Shelly Webster on - Shelly Webster
The Crow:Stairway To Heaven/ Crime/ Mafia/ Law Enforcement/ Supernatural/ Open

|| Taken by Eric Draven and won't cheat on him ||

|| Here to rp not for numbers ||

26 years old
United States

Last Login:
January 31 2024

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Groups: Bitten-Otherworld Family,

     Shelly Webster's Details
Status:In a relationship
Characters: Shelly Webster
Verses: The Crow:Stairway To Heaven
Playbys: Sabine Karsenti
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Open, Supernatural, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:October 15, 2021

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   Shelly Webster's Blurbs
About me:
Shelly Webster was born to two good parents and was a part of a good family. She grew up as a good kid. Shelly was always smart too growing up and as an adult. She got interest in photography when she was 8 if not younger. It was when Shelly got a kid camera, which wasn't a real one yet but still fun just the same, for her at least.At the age of 10 or so was when she finally got her real first camera. She focused on taking pictures and school the most, no more nor less. Shelly graduated with pretty good grades but she decided to pursue photography instead of anything else and nothing or no one could change that, no matter what. She was pretty stubborn and refused to pick another profession/Career except that. If it didn't work for sure then and only then she planned to figure out what to do next.

However, since Shelly was very good with photography that it was doubtful that she would need a need profesion/career choice. Or so her parents thoughts and many others thought the same thing too. Shelly herself thought the same thing too, as she grew up to believe in herself. Even if there were times when she lost faith but her parents and rest of the family made sure that she never lost hope. Shelly was part of an Iris family, and an Irish decent given that all her family was Iris, so she grew around Irish believes and myths. Which her family or some of them believed in, and so did she. Shelly's grandmother taught her some of those myths. She was also taught her family's traditions, other than christian religion traditions. Shelly grew up following both traditions. She finished high school but since photography was what she wanted to do for a living, she focused on that.

Shelly didn't go to collage as she got temp jobs around town, as she took pictures for money. She did it before graduating high school and after that. Then once Shelly got enough money she left her hometown and headed to Port Colombia, Washington. By then her grandmother had died, and it hurt her to stay there even if her parents were there, so she decided to leave. To get away from bad memories. Shelly wanted to find herself. She settled in Port Colombia, Washington, where her life truly began for her. In Port Colombia, Washington Shelly got herself some jobs that paid well to do with photography. Some photos she took off people and landscapes for herself and others for them and herself both. One day Shelly got a job in a club called Blackout, which changed her life permanently. As she took pictures of a band called Hangman's Joke, especially one of the members called Eric Draven, she got harassed by some dude who tried to force her to dance with him. Not many from the audience saw it and those who did were too far to tell what was really going on and thought that a couple were having fun.

It was also what the guy himself thought and believed. Despite the fact that Shelly tried to get the guy to leave her be but he refused and insisted as for him she wanted him and he her. Which was a lie as she didn't want him as she didn't want to dance with him nor be with him. Yet, the guy refused to hear it. To her luck so, the band member, named Eric Draven witnessed it all and got off stage despite the fact that his band were confused by it and tried to get him back on stage. None of them saw the problem but he did and being a good guy he went to help her. Shelly watched as Eric asked the guy to leave the young woman alone but the guy refused and instead asked Eric to go away and let them be. Shelly hoped that Eric would stay and continue to help her as he did just that. He continued to ask the guy to leave as the guy was about to hit him to her horror but Eric punched the guy out instead to shock of all. The guy left annoyed as Shelly thanked him for helping her as she knew what really happened and refused to forget it.

Eric introduced himself to her as Eric and she told him her name was Shelly, as he returned to the stage and continued to perform with his band but couldn't take his eyes of her and she couldn't take her eyes of him. It was literally love from first sight for them both. After the show Shelly and Eric talked more, even if he was arrested and taken to jail for beating the guy but then released as the case didn't go to trial. Yet, the fact that Eric punched the person stayed in the criminal file, even if both Shelly and Eric tried to get it deleted as Eric had no choice but it didn't work for them at all. Unfortunately. They tried to forget about that, as much as possible even if it was rather hard for them to do. They moved on from it eventually, as they became a couple. They dated for a while until they decided to buy an apartment together, an apartment that Shelly herself picked and Eric agreed about them buying it. Also technically it was more of a loft than an apartment but they were quite alright with it.

