09/09/2022 04:30 PM 

More info about Basim, reincarnation of Loki
Category: Stories

Twelve centuries had passed since the day Basim,.the reincarnation of Loki, found himself defeated by the unknowingly reincarnations of his brothers Tyr and Odin. The Norse Vikings Eivor 9Varinsdottir and her brother Sigurd. The latter had been visiting Constantinopel when their paths crossed. It later became obvious to Basim that neither, unlike him , remembered anything from their previous lives.

                  Eivor, Sigurd and Basim (Odin, Tyr and Loki)

Eivor, Sigurd and Basim (Odin, Tyr and Loki)

Equipped with this knowledge Basim also knew that every reincarnation had a special mark on the right side of their necks. Sigurd had one but it later turned out that Eivor’s mark was hidden underneath a scar from wolf’s bite, giving her the nickname WolfKissed. For long Basim pretended to be an ally and the Hidden Ones, as he and his apprentice called themselves, built a bureau in Ravensthorpe, the name of Eivor’s clan. The Hidden Ones had been enemies of a group that was seeking to dominate the world and it had existed since long before their creation.

The Hidden Ones settle down in Ravensthorpe

Eivor was given a so called Hidden Blade, but instead of hiding it underneath the arm, probably because it was a beautiful piece of work, it was fully visible. Basim did one evening while spending time with Eivor by a campfire mention his son and what happened, referring to Fenrir, who was trapped by Odin with the help of Tyr. Later Eivor relived this very event with the help of the seer in the settlement. A seer whose mother was a reincarnation as well as it turned out.


The reincarnation of Odin/Havi as the female viking Eivor Varinsdotter, with Hidden Blade visible on right arm

But not even when Sigurd lost his arm just like Tyr did when trapping Fenrir the memory of her old life as Odin/Havi resurfaced. Instead it was visions as she called it, even after the encounter in Norway where she and Sigurd found a machine in the resemblance of a metal tree, Yggdrasil in Norse mythology. Among its metal branches was the seer who had later disappeared, and her daughter Valka took over.

Where I was trapped for Two millenium, stuck on its metal branches

After activating the machine both Sigurd and Eivor was trapped as well and ended up in a simulation of Valhalla, in a place known as the grey. When both managed to escape Basim was waiting for them but to his surprise both viking siblings managed to defeat him. So 2000 years passed and it was the year 2021 that a woman named Layla Hassan showed up in the Yggdrasil cave in Norway. Unbeknownst to Loki she had been reliving past lives of safes, people inherited with the sixth sense: the Egyptian Bayek, founder of the Hidden Ones, the Greek misthios Kassandra, nicknamed Eagle Bearer, and Eivor Varinsdottir.

The Eagle Bearer Kassandra meet the Raven Bearer Eivor

The Staff of Hermes Trismegistus was not only bestowing eternal life but was also the vessel of Loki’s lover Angrboda (Altheia in Greek mythology). It had been passed on to Kassandra by her father Pythagoras, who was the guardian of Atlantis, a place visited by Layla in a machine called the Animus. As Layla reached the cave in Norway she activated the machine and was trapped, and at the same time freeing Basim, whose body was a wizened corpse. Luckily he landed on the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus and was revived.

With Layla Hassan now trapped Basim could finally set his plans in motion, and find a way to free his beloved from the Staff. Making his way to where the Animus was located, in the former land across the vast sea known as Atlantic ocean, Basim found himself in Vinland or United States Of America. In a cabin was the Animus and it was through cables connected to a Viking grave, the final resting place of Eivor Varinsdottir.

His plan is to reach out to the man who is currently leading the assassins, aware that they are no longer known as the Hidden Ones. With modern technology it would surely be possible to found a vessel for his beloved Aletheia and it is here the story of Basim, formerly known as Loki, take place. Armed with the knowledge of previous events he learns, by using the Animus, that Earth survived a second disaster like the one where the Isu, after failing 6 times prior, to transfer their consciousness to human embryos.

The place where I wasn’t allowed to enter, but thanks for sneaking inside I was reborn as Basim

Pieces of Eden was so called remnants of the First Civilization and few have managed to survive until this day. The Templars and Assassins are still fighting but the Templars are now a wealthy organisation that is hiding underneath a fake front. They could perhaps help Basim with his task and thanks to being a trickster perhaps he would succeed in wrapping them around his finger.

Abstergo, secretly Templars, found blueprints of the Animus, using it to explore memories of ancestors hidden in the DNA

//Whatever happens will not be revealed until next installment of Assassin’s Creed series. Stay tuned.

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