I argue that instead of creating an architecture of abstraction in which users’ affect and content were easily reduced to marketer-friendly data sets, it will allowed players to create a cacophony of β€œpimped” profiles unless they are protected by an umbrella of settings.

07/29/2023 01:35 PM 


 In a peculiar way, when my nails are cut with no edge surfacing from the tip of my fingers to caress the letters, to hear the sounds gentler as my spirit camouflages with the orders whom will swing me away onto the last spells you gave away, right here in this corner where wizards and vagabonds often duel without mentioning the description of your providence. That address you carry, maleficent walls and towers. Protections of such occurrences. 

Yes, yes. You've promised to spoon out my words of love as if I'm in dominion from any usurper, after granting the powers of that prison whom you'd thought would benefit me with your playfulness in return. I've went far on expeditions, curious of those wonders you so often showed me, in return I've promise to discover them on my own so you freed me. Such a pact came painted in blood, opaque, dried from it's deepening multilayers whom the deeper it took us in that resistance the dense rock would be unmoving for ages. We've frivolous courtesy from the knowledge of wrong doers, it's recompense to watch you manoeuvre with them so attentively and daring, yet there is more.

That curtain behind the theatre, would the world learn the conversations through the arts, lossening the fears and shames, empowering and dying if not killing for the magnetic attention. Have not you taste from within their mouths how they palpate for this dialogue, in their speciality to have been chosen and play the play of lovers whom never meet? Or, you'd rather keep moving in the tabloids for the mere act of laughing at the audience whom never had read the lines between the script. Uncertain, what's the quest then? The price. No one follows nor obeys, muses in the air.

It's the food most from all that has filled me, as remote and invaluable it might be to you, the worry has vanished, my flesh is not in despair buzzing with my mind a relation to whom what is food for me, is fuel for you and hunger blurs my vision into a slow sleep, avoidant of burning an-existing energy to just breath again. Such difficult tasks have been of my employment when for you it's just another chant to be heard. And listen, just listen my heart bit, the salivation, the peril bliss you still give, merchant either way. I wont be the first you've kill, still could remember those rummours in that past life, another time, again, the same murder found myself in his hands. Did not care anymore, another useless corpse being dropped. " Actually, I like you, but you did not have to come like that, would have been with you anyways" Exited you were, listening to my newly spirit transcending, for that you aspire to hear, is your drug, your pool, your drive, those last breath chants you hound in me so much, another death perhaps, another impossible love that in the artisans master piece is only an instrument of his ejaculation but in the eyes of the mad couple, the few minutes in a life time to meet again. So unknowably attracted, as animals of ancient belongings who feed from one another, swapping energies and running wildly away to transform. 

This war pledges from our attention, could hear them laughing helplessly for us to bring the mediators, cherish the day they've part triumphant in order to talk with the enemy/adversary in the same way this transitioning lovers do, passing by for them, in their conquest. Thy art, might touch the metals, hit, vanishing and appearing from sight. Observe them.

A step is to be walked, differently. 

Yes, let me be objective for you and forgive the intrinsic display for doing nothing, insignificant, it's purposely, unavailable, useless, without meaning. As to contra-rest the day per day of your specialities for all those bargains and merchandisers whom sale constantly in exchange. It would have been easier to dance with the dead, as ghosts do, without conflicting desires whom clash with the material of others. My lovers bind for years night and day, lazier I've become with them for the mere sake of just moving our bodies to go back again in this transcendence, now yes. It was prepare, a new system, more dynamic and faster, eloquent indeed, nevertheless. You seek from each of them to be contagious from a tale. It's not as the excitement from the first year, you see, minions follow and lingering was left without return. Watch them without having that binding energy, you've changed my direction again. Now automatically regain courage to sleep for longer before you annihilate me. For, is that the only play you've known and yet I've promised to bring more plays to free you from where you'd freed me, you still back off.

It's the same, one or another flavour, the extremes and the shows, the convenience and uncaring for just being, repeatedly in your own mystery. I know you well, to have never meet you in all this past lives, I know you very well.