During the time that they dated or perhaps a bit before that, Shelly continued to be a photographer as she met a street girl named Sarah Mohr, who's pictures she took off many times. Also Sarah had a mother but her mother got drunk a lot and such that Sarah choose to be out on the streets more than anywhere else, which was how Shelly and Sarah met in the first place. She ended up telling Eric about her whenever they spend time together in the loft alone. Shelly even introduced Sarah and Eric to each other as she invited Sarah over. It was a day that Eric practiced his guitar. Shelly was pleasantly surprised when she introduced them to each other, as she saw them get a long well, and becoming friends. As she herself and Sarah were already friends. Shelly and Eric ended up taking care of Sarah, as her mom couldn't. She as in Sarah ended up spending more time with them and in the loft than in her own home and her mom. Not that they complained but they felt bad that the child was from a broken home. So they did what they could to help her and give her a safe place. Despite how young they were themselves. They helped her with what she needed help and if they knew that they could help her with it. They were like older siblings for her rather than parents.

One day, when Eric asked if his adopted little brother, Chris could come and stay with them, she agreed as his family was hers. Yet, when one of Shelly's camera's was stolen she right away suspected Eric's adopted little brother. She confronted Eric about it and told him to talk to his brother about it. Either he returns her camera back or he must leave. Eric did just that and he ended up kicking his adopted brother out as she was grateful for that as his adopted little brother wasn't welcome in their place if he stole things from either one of them. Also Shelly felt bad for Eric, that he had to kick out his own adopted little brother, but unfortunately it was for the best and she told him as much. Shelly wished that it had never came to that, just like Eric did but unfortunately it did came to that. It happened a bit before Shelly introduced Eric and Sarah to each other. After Sarah came into their lives Shelly and Eric let Sarah have their schedules and with her they cleared their schedules to be able to spend time together. So that they could spend alone time together and when they did that, Sarah stayed behind and lived her life best that she could.

Also, most times it was Shelly that got their schedules cleared with Sarah, and then Shelly 'kidnapped' Eric on vacations with her, not that he ever objected going with her anyway, but still. They always went to a place owner by Shelly's family, until they stopped going there. For a while. Yet, they did plan to go back there one day but not for a little while. As they concentrated more on work, as well as being there for Sarah. They had no idea what was about to happen soon, not even Sarah. As they lived their lives as they usually did. They hoped that they would spend their lives together, as in Eric and Shelly did as Sarah hoped that they would, since even she thought that they belonged together. They hoped to spend a lot of time together and even with their kid friend, Sarah. Yet, unfortunately life had different plans for them. Given the fact that something similar happened to each of their life times, it was about to happen to them in that life too, unknown to either of them for a time being.

One day, Eric and Shelly decided to spend the the whole day together, alone, just the two of them. As they took care of few small details as they promised to go back to work the next day, and they promised to see Sarah the next day too. Then they started their special celebration. With rings and then Eric sang Shelly a song that he wrote for her called 7 circles that he came up for her. Which he never wrote down as he kept it in his mind, which he told her. Then she read him a poem she wrote as it was on a piece of paper, written by her. As Shelly used her camera to record their time together, as a way to memorize it all, so that years later they could watch and enjoy it. Next thing the door was broken in and 3 people barged in. A gang. Two grabbed him and one held Shelly down. Then they raped her by turn and forced him to watch. Both tried to fight and asked them to stop bit with no luck, as Shelly said Eric's name a lot, as Eric tried to get to her but with no luck. Then he was thrown out of the window, a 17 floor window to be exact as he died on impact. When the police and an ambulance cane it was too late for Eric but they found Shelly, barely alive as she calling out her guy's name.

It took her many hours but she ended up dying. As a cop named Darryl was by her side until the end, as he held her hand so she won't be alone, especially in the hospital. Shelly ended up dying, after msny hours of suffering. Both her and Eric were buried by each other. Their souls met in the land of the bridge in the land of the dead. As Shelly got there before and he found her due to his guide a a magical bird, the crow, a specific one who reunited them. They were happy to see each other again and ready to move on together. Yet, their happiness of seeing each other didn't last long. As the bird made a sound as she noticed that and said "Crow," in surprise. When he asked what's it all mean, she just told him "It's a legend.... something about a second chance" and asked him to set things right and that she will wait for him as went back or was pulled back to the opposite direction upset, as she planned to wait for him for as long as it took.

