11/01/2018 03:25 PM 

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor

Menaki had it all. A nice house, car, job, lover, a loving family. But it was all taken away in an instant when the apocalypse started. He watched his lover, and his family torn apart by those monsters. Yelling to him to go, stay safe, stay alive, and that they loved him.

Now he had nothing...Only the clothes on his back, a machete, pistol, and shotgun he picked up in his travels as he went from town to town, city to city, settlement to settlement. He's just wandering...searching for..something. Whatever that something is, Menaki has no idea. But he does know this...if he goes down, he's taking those undead bastards with him.

Height: 6'2
Weight: 165 lbs
Sexuality: Gay
Position: Top

11/01/2018 03:18 PM 

My Demon Hunter

Growing up as a young kid, Menaki was always fascinated by the supernatural. Ghosts, goblins, demons, vampires, the works.  Was a bit of a hobby of his to read up and study on them. 

When he was eighteen, his grandfather, who, when Menaki was younger, would tell him "tales" of his adventures as a young male, revealed to Menaki, by taking him with as he went to investigate a supernatural problem that he was a demon hunter and things that went bump in the night...actually went bump in the night!

That was seven years ago. His grandfather had since passed, but gave Menaki all the tools needed to continue on as a demon hunter. Enrolling in the Demon Hunter Agency, basically the supernatural CIA, Menaki rose up the ranks from the bottom all the way up to a lead investigator and field agent. Menaki's the one they send when things go wrong and the creature gets out of hand. His track record speaks for itself. Only one creature got away, and it eats Menaki up inside. One day he'll get that werewolf....

Height: 6'0
Weight: 150 lbs
Orientation: Gay
Weapons: Pistol, shotgun, anything specifically needed for a hunt.
Personality: No nonsense when on a case, kind of cold to strangers, all business like. Warms up to them after a while, when the case is done. Caring and always watching out for the ones he holds near and dear to his heart.

11/01/2018 03:16 PM 

My Chameleon (Flexible character)

By "chameleon" I mean this character can change into whatever you want him to be! Well, whatever besides what I already have a character for lol. You want an rp with a CEO of a big company? You got it! You want him to be a fan of your celebrity character who your character grows to enjoy being around? Deal! Everything about this character, minus his play-by, sexuality and sexual position preference is flexible and can be changed!

Playby: Stephen Amell
Sexuality: Gay
Position: Top

10/31/2018 07:54 PM 

Professional Wrestler's Moveset and theme song


Backhand (Like Sting)
Flair Chop
Short Arm Clothesline
Jabs and Bionic Elbow (Tribute to Dusty Rhodes)
Discus Punch
Snapmare and low Big Boot
Gut Punch


Back Pody Drop (To Oncoming Opponent)
Back Suplex
Kneeling Gourdbuster
Gutwrench Suplex
Swinging Neckbreaker (Like JBL)
Sidewalk Slam
Impaler DDT
Electric Chair Drop
Full Nelson Slam
Reverse DDT
Inverted Suplex
Running Powerslam


Leg Drop
Jumping Elbow Drop
Falling/Running Headbutt
Knee Drop


Snake Eyes/Discus Punch Combo
Stinger Splash
Repeated Back Elbow


Diving Headbutt
Diving Clothesline
Big Splash


Sleeper Hold
Single Leg Crab
Fujiwara Armbar
Torture Rack (Sometimes transitioned into a backbreaker or neckbreaker)


Big Boot


Powerbomb (Sitout for pinfall, standing for on a ladder, through a table)
Spinning Powerslam (See Tour of the Islands)- Called the Gate Crash
Cobra Clutch Slam (See Khallas) - Called the Game Changer
The Claw- Called the Iron Grip

ENTRANCE MUSIC: The Vengeful One- Disturbed.

10/31/2018 07:49 PM 

Menaki the Professional Wrestler

(THIS IS MY CREATED SUPERSTAR IN WWE 2K19. I'm sorry for it being so damn big lol)

Height: 7'0
Weight: 315 lbs

Menaki was never a flashy wrestler. Never. The way he conducted matches was "step in the ring, beat a man's ass, celebrate briefly and leave". That's how he liked it. He knew how to use his size well. The fans loved it, and apparently so did the WWE, thus why, ten years after he made his professional debut in the indies, six months after debuting in Ring of Honor, Menaki was called into NXT. The crowd when he stepped out was as deafening as it was when he debuted in ROH. Almost eleven years in the business and Menaki's just getting started!

