10/28/2018 05:54 PM 

Category: Guidelines

A lot of these rules seem to be common sense and "duh" sounding but you would be surprised at the amount of people who straight up ignore ALL of it.

1) ALL CHARACTERS ARE GAY: Sorry ladies. I'm down for our characters being friends if I end up adding you and all that, but that's all you're getting out of any iteration of Menaki. HOWEVER just because my characters are gay, and you're down for a roleplay with your straight character, does NOT mean you have to turn him bisexual! I'll ask if you're open to them becoming something down the line (You'd be surprised at the amount of people who are) And you're free to say no! It's not a deal breaker!

2) NO GOD MODDING: Pretty self explanatory. Don't mainpulate Menaki in any way shape or form, unless it's absolutely necessary, and even then, I'd appreciate a heads up.

3) NO ONE WORD RESPONSES: Nothing sets me off more than trying to have a conversation with someone and all I get is "Hey" "Yeah" "Lol" Just don't do it.

4) MULTI-CHARACTER=MULTISHIP: This is a profile that has multiple characters in one place. I find that easier for me than having to manage half a dozen profiles. That being said, that also makes my characters multiship. I don't think it's fair, if someone one wants to get romantic with a character of mine that's with another for me to tell them straight up "NO", especially if that character fits perfectly in the verse they play as. If this is something you don't like, I'm sorry. Just how I see it.

5) NO RANDOM STARTERS: This is a companion rule to my multi-ship one. Don't add me up and send me a five paragraph starter lol I'll be confused as hell because I prefer to talk about the plot, and what character I'll be using. If you just outright send me a plot, who the hell am I supposed to use?

6) RESPONSE TIME: I usually make it a point to respond to messages, be it a greeting to a new friend, or a message in general, almost immediately. Only exceptions to this is real life stuff, sleep, and things like that. I'll typically make a status if I'm to be away. This, by no means, equals the fact that you have to respond in that time as well! Respond when you can! I understand real life gets in the way. I don't expect instant replies.

7) MEANING OF MENAKI Normally, I've had this thing where Menaki was just a name his parents liked, as they were one for unique names. But thanks to someone looking something up because it sounded familiar to him (Thanks Nate!) It now has a new meaning. The word meraki from the ancient Greek language, meaning the art of putting a part of yourself in your work. When you love something so much that you put a piece of your heart in it. If that's not Menaki when he does his occupation (no matter what it is) then I don't know what it is!

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Mar 12th 2024 - 10:11 PM

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I have read fully and agree 1000 percent 

Flight Of Icarus.


Oct 22nd 2023 - 9:47 PM

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Flayed LifeGuard T&L JJ Munson


Aug 20th 2023 - 12:01 AM

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Agreed and will follow



Jun 1st 2023 - 8:34 PM

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Yes, these should be common sense but that is something people are lacking these days.



Feb 4th 2023 - 11:34 AM

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Well put, been awhile since I’ve seen a post about rules. -Skul

The Pendragon


Apr 17th 2022 - 6:56 PM

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read and will abide

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