atlantis, a place visited by Layla in a machine called the Animus. As Layla reached the cave in Norway she activated the machine and was trapped, and at the same time freeing Basim, whose body was a wizened corpse. Luckily he landed on the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus and was revived.

With Layla Hassan now trapped Basim could finally set his plans in motion, and find a way to free his beloved from the Staff. Making his way to where the Animus was located, in the former land across the vast sea known as Atlantic ocean, Basim found himself in Vinland or United States Of America. In a cabin was the Animus and it was through cables connected to a Viking grave, the final resting place of Eivor Varinsdottir.

His plan is to reach out to the man who is currently leading the assassins, aware that they are no longer known as the Hidden Ones. With modern technology it would surely be possible to found a vessel for his beloved Aletheia and it is here the story of Basim, formerly known as Loki, take place. Armed with the knowledge of previous events he learns, by using the Animus, that Earth survived a second disaster like the one where the Isu, after failing 6 times prior, to transfer their consciousness to human embryos.

The place where I wasn’t allowed to enter, but thanks for sneaking inside I was reborn as Basim

Pieces of Eden was so called remnants of the First Civilization and few have managed to survive until this day. The Templars and Assassins are still fighting but the Templars are now a wealthy organisation that is hiding underneath a fake front. They could perhaps help Basim with his task and thanks to being a trickster perhaps he would succeed in wrapping them around his finger.

Abstergo, secretly Templars, found blueprints of the Animus, using it to explore memories of ancestors hidden in the DNA

//Whatever happens will not be revealed until next installment of Assassin’s Creed series. Stay tuned.

04/07/2021 10:03 PM 

Transcript of Loki's background


Aletheia (A): I have spoken with the Mother, the Father, the Sacred Voice. They have assured me their success is imminent. Our people will survive the cataclysm.

Loki (L): Six times they have tried to save us. Six times they have failed. Forgive me if I have my doubts.

A: The mother is working on a seventh. A bold solution… risky. But she is confident it can work.

L: And what does the Father say? Or the Voice? They are strangely silent these days…

This transcript is actually the final Animus anomaly you can encounter, in Norway. It refers to "the Mother", the Father, [and] the Sacred Voice" who you may recognize as being the three entities the Order of the Ancients worship (though by the time they become the Templars, they appear only to acknowledge the Father).

As will become clear later on, these names are a reference to Uni (the Mother), Tinia (the Father), and Merva (the Sacred Voice). You may recognize these three by the more familiar names: Juno, Jupiter, and Minerva.


L: Curse that Mad-One, that one-eyed wretch! He has taken our son! Imprisoned him for invented crimes and locked him away!

A: As he said he would, love. Do you not remember his threats? You should have been more careful.

L: Have we no power to stop him? To save our son? No recourse?

A: What can we say? And to whom? Must the world know about our children? Must your wife learn of us? Is that a risk you want to take?

L: I must do something! Anything!

This one references Loki and Aletheia's son, Fenrir. It also makes clear that the two have more than one child who, for one reason or another, the existence of is kept secret. The exact reason why this secret is necessary is unclear, but it is a possibility that it is related to the Isu's caste system. Like some real-world cultures where caste systems exist, if Loki and Aletheia are from different castes, it might be that any children are considered... lesser, for lack of a better term.

It is also interesting to note that Loki is already married at this point; depending on who his wife is (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigyn in real-world Norse mythology), this might be another reason why the childrens' existence is kept secret.


A: My love, what happened? You are flushed, trembling.

L: An eye for an eye. A son for a son. For if ours must suffer needlessly to the end of his life, so too will his tormentor.

A: What… what have you done?

L: The poor boy collapsed so suddenly. Felled by the faintest taste of mistleberry. With his father standing over him, weeping!

A: Reckless, foolish! Were you seen? Do they know it was you?

L: [Laughter]

This appears to be something that, at least on the surface, appears not to be covered in-game. It is a reference to Loki's murder-by-proxy of Odin's son Baldur, by mistletoe, in Norse mythology. As you will see in the next analysis, this may well be of more importance to the story than first appears.


L: The Mad-One is away, wandering in lands afar. He searches for a way to resurrect his son. Asking every leaf and stone for answers.