Shelly never left the land of the dead, but at the dame time she was still by Eric's side a lot. However, he first saw her after he came back as the crow, as he went back to the loft, as she asked him to read her poem to her. Then Shelly disappeared as she couldn't stay for long. Then when a portal open in the middle of the broken window they could see each other again. As Shelly visited him a lot as he wondered which part was him, she told him that the soul was him. Then when he found a ghost kid and helped him, Shelly watched and as the kid fled from him to the land of the dead, she helped Eric help him, as she helped Eric save another kid before from death. And even helped a young woman who was murdered to clear the name of her guy as he didn't kill her but her dad's men did, as both her and Eric helped the two. Then she met Eric's past life who temporary possesed Eric until he left him, who looked like Eric. Then Shelly stopped Eric from killing of gang members that killed them because the guy turned better because of Eric. As the two were under a spell, right after Eric missed the chance to move on with her, and after she by accident possessed someone but left them.

Then after she saved Eric's soul she stayed to hear him sing her poem that he made into a song as he dedicated it to her. Then when Eric got separated from hid crow side, she came back to help but only to help and say goodbye as she needed to move on. As she did that and left back to the land of the dead, as a kid she and Eric helped before, came back from the light no one usually came back from, in order to take her to the light, as she let him but then she stopped and let go off his hand as she run back, climbed the bridge in the land of the dead and jumped. As Shelly almost didn't make it but luckily she did. Shelly came back with no memories and many emotions, as she tried to get her memories back and live her life as she always wanted to. She does what she can, as she tried to live day by day ever since.

Who I'd like to meet:

   Shelly Webster's Friend Space
Shelly Webster has 19 friends.
Eric Draven

Sarah Mohr

Jessica Capshaw

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εℓεηα м.

Apr 4th 2022 - 3:11 PM

Elena Michaels had several jobs lined up in Washington State. She was a freelance journalist and photographer, and had previously done several assignments in Oregon, Utah and Arizona. She hailed from Upstate New York originally, and it was nice to fly to different places; nice to get her mind off of things she would rather not think about.

She hopped on board Alaska Fliight 692 nonstop to Seattle and decided to take a rest. It was going to be a long, cross country flight. Thank God there were no layovers; she paid extra for nonstop. Sitting in a window seat toward the wing of the plane, she was comfy in her black leggings, white shirt, Docs and beaten up old leather jacket. She piled her blonde curls on top of her head and wrapped it up with a large jaw clip. No makeup and just lip balm, so she could rub her eyes to her heart's content if she so chose. She always picked those seats because they provided extra room for her long legs; and because if there was a crash, she would be able to help people. She loved the normal; the mundane. Saving every day human life was something Elena cherished. Using her supernatural werwolf abilities for good. 

...the next thing Elena knew, they were landing. The landing gear made a loud crash on the pavement of the runway, and they were taxiing to the terminal. She gathered her bag from the seat in front of her, and sat until it was time to exit the plane. She always laughed inwardly  at how everyone always jumped up the second the plane was in position. Did they think they were all going to get off at the same time? Especially the people in the back? Yet every time, they always stood first. Humans were funny, too. 

She eventually got off the plane with her bags and walked with the throng to Baggage Claim. She spotted her black suitcase easily; not exactly like all the others but close. She grabbed it, then went outside to find the Rental Car kiosk. Several different brands were there; Hertz and Enterprise mainly. She chose Enterprise and got a sweet 2 door, red, 2021 Honda Civic. Putting her bags in the trunk, she searched for a food place because she was starving. The peanuts on the plane were NOT it. She found a Denny's right outside the airport and sighed with relief. She was not going to starve after all.

Pulling into the almost full parking lot, she took her hair down and shook the curls out,  to look a little less disheveled, and walked into the restaurant. The air was thick with the warm smell of sausage and pancakes; and bodies.There was a fully packed waiting area, but since she was alone she figured she could eat at the counter. She asked the hostess if that were alright, and the woman said, "yes, absolutely. Right this way." She brought Elena to the second to last seat at the counter and provided her with a menu. Elena smiled. "Thanks Judy," as she saw the hostess's name tag. Judy raised her eyebrows; it wasn't often people even noticed she was a person, much less seeing her nametag. "You're welcome, dear," she said kindly, as she went back to the hostess counter.

