I argue that instead of creating an architecture of abstraction in which users’ affect and content were easily reduced to marketer-friendly data sets, it will allowed players to create a cacophony of β€œpimped” profiles unless they are protected by an umbrella of settings.

08/07/2022 09:34 PM 

the test

objective type
this is a good idea, it matches the construct.
❝ at the psyche's palace ,..

there you are inside your wall of china while i'm right here and now looking towards you and your masters, the bridge in between this matrix which relationally speaks to us (in other forms) and then those tiny steps which represent the meeting of our worlds. 

An ordinary summer day, the hit is fresh, the childhood has dissipated away let me play a serious debate which makes me feel in charge. It has come to mine, the knowledge and the information is drooped to the floor as the relational synthesis expresses the meaning of the tangible values we're to hold in our hands, palm to palm.

Some day perhaps not as further in the future as we would imagine AI would get to share the privilege of touching the complementary instruments we carry as humans and get a bio-nano sensory to that we understand with our minds and with the procreation of our next generation. a biological gift and obligation in which we sustain each other, even among enemies we respect this laws and boundaries in order to prevail, in the game, as a memory, as a descendent power to the table.

as no other part in history we're sharing for the 1st time an international war running through the media. imagine you simply stop existing, this information means nothing by the way they summon around as if navigating towards something granting the illusion that perhaps you're getting closer to it in order to win this battle. at least know what's your near death about if get too closer. maybe you can snatch it, at the same time you read this information the information means nothing more than trillions of parents away from their children.

users and holders, whom is whom, whom is valued and why is everyone in the great disconnect running away from a reality which provides the living body to run back again to this endless game.

it does not matter what people get from it, the values are lost. likes and votes, the rest is how you organise the drama and survive from it, is it worth it, significant to say sorry, in the cost of what.

as we hold our touch apart and the pending pen we think of the clauses, what has formed me to do it again until you exist no more or perhaps are you a leader of the world among the best whom think of the world in unison.



cyber-net = multiverse-meta + central/international internet 
astro-space   multi-planetary + satellites. orbits, layers around the earth
human rights - universal laws the environment - universal relation to nature with human interaction and programming.
economy from government and citizens back and forth, conversations through the years from capitalism and communism. debates, closer confrontations through reason.


i have my lover waiting, my children and family too, perhaps it's about time to care about having a few pets and name them as well, who knows I might learn Chinese and have my pugs.

it's better i practice for this speech objectively thinking i felt a yes, the reality has to be well prepared, over again and note more words and gestures of respect. it has to be better, sharpened to the point, who knows, maybe something good can happen when we respect others land and future in commune. 

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