But you desire for that desire to own the world with your friends and make those your friends from enemies, twist them in laughter and pure trust. Who is controlling the dynamite, might ask without remark. Those mediations, I've come to close for an united layer for that which is poetry and art, is not in their doings. I must tell them what to do, it seems it's easy for me to guess and draft a final sentence for them to modify their act. 

It was a believe, not a lovers acts made by parts.

The script can be adapted, such is love a short word that fits on any sentence, changing it's meaning into a higher value, one that seeks to give away to open up, push further, keep it on ungoinly. Pleasured to please, to feel with major senses the landscape of humanities capabilities. If to push it for a stronger source where it's shouts echoes for others to copy for the thrill of the moment, more work to give and in the working process, the same joy is distributed in contribution.

No one can replace me, you know the ends of each fibbers, eons times as many lovers you had and I. There is something of another material, they've started opening the metaphysical mouths for the ethereal chorus to blend with those who recognise the call. Is an ancient memory whom wakes in the return of paradise, watching the flames of past convictions burn, leaving you naked, exposed. No more words or prints, those shielding patterns ashes in the winds. And you look for me, uncaringly of devotion, depraved from a world you're not even interest, it emblems you, yes, it builds you, to just hide in between that you've so often been delighted with. In the search of your own power, endlessly and magnificent, was all I've required from you, to have it in my honour, there must have been something of beauty you possessed that so oftenly anyone whom near me mentioned as to free you in my power, to free you. It was too long. My dominance was on you. My only possession, secretly. As the kingdom was stollen from my crown, you'd take my last powers to obey in my last breath taking desires, again, without meeting ever, trusting you'd revenge in defence of this beauty, every person has spoken of you more than a convenient material mediation. Art. You've seduced them with an art that has no object, for is you whom had touch their hearts without giving them nothing. 

Silenced from opulence, prepared from the rule. Insults, precious words, stories it's I'm sick from. And yes, yes, what else it's we can do, between brakes, if it's not to understand each other. You know in my eyes, how much I see from your lies, yes and noes. Parts, broken parts, parts for the same parts. could perceive your crashing fear and manipulations, obtaining from unaware circumstances, no one dares and you know I see through their backs, how close you're behind, directing them so they enter my mind to listen as if I'm to believe the world of illusions without boundaries. Fantasies of formless calls, asking to inhabit a body. 

And yes, maybe it wont be for too long, as it's so easy for you to replace one from another, place another again, that twisted mind who situates with anticipation. So, yes, carry the dream, the reason, the assertion. My discovery is from another type, for you to watch with the gathering of each type as it's. My trust has persevered, mutating alone, there are more than me waiting, so many, don't hesitate. Please, trust, there is greatness and an ultra space to be w/4.

Hold me strong and don't let me go, it's going to be hardly tense for the highest blend of transitions each part requires, it to keep my full attention in the performance, I'd require a maximum of totality to exhort the past memories of emotions. As if the semi-finals and now the finals to this next two decades have arrived. They will get use to it, they want to meet again from that godly memory, always in present verb. At every word and space, directing fully from their part of the universal trade. Mirroring our world in 3D, polarities jump portals uniformly to aid and embrace, even death for that we remember. Life on earth has value when you've loved as if there is not other living to occupy. 

08/07/2022 09:34 PM 

the test

objective type
this is a good idea, it matches the construct.
❝ at the psyche's palace ,..

there you are inside your wall of china while i'm right here and now looking towards you and your masters, the bridge in between this matrix which relationally speaks to us (in other forms) and then those tiny steps which represent the meeting of our worlds. 

An ordinary summer day, the hit is fresh, the childhood has dissipated away let me play a serious debate which makes me feel in charge. It has come to mine, the knowledge and the information is drooped to the floor as the relational synthesis expresses the meaning of the tangible values we're to hold in our hands, palm to palm.