Elena looked over the menu. A new face, a young man, probably in college, walked up to her. "Hi, welcome. I'm Stefan. Would you like to start off with a coffee?" Elena smiled at him, still looking at the menu. "Hi, Stefan. Thanks! Yes! I'll have a coffee, cream and sugar please, and also I'll get the grand slam breakfast, and a side of fruit." Stefan looked at the tall, lanky blonde and wondered where she was going to put all this food. "Right away, ma'am." and he went to the cook's alcove and gave them her order. He brought back the coffee and a small container for cream, and let her know that if she needed anything, to just ask. She nodded, and made her coffee. It was so nice and hot, and it spread through her body like a hug. Just what she needed. She waited patiently for her food and tried not to listen in to all the conversations around her. It was hard because she had really good hearing, but she just managed. 

Someone came in and took the last seat, and Stefan repeated his greeting to this new customer. "Hi, I'm Stefan, welcome to Denny's! Can I get you some coffee to start off with?"

Eric Draven

Dec 11th 2021 - 4:58 AM

Eric watched her closely not sure what was going on, nor how was she back but it definitely confirmed the letter he got. There was no doubt there. However, Eric was still shocked by it, there was no doubt there. As he didn't expect to see her back, as he was sure that she had moved on and they won't see each other again for a long time. Yet, here she was right in front of Eric. The worst thing was that she didn't seem to remember him or anything. That definitely wasn't how Eric wanted their encounter to be like. That was for sure. Assumingly it was indeed her and it seemed to him that it really was her. It hurt him that the love of his life no longer seemed happy to see him and love him but scared of him. That was the last thing he had ever wanted or needed. Eric hated seeing that. It made his face go pale. His crow side was the same way too. Eric and his crow side wanted to figure out away to get her, her memories back but he had no idea how. He felt like crying. As it wasn't how he expected things to go. If anything he hoped that they would kiss and make love when they met again or such, not that. Nothing like what was happening at that moment. Eric looked around and back at her as he wanted to hug her and kiss her, to show her how much he loved her but due to her not remembering him and fearing him, he couldn't do that. Which sucked, big time. At least it did to Eric, anyway. That was for sure. There was no doubt there. "Shelly, please think about it. Please remember me! Remember us, you have to remember or you would always wonder what could be if you don't remember. Also I need you," Eric said to her as he pleaded with her to remember him. If she was indeed her. If she was indeed Shelly, then he wanted her to remember him. Eric needed her to remember him. It hurt him a lot to think that he lost her and probably for good. It hurt that after she came back from the dead that she is no longer into him, nor in love with him. That she didn't want Eric anymore. Eric looked down sadly not sure what to think or believe. He wondered what should he do to get her to remember him and know that he was telling her the truth. Eric looked around and back at her as he continued to wonder what to do or say to her so that she would know that he was serious. He was disappointed that they had to meet again with her not having any memories of him at all. That was not what Eric wanted or needed to happen no matter what. That was for sure.

Eric watched her heartbroken and confused as he had no idea what to think or believe about any of it. He feared that he might have lost her for good. Yet, Eric tried not to think of that as he tried to hope for the best and believe that he hadn't lost her yet, nor that he was about to lose her. Or otherwise nothing mattered anymore. Not to him at least. If Eric lost her that he was ready to move on and not exist anymore. Since if he didn't have her then there was no point for him to continue as all was over and it was all pointless. At least for Eric as all he did was to one day reunite with her. "You are Irish and you taught me some Irish traditions. We bought that place together! Well rented technically, but it was our place, in fact it still is ours. You told me that I am your best first love ever and I told you that you are my first best love ever and my only one as I am your only one! Remember that?" He said to her as he watched her. Eric hoped that it rang a bell. He hoped that she remembered that. Eric needed her to remember that, to remember everything so he could be with her and then get to the land of the dead only to jump and be back with her as she did to be with him again. Yet, if she didn't remember him then there won't be a point to that. All Eric will need to do is redeem himself for by accident killing the leader of a gang that got him and Shelly killed, and set things right then move on and be on his own for good. He didn't want to do that so but he would if he had to do that. Eric hoped that it won't come to that but if it did then he would do that, no matter how hard it was for him to do that. He didn't want to force  her to remember him and what they had together. If Shelly couldn't remember and didn't want him then that was how it was and he would have to accept it. Even if he was rather that it didn't come to that. Eric hoped to be with Shelly for good but if it wasn't about to happen then he knew that he would have to accept it. Even if he didn't wish to have to accept it but it was how it was and he knew that rather well. Eric hated the situation a lot. He hated the idea of looking at his love and feeling like he was looking at a stranger. Eric hated that he looked at the love of his life but the love of his life was permanently gone. He felt useless that way. Eric felt like he wasn't needed and that if it was the case then he would move on, on his own when the time came and try to find peace. Peace for himself. No matter how hard it was for him to do. If it meant Eric had to be without his love Shelly, then it would be what he would do. Even if he was rather that it wasn't the case. Yet, things were how they were and Eric had to accept it, which he knew rather well. No matter how much he hated that.