A: We can use this to our advantage. To steal the seventh, the serum and its catalyst.

L: It should be ours. For all the suffering he has wrought.

A: Our minds are attuned, love. As sympathetic strings.

L: When the time is right, just right, we’ll go.

Following on from #3's reveal that Loki had killed Odin's son, we discover that Odin is away in "lands afar" searching for a way to resurrect his son. This could be a reference to Odin's journey to Jotunheim as portrayed in-game, but that would be a tenuous connection. Most likely, this is simply another example of Loki's determination to bring ruin upon Odin.


A: Have you heard? The High Council has stripped the Mother of her title. For gifting our tormentor [Odin] her seventh method of salvation.

L: The seventh method? Is it viable? Why were we not told?

A: I’ve heard whisper and rumours. It seems the seventh requires a human host.

L: A human host? Do you mean… rebirth? As one of them?

A: Yes. But it’s a small loss for a greater gain. A risk we must be willing to take.

This one is largely self-explanatory and the basis for my earlier assumption that the Mother, the Father, and the Sacred Voice are the Capitoline Triad. We see in-game that it was Hyrrokin, aka Juno, who gave Odin the serum (the "mead") in return for a sample herself. The "seventh method of salvation" is a reference to the six methods previously mentioned in Assassin's Creed III. It is closely related to the third method–the transference, or "imprinting", of consciousness into a new body. Whilst the third attempt sought to transfer a consciousness into an artificial body, failing and leaving its test subject, Aita, brain dead, the new seventh method sought instead to imprint a consciousness onto yet-to-be-born humans.
This attempt was largely driven by Juno's desire to restore her husband Aita's life, and ultimately leads to the creation of the Sages, whilst the AEsir' attempt leads to their imprinting on humans, as depicted in Valhalla.


A: Wake, my love, wake! Soldiers at our door. They’ve come for you! For us.

L: Let them take me. I have no more fear. Let me air my wrath in the courts.

A: They’ll kill you before they let you speak!

L: I’ll appeal to the Council. They must know what the Mad One has done.

A: They’re upon us! Now is not the time!

The timing of this one is somewhat ambiguous, but would make sense to me to be placed after Baldur's murder but before Aletheia's injury (#7). It's possible she was injured by the soldiers, but it's also possible she was injured somehow else.

I've placed it after #5, the last mention of the High Council, because it makes sense to me that Loki would seek the Council aid against Odin only after they had already taken action against Juno for gifting Odin the serum.


A: Ah! Stop… stop!

L: Keep still, love. You’re injured. Now let me see…

A: Ah! No… no more, please. Let… let me die. Here. Where all is quiet.

L: No! This is… this is NOT your end. There is a way. A Piece of Eden, a staff attuned to this method of transfer. It may work!

A: Or I may end up like the outcast’s husband. A beating heart without a mind. But do what you must… I see no other way.

It is not made particularly clear what has happened here, but Aletheia appears to be terminally injured. It would appear that an early attempt at memory transference, perhaps similar to the original attempt that left Aita brain-dead, has caused Aletheia great harm. It could also be that she was injured during an attempt to retrieve the serum (see #4). Loki, at this point, suggests using the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus as a vessel for her consciousness.

The "outcast" is Juno, who had previously been outcast by the High Council (see #5) and, in all likelihood, by now imprisoned by Jupiter and Minerva for her plans to conquer a post-Great Catastrophe world.


L: Be still, love. And let the current flow. Let it take you.

A: Is this…? This is dangerous. It may not work.

L: Until we have the serum [mead], this is all we can manage.

A: Will you not ask the Mad One for me? Ask him for the serum. Beg him for it.

L: He would not listen. And I would sooner see our world obliterated before I gave that man a view of me on my knees.

Loki and Aletheia appear to be attempting to transfer her consciousness–the current–into the Staff. By now, it would appear that Loki's full "betrayal" of Odin has been revealed and he has been banished from Asgard. ("None may follow. Loki least of all.")


L: My love, are you there? Speak and tell me you live.

A: I… I live. If this is living. A mind without a body.

L: And do you feel?

A: I feel myself. My sense of being. Nothing more. Nothing less. No pain or… or joy… or passage of time.

L: And yet you are with me. And I with you. And together we will endure.