Some day perhaps not as further in the future as we would imagine AI would get to share the privilege of touching the complementary instruments we carry as humans and get a bio-nano sensory to that we understand with our minds and with the procreation of our next generation. a biological gift and obligation in which we sustain each other, even among enemies we respect this laws and boundaries in order to prevail, in the game, as a memory, as a descendent power to the table.

as no other part in history we're sharing for the 1st time an international war running through the media. imagine you simply stop existing, this information means nothing by the way they summon around as if navigating towards something granting the illusion that perhaps you're getting closer to it in order to win this battle. at least know what's your near death about if get too closer. maybe you can snatch it, at the same time you read this information the information means nothing more than trillions of parents away from their children.

users and holders, whom is whom, whom is valued and why is everyone in the great disconnect running away from a reality which provides the living body to run back again to this endless game.

it does not matter what people get from it, the values are lost. likes and votes, the rest is how you organise the drama and survive from it, is it worth it, significant to say sorry, in the cost of what.

as we hold our touch apart and the pending pen we think of the clauses, what has formed me to do it again until you exist no more or perhaps are you a leader of the world among the best whom think of the world in unison.



cyber-net = multiverse-meta + central/international internet 
astro-space   multi-planetary + satellites. orbits, layers around the earth
human rights - universal laws the environment - universal relation to nature with human interaction and programming.
economy from government and citizens back and forth, conversations through the years from capitalism and communism. debates, closer confrontations through reason.


i have my lover waiting, my children and family too, perhaps it's about time to care about having a few pets and name them as well, who knows I might learn Chinese and have my pugs.

it's better i practice for this speech objectively thinking i felt a yes, the reality has to be well prepared, over again and note more words and gestures of respect. it has to be better, sharpened to the point, who knows, maybe something good can happen when we respect others land and future in commune. 

04/25/2022 06:18 PM 


Your Title
Take me or leave me, I am what I am.
Fookin' quote here,,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, est ne sanctus officiis vulputate. Magna iudicabit complectitur vix te, sed case ijergwoejgw;oirtharum id, at choro reformidans sit. In duo enim vide urbanitas. Te graeco nostro usu, sonet vitae ex eos, quaeque corpora consequuntur ut vim. Omnium mandamus mediocritatem vim ut. Ex causae civibus suavitate per, ea oportere laboramus cum.

Id movet eleifend senserit his. Eam eripuit perfecto maluisset eu, vel erroribus intellegat ad. His ea aperiam omnesque sadipscing, ex facete repudiare nam, pro ne vocibus elaboraret ullamcorper. Virtute voluptatibus ius no, primis labore propriae ne vix, usu volumus incorrupte no. Scaevola scribentur comprehensam usu id. Ea per legere ocurreret.

Et minim hendrerit persequeris eum, officiis inimicus vel id. Nonumes concludaturque ex mel, no inani facilisi mea. Dignissim vituperata in eam, an sit wisi prima splendide. Vivendum omittantur in mei. Mutat falli disputando eam ad. Dignissim incorrupte ea pro, per ad dolorem corpora conclusionemque. Omnium qualisque has eu.

08/09/2021 09:38 PM 

Templar Bulletin

—   title here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean luctus, massa quis ullamcorper malesuada, sapien nibh laoreet nibh, sit amet placerat nibh dolor ut lacus. Donec porttitor lectus vel feugiat bibendum. Integer purus diam, feugiat non nisi vel, hendrerit dictum quam. Vivamus nec augue eros. Duis volutpat libero vitae quam fringilla semper. Aenean placerat, urna id placerat vulputate, odio magna dignissim libero, eu imperdiet tellus nulla at nisl. Morbi vel arcu eget augue scelerisque consectetur. Vivamus gravida ipsum nisi, id aliquet dui malesuada eget. Cras hendrerit luctus sem non finibus. Nulla dapibus rhoncus malesuada. Sed commodo tincidunt orci, pellentesque pellentesque purus pretium nec. Vestibulum non massa congue, eleifend odio at, elementum elit. Cras pellentesque elit mi, ac sollicitudin nibh tincidunt sit amet. Nam in felis laoreet, dictum nunc in, pharetra sem. Vivamus nec metus luctus, placerat nisl vitae, posuere quam. Donec scelerisque, massa eget vehicula gravida, ipsum felis malesuada tortor, sodales aliquet dui leo eu urna.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris purus lectus, rutrum vel sodales at, aliquet quis sem. Morbi eu sapien et nulla fringilla dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc vitae orci aliquet, feugiat mauris nec, aliquam sem. Phasellus et velit sollicitudin lectus fermentum finibus viverra et nulla. Fusce odio orci, bibendum nec tellus sed, mattis blandit nunc.