Eric wished that he could have his Shelly back and be with her forever, and that was all he ever wanted. He was willing to give that all up, if had to, in order not to scare her and to prove to her that he isn't a bad guy. Also Eric would rather it never came to that but he knew that life didn't work as planned and he accepted that as much as he could as there was nothing else that he could do about it. Which he understood that rather well, no matter what. Without Shelly in his life, Eric felt dead and empty inside and outside, even more than he was after coming back from the dead without her. He hoped not to have to go through that ever again but if he had to then he would, even if it would make him feel dead again. In some other ways than he already was that is. However, Eric would let that be if he had to. If it made her happy and it was needed then he would move on and be without her, no matter what. Even if he would rather not to have to do that but he was a good guy and he would do that if it meant to help her and not hurt her. However, until he knew that he had to do that, he planned to keep trying to help her get her memories back, no matter what. As well as no matter how long it took as Eric wanted to know for sure whether he lost her or not. As he wanted to know for sure whether it was all over or not yet. Eric hoped that it wasn't all over yet or ever but was ready for anything or so he thought as well as believed. He tried not to think of that as he hoped for the best. Eric wondered whether it was really over or not yet. He tried not to give up at all, until he knew for sure one way or another. As Eric hoped that it wasn't over as he couldn't handle it if it was all over. He won't ever hurt her of course as he would never hurt anyone, at least the good and innocent people but it would still be hard for him to handle, as it would mean that he would have to give her up once and for all. Which Eric had no idea how to do but he would do that, if he had to but he would only do that for her and no one else but her. That was for sure. He tried not to think of any of it as before that, as he continued to try and hope for the best about it as he did before that. Eric looked around and back at her as he wondered if she would ever remember and want him or if she will remember and want him or if she won't remember and not want him lor remember but not want him. As he tried not to think of that either and hoped for the best about it too. Eric looked around and back at her, as he then just watched her again sadly. He had no idea what to say or do next as he just watched her.

Eric watched her and shook his head as he felt horrible for her, himself and the situation as he had no idea what to do or say next. He had no idea if anything he could do or say would help her remember him, remember their love, their lives together. Eric still refused to give up hope, at least for the time being, anyway. He hoped to figure it all out and soon. As Eric didn't want to lose her but he had a feeling that he either had already lost her or were about to. As he shook his head to those thoughts as he tried not to think of that either, as he tried to hope for the best about it too. Eric felt bad that he scared her before as he tried to avoid scaring her again as he just watched her. He made sure not to do anymore movements towards her not to scare her even more. As much as Eric possibly could. He hated the fact that what they both used to like before, like being next to each other, talking, hugging and kissing, etc. Was something that at that moment was scaring her, and was something that she didn't want. No more nor less than that. Eric wondered what was it that was happening to them. He hoped that their love was strong enough to survive anything. Yet, at the moment Eric wasn't too sure about it. Which hurt him even more. Eric looked around and back at her, as he tried to figure out how she came back and why her memories weren't back yet. Given that when he came back he had no memories too but they came back faster than that. Eric wondered if it was because he was brought back by the crow and was connected to it, while she came back on her own and therefore not connected to a bird crow, like him, and therefore her memories took longer to come back. If that was the case then it explained a lot. Or so Eric thought and believed. At least for him it was the case, if he was right about what he thought that was. Eric shook his head to those thoughts as he tried not to think of that. As hard as it was for him to do. Eric figured that most likely he was right about what he thought, even without thinking about that. As it made more sense than anything else he could come up with, at least for him it did. At least as far as Eric was concerned, anyway. He hoped to figure away to help her as he didn't want to give up or her. Eric refused to give up on her for as long as he possibly could.