At this point Aletheia's consciousness is now in the Staff.


L: My love, the time is now. The cataclysm is upon us. The Mad One has gathered his trusted eight to his secret hall.

A: Remember the calculations. You must act with precision. Every small step must be accounted for.

L: I’ll remember. They are burned into my brain.

A: How long until your rebirth?

L: A long time, love. You must wait in your endless present, and I will sail the black sea of nonbeing. But if all goes well, I’ll find you again. On the far side of our doom. We’ll be together. Again.

The final transcript. The Great Catastrophe/Ragnarök is upon them. Loki and Aletheia have used the calculations (the very same calculations that predicted Odin's demise at the hands of Fenrir) to plan his assault on Odin's Yggdrasil chamber. The assault itself, we see in the new Truth video.

Source: https://oc2o.com/en/no/topics/assassinscreed/k0reoa/spoilers-animus-anomalies-transcripts-their-meanings

01/15/2021 11:19 PM 

Background information of Assassin's Creed (contains spoilers)

The Isu civilization originated about 77000 years ago. They were an advanced species that was standing taller than the humans which they, like God, created in their image. They existed in several mythologies and religions, Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian and Mayan, worshipping them as gods.

However the humans one day revolted against their creators. The hybrids Adam and Eve stole one of the Isu artifacts that in present day was called Pieces of Eden. They came in different shapes and forms, unearthed throughout the ages. Unfortunately a disaster was to occur and the decade long war between the Isu and humans was postponed due to a approaching disaster.

The disaster was known as the Toba catastrophe. The Isu struggled with finding a solution, but to no avail. Juno, Minerva and Tinia, found 6 strategies but none was going to save the world from destruction. In the aftermath the humans and the Isu, the latter in less numbers, put their grudges aside and started to rebuild.

In the year of 2012 the descendant of several assassins, Desmond Miles, is kidnapped by Abstergo, a modern company that is in real an ancient order founded long ago in Egypt. Around the same time the Hidden Ones is established by the Egyptian Bayek. The death of his only son makes him seek out the ones behind it.

Desmond was related to a particular line of assassin’s, all possessing something known as the sixth sense, as a result from crossbreeding between humans and Isu after the catastrophe. The young Desmond didn’t want to live isolated from the world outside and left the farm where the rest of the former Hidden Ones, was staying outside the grid.

His escape led him to New York and started working as a bartender. Until Abstergo found him and forced him to help them locate the piece of Eden. The Animus was created by the Isu civilization and with it Desmond relived the life of his ancestor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. In the end the Templars found what they was looking for.Lucy Stillman, an assassin, her ties to the assassins deliberately severed, managed to get Desmond to safety or so it was intended.

The next ancestor whose memory Desmond was reliving lasted from birth to death of the Italian assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The Templars was behind the death of his father Giovanni and brothers Petruccio and Federico. Escaping Florence Ezio ends up in Tuscany, where his uncle Mario teach him to fight and he kill everyone behind the demise of his father and brothers. Underneath the Vatican he, as a Isu descendant he, With two isu artifacts as well as his lineage Ezio access a vault. There he trigger a hologram of Minerva, who use him as a conduit so she could speak to Desmond and instruct him what to do in order to save the world.

After Ezio Desmond is reliving the life of another Isu ancestor. Connor Kenway, son of the Templar Haytham Kenway, in turn son of the pirate Edward Kenway. Ratonhnhaké:ton, his mother a Native American, whose tribe 7guarding the Isu temple in the region. Several centuries before the Indians had an encounter with the Norse Viking Eivor, who was looking for her father and mother’s killer, Gorm Kjötveson, who possessed a piece of Eden and it was returned to the natives.

Learning where to go Lucy Stillman turned out to be a Templar. Underneath the Colosseum where Ezio had left the piece of Eden, Desmond all of a sudden found himself unable to control his body, since Juno knew that she couldn’t allow her plans to fail. With the hidden blade strapped on his lower arm, Lucy was killed and it caused Desmond to end in a coma. His body was still connected to the Animus and what he learned from his ventures in the Animus as Connor, causing him to wake up knowing what to do.