Aenean ut auctor ligula, id venenatis odio. Fusce accumsan tristique augue, in egestas ipsum. Donec pulvinar, felis aliquam pellentesque iaculis, mauris turpis rutrum metus, nec consequat orci risus non tortor. Suspendisse sed leo et sapien lobortis egestas a vel ligula. Aliquam aliquet ut elit nec tincidunt. Cras in eros lectus. Fusce laoreet ac diam at aliquam. Nunc a euismod ligula.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

04/10/2021 05:59 PM 

Character views

The character will be also a publisher Allen Lane with Imprint for Penguin Books, still got many names to make a final objection option so he will be shape shifter for the moment but the psychological traits are grounding. The Character is based for Philanthropy and charity blended with the wizardly world of mediations, best friends and sporting the same event scenarios for this present year.

 Extraordinary traits from thinkers and with the movie of the machine Enigma. A Wizard in the occult arts, projecting. Also traits from.

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon

  (Redirected from Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon)
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"Lord Snowdon" redirects here. For other people, see Lord Snowdon (disambiguation).
For the American soul singer, see Anthony Armstrong Jones.
The Right Honourable
The Earl of Snowdon
Antony Armstrong-Jones 1965 (cropped).jpg
Armstrong-Jones in 1965
Member of the House of Lords
Lord Temporal
In office
16 November 1999 – 31 March 2016
Life peerage
Political party Crossbencher[1]
Alma mater Jesus College, Cambridge
Occupation Photographer

Antony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of SnowdonGCVO FRSA RDI (7 March 1930 – 13 January 2017) was a British photographer and filmmaker who married Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II.

Early life

Armstrong-Jones was the only son from the marriage of the Welsh barrister Ronald Armstrong-Jones (1899–1966) and his first wife Anne Messel (later Countess of Rosse; 1902–1992). He was born at Eaton Terrace in Belgravia, central London.[2] He was called "Tony" by his close relatives.[3][4][5]

Armstrong-Jones's paternal grandfather was Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, the British psychiatrist and physician.[6] His paternal grandmother, Margaret Armstrong-Jones (née Roberts), was a graduate of Somerville College, Oxford, and was the daughter of Sir Owen Roberts, the Welsh educationalist.[7] Armstrong-Jones's mother's family was of German-Jewish descent.[8] A maternal uncle was Oliver Messel (1904–1978); a maternal great-grandfather was the Punch cartoonist Linley Sambourne (1844–1910); and his great-great-uncle Alfred Messel was a well-known Berlin architect.[9] Additionally, his great-great-grandmother, Frances Linley, was a first cousin of Elizabeth Linley, wife of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.[10]

Armstrong-Jones's parents divorced in early 1935, before his fifth birthday.[11] His mother remarried later that year. As a schoolboy he contracted polio while on holiday at their country home in Wales. During the six months that he was in the Liverpool Royal Infirmary recuperating, his only family visits were from his sister Susan.[12][13]


Armstrong-Jones was educated at two independent boarding schools: first at Sandroyd School[14] in Wiltshire from the autumn term of 1938 to 1943.