He hoped to never have to give up on her, as before but for her he would do anything. Even give her up for good but Eric hoped that it won't ever come to that. As he had no idea what would he do if it came down to that. Eric refused even to consider that as an option. As a possibility. As that would kill him. More than anything else ever could. At least it was true as far as Eric was concerned, anyway and true for him. As that was how he saw it and how he felt. Which was why Eric tried not to think of that as it wasn't something that he wanted to consider, no matter what. Instead he just tried to hoped for the best about that, as he did before that. No more nor less than that. Since nothing else was an option. Not to Eric anyway, that was for sure. For him it was for sure, at least. Eric looked around and back at her as he continued to watch her and wonder how to help her. He was sure that there was away to help her get her memories back. Eric just had no idea how to do that, not yet at least that was for sure. Unfortunately. Yet, he refused to give up on that too, or her, like before that. No matter what. As it wasn't an option either. Not to Eric that was for sure. So he refused to give up on any of it, until he knew that he tried everything and none of it helped. If that ever happened. Which Eric hoped that it would never happen. As he refused to let that happen, if he could help it, which he hoped that he could help it. Eric hoped to find someone who could help Shelly get her memories back, so that she could be herself again. As well as so that they could be together as they belonged or so he thought as well as believed. As that was all that Eric wanted. At least at that point. Since Eric always wanted to be with her. Since the day that they met, and he knew that she felt the same as she told him so back then. This Shelly he wanted back. As that was the one he wanted back and the one he knew that was still in her, and the one she needed to be again. One way or another. Even if Eric had no idea how. Just yet. He hoped to eventually figure out how to help her. One way or another. As Eric tried not not to think of that as he hoped for the best as before that.

He then saw the trouble through the eyes of his crow, as he focused on it. Then after that, Eric made the calls as he knew that he had to make those calls. As Darryl and the other cops needed to stop the bad guys. As for Sarah, his kid friend. Well Eric had to call her to get her to watch over Shelly, as much as she could and make sure that she was still there when he came back. So that he could come back and try to help Shelly, as much as possible. Eric was worried that otherwise she would leave and he will never see her again. Which he refused to let happen, because he wanted to help her and that way get his Shelly back. If that was possible. Which Eric hoped that it was indeed possible. As he tried not to think of that either, as he hoped for the best about that too or tried to, at least. Once Eric once done with the call he watched her. As he continued to feel bad for her. "Hey hey, I am not going to hurt you. I am definitely not going to kill you, I promise," Eric said to her as he watched her closely. He tried to calm her down but he wasn't sure whether it worked or not. Eric looked around and back at her as he wasn't sure how to help her. How to calm her down. As what he tried didn't seem to work. At least as far as Eric could tell, anyway. He shook his head to those too, as he had no idea what else to say or do, in order to convince her that he wasn't her enemy and that she was safe. "I am not your enemy, I am your friend. I promise," Eric said to her, as he hoped that it would help convince her that he was telling the truth. Yet, he wasn't sure one way or another, about that either, unfortunately. Eric shook his head to those thoughts once more or tried to, at least. Just then there was a knock on the door as Eric walked over and opened it, as he saw Sarah behind the door as he let her in. They talked for a bit and looked over at Shelly, then back at each other as they talked. Then, after that, Eric left as he let Sarah close the door after him, as she stayed alone with Shelly as he was grateful for that. As it was truly helpful. Eric was glad that Sarah agreed to help, not that he doubted that she would help but still. He was glad that he could trust Sarah, as that was always a good thing. Or so Eric thought and believed at least. For him it was a good thing at least. Then again he never doubted that Sarah would help as she always helped him, just as he helped her and just as before it all he and Shellu helped her. So it wasn't new for Eric. Yet, he was still grateful for it, just the same. As Eric tried not to think of that as he went to do what he had to do. He just focused on what he had to do, no more nor less. Meanwhile Sarah focused on Shelly. Just as she promised Eric to do. Sarah was shocked and surprised to see Shelly again. She had no idea what to think or believe. As Sarah tried not to think of that as she focused on what she had to do. Aka watch over Shelly and make sure that she didn't leave, so that Eric could come back and talk to her, as well as help her. Sarah tried not to think of that as she focused on what she had to do. No more nor less.