In the grand temple Desmond dies, or at least his body. His mind lives on in the Grey, where Juno was trapped before Desmond’s choice to save Earth sets her free. The next isu descendent to pick up where Desmond left off is the former Templar Layla Hassan. Her ancestors were the Egyptian Bayek, the Greek misthios Kassandra and Eivor, the later an Isu reincarnation of Odin.

Basim is the reincarnation of the Norse god Loki. However it wasn’t what his brothers and sisters wanted. He was also holding a grudge against Havi or Odin for what they did to his son Fenrir. I retaliation he killed Odin's son. As the Norse Isu gods decided to transfer their DNA to human embryos Loki managed to kill Heimdall and take his place.

Thus Loki is reincarnated as Basim Ibn-Ishaq, the son of an Architect who constructed the Great Mosque of Samarra..He had kept the memories of his previous life.  It was after learning from a fellow Hidden One about a visiting Norse named Sigurd Styrbjörnson, that happened to bear the same mark on his neck indicating that it was another Isu incarnation.

Befriending Sigurd Basim traveled to Norway in the company of another Hidden One, Hytham, where they met the reincarnation of Odin, Eivor, who, along with Sigurd. Her mark is hidden underneath a scar she received from when her family was killed..Neither siblings had the same memories as Basim of their previous life. It is revealed in a vision that the daughter of another Isu incarnation,Valk'a's mother Freya, ending up.in the distant past of Asgard and Jotunheim.

Eivor's brother Sigurd, who adopts her after her parents death, brings Basim and Hytham to Norway where he gives his sister a hidden blade. Basim helps with subduing England and it isn’t until Sigurd, or Tyr, as he is a reincarnation of, travels to Norway, where another Isu location is discovered. A machine similar to the world tree Yggdrasil traps the siblings in a simulation of Valhalla.

Upon leaving Basim attacks and thanks for keeping him distracted Basim is trapped to the Yggdrasil and isn’t released until 1000 years have passed and by none other than Layla Hassan who gets attached to Yggdrasil and meets Desmond. Thanks to dropping the staff of Hermes Trismegistus his wizened body is returned to its former self and Basim find Layla’s accomplices Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane, who was along the ride since Desmond escaped Abstergo.

From here on everything is up to the imagination of the writer, aka me. Interested in writing? Do not hesitate to ask

01/15/2021 08:42 PM 

The background and history of Basim Ibn-Ishaq


Real Name: Basim Ibn-Ishaq

Isu Name:  Loki
In other mythologies: Hermes (Greek) , Seth (Egyptian)
Species: Immortal 
Æsir originally, later reincarnated Immortal Human (as long in possession of the Staff of HermesTrismegistus)

Parents (as 
Æsir) unknown

Parents as reincarnation (mortal father who was an architect)

DOB: Unknown, but was active during 9th Century

Friends (before Ragnarök): Tyr, Freya, Thor

Odin (or Havi)

JOB: Master  Assassin (previously), none (present day)

Height: 6 ft, 2 in

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Build: Lean and muscular

Tattoos: A few Viking tattooes

Attribute: Missing left hand ring finger

Weapon Of Choice: Scimitar, hidden blade (later broken)

Powers and Abilities: 

Shapeshifting (as Isu Æsir)
Illusion Creator (As Isu Æsir)


Loki has his origin in Asgård, where he was living in harmony with the other Æsir. However it wasn't truly mutual and it all started going downhill after the gate to Jotunheim was opened and the giants, their skin colour blue, started pouring in. It was a ruse so Loki could smuggle his son Fenrir, a black wolf cub that turned out to be growing rapidly in size. Because of his fear of wolves, seeing his own fate at Ragnarök to be killed by a wolf, Odin has ordered every wolf to be captured. 

Because of his actions the other gods lost trust in him, except for the Asgardian warrior Lady Sif, However, there was nothing going on between them since Loki there and then was hoping to be reunited with the mother of his child. Then the world was about to go under Loki still managed to sneak into the vault where the final solution of their survival was about to take place. Killing one of the participants and allowing his DNA to be transferred the world reached its end.

In the debris the world was rebuilt but most of the gods had perished, Loki among them. Centuries past when he was finally reborn and learned that he had kept his memories of his former life in a distant past. Just like his father Loki, or Basim Ibn-Ishaq, was a human, without the powers he had as an Isu or Æsir. But that way he could work undected among the humans, knowing that somewhere out there was the other suriving descendents of his kind. 

