11/01/2018 03:18 PM 

My Demon Hunter

Growing up as a young kid, Menaki was always fascinated by the supernatural. Ghosts, goblins, demons, vampires, the works.  Was a bit of a hobby of his to read up and study on them. 

When he was eighteen, his grandfather, who, when Menaki was younger, would tell him "tales" of his adventures as a young male, revealed to Menaki, by taking him with as he went to investigate a supernatural problem that he was a demon hunter and things that went bump in the night...actually went bump in the night!

That was seven years ago. His grandfather had since passed, but gave Menaki all the tools needed to continue on as a demon hunter. Enrolling in the Demon Hunter Agency, basically the supernatural CIA, Menaki rose up the ranks from the bottom all the way up to a lead investigator and field agent. Menaki's the one they send when things go wrong and the creature gets out of hand. His track record speaks for itself. Only one creature got away, and it eats Menaki up inside. One day he'll get that werewolf....

Height: 6'0
Weight: 150 lbs
Orientation: Gay
Weapons: Pistol, shotgun, anything specifically needed for a hunt.
Personality: No nonsense when on a case, kind of cold to strangers, all business like. Warms up to them after a while, when the case is done. Caring and always watching out for the ones he holds near and dear to his heart.

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