Sarah watched Shelly as she felt bad for her. She wondered if she would ever get her memories back or not. Sarah hoped so but wasn't sure one way or another. She tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best. Sarah sighed as she continued to watch Shelly. "Shelly, don't worry. You are safe! No one is going to hurt you. Eric is going to come back to help you," she said to her as she hoped that she would listen to her. Even if Sarah wasn't sure that she would but she tried anyway, as she said other things to her too. When the crow, the bird, showed up behind Shelly, Sarah sighed as she tried to calm Shelly down. As she knew that Shelly was safe, that they both were. Especially since Sarah knew that it was how Eric kept them safe. Which she wanted to tell Shelly that but she had no idea how to do that without scaring her. So Sarah didn't do that. Yet, she still tried to calm Shelly down as much as possible. Sarah then listened to Shelly once she herself was done talking. "It is a crow and it watches you. It is curious about you and wants to make sure you are alright! Is all. It just likes you, no more nor less! So relax, you are safe, I promise," she said to Shelly and sighed to that. Sarah then listened to her again and sighed to that. "Shelly is you. You don't remember because of what you went through! Which Eric has no part off. However, due to the hell you went through and then after coming back from it, you forgot everything but I assure you, I promise you, that Eric will figure out how to help you! And I will look for ways to help you too, I promise you that," she said to Shelly and sighed to that. "As for how Shelly would know that, well how you would know that, well long story short, you witnessed it all," Sarah said to her as she watched her closely. She then listened to her again. "Hmm. Well, for one if it wanted to hurt you then it would have done that by now and it didn't. Right? Right. So that is one ! And two, because it is friendly. It is a friend and it protects us as it knows us! So that is why it is safe with that crow around," Sarah said to her. She watched her as she continued to try and calm Shelly down. Sarah heard her scream and sighed to that as she continued to try and calm her down as much as possible. She was relived and grateful when Shelly finally calmed down. Sarah was temporary worried that Shelly won't ever calm down, until she finally did. Which she was grateful for as no one was about to hurt Shelly and she hoped that Shelly would get that. So when she finally calmed down Sarah understood that she understood her finally. That she understood that no one would hurt her, which was a good think. Or Sarah thought as well as believed. As she tried not to think of that as she watched her closely and sighed to that. While she hoped that Shelly did in fact understand that no one wanted to hurt her.

Sarah watched Shelly as they spoke to each other. She noticed that Shelly didn't get anything that she said to her as she sighed to that. Sarah tried to explain things to her once more. Than she listened to Shelly once more and sighed to that. "Shelly, I know you don't remember anything unfortunately. However, we aren't interested to hurt you! I have no reason to hurt you, nor does Eric. No, I am not going to leave or hurt you and neither would Eric! Yes really. Easy, you can know it as none of us have hurt you yet! If we wanted to hurt you then we would have but we didn't, and we never will. That is how you can know that we are telling you the truth, that I am telling you the truth! No you are not. I am not guarding you, I am watching over you to make sure that you are alright! No more nor less and I am also here to talk to you, and help you get your memories back while Eric is out. I am here until he comes back to talk to you! Yes help you. Yes, really help you! Yes, we both want to help you, Shelly as we care for you. You don't remember but we are close! You and Eric took care of me like parents or older siblings when my mom couldn't. You and Eric are super close! You guys are a couple and you love each other. You guys are close to me and me to you guys, as you guys are like siblings to me and I am like a sister to you guys! I am not kidding but quite serious about it. We are not holding you hostage! You came here yourself which means part of you knows it is your place. And we are trying to help you but you won't let us, why is that?" Sarah said to her. She listened to her again and sighed to that. "Yes he wants to help you. Help you remember and because he loves you and cares for you," she said to Shelly. Sarah watched her and sighed as she looked around and back at her once more. Sarah tried to figure out how to help Shelly. How to help her see that they truly cared for her and wanted the best for her. No more nor less. "We care for you and want to help you. We want and need you to stay as it is your home and by being here you can gain your memories back," Sarah said to her and sighed to that once more. "You are safe. I don't even have any weapons aimed at you! That should tell you something. You are not held hostage and you are not going to die! In case that is what you are worried about," she said to her as she looked around and back at her once more. Sarah continued to watch her and sighed to that. "Don't worry the crow left. It made sure we are safe and left! So it still watches over us but not from that close anymore. As it makes sure that we are safe, no more nor less, and we are safe," she said to her as she watched her closely. Sarah looked around and back at her, as she sighed to that once more. "No one is going to harm you. I promise you that! In fact anyone who even tries would regret it, like before that," she said to her a few minutes later, as she continued to watch Shelly closely. "Shelly, calm down. It is me; Sarah! You know me and trust me or you used to, at least. Before now! So you know I am not your enemy and you know Eric, and trust him or used to before now. So you should know all of that now too but you don't, which is disappointing," Sarah said to her. She watched her as she listened to her. "No. I am not heading home! I promised to stay here with you and I shall. Again, we are not holding you hostage! We want to help you. It is Eric's home and yours! No one is trying to hold you. Why do you refuse to listen to the truth, Shelly? Yes, Shelly as it is your real name. And no, am not leaving! Promise is a promise. And again you are not held hostage, we are surprised to see you but we are not your enemies! We don't deserve you treating us like we are enemies when we aren't your enemies. Eric doesn't deserve it! No, it doesn't. How dare you say that? Whether you have your memories or not, you have no right saying that. He does everything to reunite with you but you treat him as. Monster? And me? How dare you? You have no right. I admired and cared for you! In fact I still do but that isn't right. You can't do that to anyone! No one stole or sold your furniture. And your window was like that for over two+ years give or take," Sarah said to her. "You and Eric went through good times and bad times here. So did I! Yet, instead of trying to remember that you act like it never happened, and that is all lies to make it easier on you! I don't get why you doing that. Can you tell me?" She said to her and sighed to that, as she was rather frustrated by all of it. Sarah couldn't believe that someone like Shelly couldn't forget everything and refused to remember so that she won't need to realize that she was wrong about good people, when she was in fact wrong about them. It wasn't like Shelly. At least not the Shelly she a d Eric knew. Sarah wondered if Shelly had any chance of ever being the person she used to be or not. She wasn't sure what to think or believe, as she had no idea if anything would ever change with her. Sarah tried not to think of that. As she tried to hope for the best about all of it, no matter how hard it was for her.