Unaware that Lady Sif was reincarnated too Loki was spending a lot of time in the library of Baghdad, learning all that had happened between then and now. As he grew older Basim joined the Hidden Ones, an order that was founded in Egypt by Bayek and Aya and that in the future was to be changed to assassins. He was a member of the Abbasid Caliphate and operated during the 9th Century, working primarily with foreign nations on the Brotherhoods behalf. It was the information about a Norse visiting Constantinople, who was having the same pattern on his neck as Basim which lead him to seek him out.

The Norse was going by the name Sigurd Styrbjörnson, accompanying him to Norway along with the Hidden One Acolyte Hytham. Once returned to Norway Sigurd introduce the two Hidden Ones to his sister Eivor Varinsdottir, who lost her parents Rosta and Varin at the age of nine. Basim know, despite the fact that the same pattern on his hidden underneath a scar caused by a wolf attack, hence the reason Eivor is called Wolf-Kissed by her clan.

A gift is given to Eivor and it is a weapon used by the Hidden ones, called a hidden blade. However, instead of wearing it underneath the forearm as intended the female Viking don’t want to hide such a beautiful craftsmanship. Both Basim and Hytham lack the ring finger on the arm with the hidden blade. It was a way to show commitment to the creed and Basim didn’t say anything about her joining the Hidden ones.

As Sigurd, after being abducted by a group known as the Order of the Ancients, and a woman known as Fulke, who claims that Sigurd is a God, or reincarnation of a God, but she is not aware of which. It turns out that Sigurd is Tyr and Eivor is Oden reincarnated but neither was aware of their previous life as Isu. They only get fragmented visions. Traveling to Norway Basim follows and show his true nature, attacking Eivor from the shadows.  

A machine in the shape of a tree is activated by Sigurd and Basim end up in a simulation that lasts for about a millennium. In the meantime the world change; the order of the ancient become known as the Templars and the Hidden Ones renamed themselves Assassins after the word hashashin. Layla Hassan is the current Isu descendant, a former Templar working for Abstergo Industries and became an assassin, and took over after the demise of Desmond Miles, who sacrificed himself to save the world from a fatal solar flare.

Ever since 2012, where Earth was supposed to be destroyed, the shield protecting Earth started to cause Earthquakes and had to be checked upon. Traveling to Norway Layla, who was in possession of Loki’s staff which she got from the Greek misthios Kassandra, also with Isu DNA, gets trapped in a dimension where her predecessor Desmond has been, trying to solve the upcoming crisis with a second catastrophe.

Basim is released and since it has been so long his body is wizened and haggard. However his staff Hermes Trismegistus return his body to its former glory and he sets out to see what happened to the world in his involuntary absence.  The thought of findijng anyone from his past is believed by him to be highly unlikely and Loki managed to find Eivor, the reincarnation of his arch enemy Odin, buried somewhere in North America. Eager to learn what has happened he locates what remains of the assassin order and asks for a meeting with William Miles, father of Desmond. 

To his surprise it wasa meeting face to face. Instead William used a similar way to enter the simulation of Ravensthorpe where Eivor Varinsdottir had been the Jarlskoma for so many years. While waiting Basim had witnessed, being the one behind the wheel ever since Layla Hassan took his place in the Yggdrasil chamber in Norway. 

Axxesding the Animus terminal in the simulation Basim was able to locate five locations of memories with future eventswhere Eivor Varinsdottir wax heading it turned out that she was going to leave England for Vinland. The very så was place where the cabin housing the Animus in year 2022. It surprised him that his mentor leading the Hidden Ones in Baghdad had travelled all this way just to see the death of a blonde woman hiding in a place south of Ravensthorpe, Ravensburg, where Roshan moved in for the kill.

After seeing William off and watched Odin with his reincarnation Eivor Basim went inside the cabin. Walking over to the table with the laphr draw some of his blood and inserted it into a machine.  . 

//What happens after is still unknown so roleplay will pick up here.

Some information taken from https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Basim_Ibn_Ishaq and I do not claim to be the original writer. 

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