10/28/2018 06:02 PM 

MY CHARACTERS (The short version)

Here's the short version of my characters. What they are, and their playbys! Also they're all named Menaki...if you wanna know why, just ask lol

Menaki the Chameleon: A very flexible character that can be anything I don't already have a character for! PLAYBY: Stephen Amell

Menaki the Pokemon Trainer: Self explanatory. Pokemon Trainer. Can be flexible with where he is in his journey. PLAYBY: Grant Gustin

Menaki the DigiDestined: A descendant of the original Digimon DigiDestined. Protexts both worlds. PLAYBY: Sebastian Stan

Menaki the Demon Hunter: A head investigator and field agent for the Demon Hunter Agency, kinda like the supernatural FBI PLAYBY: Robbie Amell

Menaki the Professional Wrestler: A seven foot, three hundred pound agile big man in the world of professional wrestling. Can be in WWE, TNA, ROH, I don't mind. PLAYBY: My created wrestler from the video games. Will post a pic soon!

Menaki the Duelist: A champion Duel Monster card player (A YuGiOh character) PLAYBY: Matt Lanter

Menaki the Zombie Apocalypse Survivor: Self explanatory really. Can fit perfectly into a Walking Dead scenario or be completely original with another character: PLAYBY: Cody Christian

Menaki The Kaiju Protection Task Force Agent: An Agent with the responsibility to protect human and kaiju alike from threats to their well being, teamed up with the mighty Godzilla. PLAYBY: Hayden Christensen

Menaki the Shapeshifter: An alien shapeshifter able to transform into any animal in existance, past and present. Menaki's on Earth to find a way to help his people against the evil Predacians PLAYBY: Ed Speleers

10/28/2018 05:54 PM 


A lot of these rules seem to be common sense and "duh" sounding but you would be surprised at the amount of people who straight up ignore ALL of it.

1) ALL CHARACTERS ARE GAY: Sorry ladies. I'm down for our characters being friends if I end up adding you and all that, but that's all you're getting out of any iteration of Menaki. HOWEVER just because my characters are gay, and you're down for a roleplay with your straight character, does NOT mean you have to turn him bisexual! I'll ask if you're open to them becoming something down the line (You'd be surprised at the amount of people who are) And you're free to say no! It's not a deal breaker!

2) NO GOD MODDING: Pretty self explanatory. Don't mainpulate Menaki in any way shape or form, unless it's absolutely necessary, and even then, I'd appreciate a heads up.

3) NO ONE WORD RESPONSES: Nothing sets me off more than trying to have a conversation with someone and all I get is "Hey" "Yeah" "Lol" Just don't do it.

4) MULTI-CHARACTER=MULTISHIP: This is a profile that has multiple characters in one place. I find that easier for me than having to manage half a dozen profiles. That being said, that also makes my characters multiship. I don't think it's fair, if someone one wants to get romantic with a character of mine that's with another for me to tell them straight up "NO", especially if that character fits perfectly in the verse they play as. If this is something you don't like, I'm sorry. Just how I see it.

5) NO RANDOM STARTERS: This is a companion rule to my multi-ship one. Don't add me up and send me a five paragraph starter lol I'll be confused as hell because I prefer to talk about the plot, and what character I'll be using. If you just outright send me a plot, who the hell am I supposed to use?

6) RESPONSE TIME: I usually make it a point to respond to messages, be it a greeting to a new friend, or a message in general, almost immediately. Only exceptions to this is real life stuff, sleep, and things like that. I'll typically make a status if I'm to be away. This, by no means, equals the fact that you have to respond in that time as well! Respond when you can! I understand real life gets in the way. I don't expect instant replies.

7) MEANING OF MENAKI Normally, I've had this thing where Menaki was just a name his parents liked, as they were one for unique names. But thanks to someone looking something up because it sounded familiar to him (Thanks Nate!) It now has a new meaning. The word meraki from the ancient Greek language, meaning the art of putting a part of yourself in your work. When you love something so much that you put a piece of your heart in it. If that's not Menaki when he does his occupation (no matter what it is) then I don't know what it is!

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