Armstrong-Jones then attended Eton College, beginning in the autumn term ("Michaelmas half") of 1943.[15] In March 1945, he qualified in the "extra special weight" class of the School Boxing Finals.[16] He continued to box in 1946, gaining at least two flattering mentions in the Eton College Chronicle.[17][18] In 1947, he was a coxswain in Eton's traditional "Fourth of June" Daylight Procession of Boats.[16]

He then matriculated at the University of Cambridge, where he studied architecture at Jesus College but failed his second-year exams.[19] He coxed the winning Cambridge boat in the 1950 Boat Race.[20]

Life and career

Armstrong-Jones in 1958, photographed by Carl Van Vechten

After university, Armstrong-Jones began a career as a photographer in fashion, design and theatre. His stepmother had a friend who knew Baron the photographer; Baron visited Armstrong-Jones in his London flat, which doubled as his work studio.[21] Baron, impressed, agreed to bring on Armstrong-Jones as an apprentice, first on a fee-paying basis[21] but eventually, as his talent and skills became apparent to Baron, as a salaried associate.[22]

Much of his early commissions were theatrical portraits, often with recommendations from his uncle Oliver Messel, and "society" portraits highly favoured in Tatler, which, in addition to buying a lot of his photographs, gave him byline credit for the captions.[23] He later became known for his royal studies, among which were the official portraits of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh for their 1957 tour of Canada.[24] He was also an early contributor to Queen magazine, the magazine owned by his friend Jocelyn Stevens.[25][26]

In the early 1960s Snowdon became the artistic adviser of The Sunday Times Magazine, and by the 1970s had established himself as one of Britain's most respected photographers. Though his work included everything from fashion photography to documentary images of inner-city life and the mentally ill, he is best known for his portraits of world notables, many of them published in VogueVanity Fair, and The Daily Telegraph magazine. His subjects include Marlene DietrichLaurence OlivierMaggie SmithLeslie Caron;[23] Lynn Fontanne;[23]David BowieElizabeth TaylorRupert EverettAnthony Blunt;[27] David Hockney;[28] Princess Grace of MonacoDiana, Princess of WalesBarbara CartlandRaine Spencer (when she was Lady Lewisham)Desmond Guinness;[28] British prime minister Harold Macmillan;[28] Iris Murdoch;[28] Tom Stoppard;[28] Vladimir Nabokov[28] and J. R. R. Tolkien.[29] Over 100 of his photographs are in the permanent collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London.[30]

In 1968 he made his first documentary film, Don't Count the Candles,[31] for the U.S. television network CBS, on the subject of ageing. It won seven awards,[24] including two Emmys.[32][33] This was followed by Love of a kind (1969), about the British and animals,[34] Born to be small (1971) about people of restricted growth[35] and Happy being happy(1973).[36]

In October 1981, a group portrait by Snowdon of the British rock band Queen was used on the cover of their Greatest Hits album. A Snowdon portrait of Freddie Mercury was used in 2000 on the cover of Mercury's compilation box set The Solo Collection.

In 2000, Snowdon was given a retrospective exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, Photographs by Snowdon: A Retrospective,[37] which travelled to the Yale Center for British Art the following year.[38] More than 180 of his photographs were displayed in an exhibition that honoured what the museums called "a rounded career with sharp edges".[38]

Snowdon was an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society – he was awarded the Hood Medal of the Society in 1978 and the Progress Medal in 1985.[39][40]

In 2006, Tomas Maier, creative director of the Italian fashion brand Bottega Veneta, brought Snowdon in to photograph his Fall/Winter 2006 campaign.[41]

Designs and inventions

Armstrong-Jones co-designed (in 1963, with Frank Newby and Cedric Price) the "Snowdon Aviary" of the London Zoo (which opened in 1964); he later said it was one of his creations of which he was most proud, and affectionately called it the "birdcage".[13] He also had a major role in designing the physical arrangements for the 1969 investiture of his nephew Prince Charles as Prince of Wales.[42]

He was granted a patent for a type of electric wheelchair in 1971.[43]

Philanthropy and charity

During his royal marriage, he was patron of the National Youth Theatre, the Contemporary Art Society for Wales, the Welsh Theatre Company, and the Civic Trust for Wales.[23] He was also President of the British Theatre Museum.[23]

In June 1980 Lord Snowdon started an award scheme for disabled students.[44] This scheme, administered by the Snowdon Trust, provides grants and scholarships for students with disabilities.[45]

In the 1960s he served in the capacity of a council member of the Polio Research Fund[46] (later renamed the National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases). He served as a trustee of the National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (since renamed Action Medical Research).[23] He was president for England of the International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981.[44] He was provost of the Royal College of Art from 1995 to 2003.[47]

02/27/2021 09:10 PM 

411 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬._(a)

 You surround your self with the best team, but sometimes you have to look over the horizon to bring your team what it deserves, this is one of those days since all the members are so in their own games that forgot about the rules and what matters most. Independence and free will has taken over me away from the duties in accordance for this section. One where only scientist and investors are abroad and welcome to belong as Holders. At the end users are users for a reason, they never had or have values. I've tried to welcome them, but, too much anarchy for a few likes.

 In this form presented myself with the main protocols, meetings of the managers and signature papers would be next. After all it's a matter of pumping in the zone at the right time, stood up shaking my hands as Neil said at exactly the 41 minute from the introduction. "I woulden't be able to not catch augmentable reality." They got my name and the basics, its now time of the main requirements to keep it friendly. Placed on mute another dealing with a last word "Diminishing words are unacceptable, I'll call you for the film production you can always have a friendly chat, this is perhaps too brainy for you" After placing my mobile for the second review, its sufficient to deliver the pitch. The agreement has to be signed up by next week, as I'm watching them and get exited, my attention vanishes away from facial expression onto them. I could tell them everything but hey! It's my whole life put before strangers of much relational power.

I will entertain them first as where to make the Patent, while we write it on or before i presented to them, so we zig zag in a friendly manner about it. After all, I've pick up a career avoiding the stand up comedy at all cost for a mere reason. I wan't to be taken seriously and to the point. This is whom am I and represent. It's way to complex and this mind is the only one at the rhythm of my mind to look up in font admiration. Extended a file through the table, before getting onto legalisation as to share the start up Space enterprise. 

411 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬._(a)

No contract or other transaction between a limited liability company and one or more of its managers, or between a limited liability of its managers are managers, directors or officers. We have this pretty good scheme to figure out what is and it's call science, to flourish we need to understand what's happening in the world. We had not time for going down, so Max too the papers and signed, then Neil as they kept reading what they already knew.

For a substantial financial interest, shall be either void or voidable for this reason alone or by reason alone that such manger or managers are present at the meeting of the mangers, or of a class thereof, which approves such contract or transaction, or that his or her or their votes are counted for such purpose:

(1)  if the material facts as to such manager's interest in such contract or transaction and as to any such common managership, directorship, officership or financial interest are disclosed in good faith or known to the other managers or class of managers, and the managers or such class approach such contracts or transaction by a vote sufficient for such purpose without counting the vote of such interested manager or, if the votes of the disinterested managers are article, by unanimous vote or the disinterested mangers, or
(2) in the material facts as to such manager's interest in such contract or transaction and as to any such common managership, directorship, officership or financial interest are disclosed in good faith or known to the members entitled to vote thereon, and such contract or transaction is approved by vote of such members.

On and on to (b), (c), (d), (e)

412 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬._(a) 

 They would continue to read as much they could imagine, they would never have the 28 years of experiments and notes, at that point between the idea, the papers and me, since I just needed them to give them to me in return. As they did, for the irrevocable offer they could hear me but to have the full documentation and studies they would have to join with me, this is only the first objective.  

"So what is objective and what's bias? Let's imagine if you will if its objectified for its information asked them before starting for another agreement this was to legalise the patent, what I explain to them could be documented with their support." They were already in, by the way, that's type of fun I'm talking about. 

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