Sarah watched her and sighed to that. She refused to listen to what Shelly said and refused to agree, as well as she refused to do as she asked no matter what. As it was wrong and harsh, among other things. Which Sarah wanted no part in it. No matter what. She tried not to think of that as she watched her and sighed again. Sarah watched her with concern as it seemed to her that something was going on. "Shelly? Are you alright? What's going on here?" She asked her concerned. "If memories come back then let them, don't fight it. Otherwise you will never remember anything, not now nor ever, and I doubt that you want that, so please let the memories come back," Sarah said to her as she truly meant it. She didn't understand a thing about it but by what she read it was how it worked, which wad why she told her that. Sarah looked around once more and back at her. Then as Eric came back she opened the door and let him in. As they talked for a bit and then Sarah left. As soon she left Eric closed the door and looked at Shelly as he then began to talk to her. He hoped that she would listen to him but had a feeling that won't but he tried to talk to her just the same, as he watched her closely. Eric couldn't believe what he heard. Yet, he still listened to her just the same, no matter what. Even if Eric got hurt by what she said, he still listened to her, just the same. No matter what. He wished that he imagined it alp but unfortunately it wasn't the case. As Eric accepted it. Even if he didn't want to, as he had no other choice in the matter, which he knew rather well. Even without thinking about it either.

Eric watched her as he spoke to her. He noticed her reaction as he continued to speak to her for a while. Eric was rather frustrated as he tried the best that he could to reach her and get her to understand the truth but so far with no luck, unfortunately. He then listened to her as he couldn't believe what he had heard. That wan't at all what Eric wanted to hear from her. It hurt him to hear her say that. Eric watched her as he begged her with his eyes and face expression not to say what she told him but he noticed that she ignored it, as she continued to say what she said, which hurt him a great deal. He had no idea what to say or do next, as he continued to listen to her as she spoke. Eric was upset and disappointed by what he heard her say, as he continued to watch her and listen to her. He had no idea what to say to her as he let her finish before he spoke again. Eric looked down and back at her once more. He wished that he never heard her say that but unfortunately he did, which he knew rather well even if he hated that. Eric tried not to think of that as he watched her and listened to her and what she said to him.

He continued to watch her and listen to her, as the next thing happened. Eric moved over fast as she fainted and he got her fast, then he quickly took her to the hospital. He didn't care if people would misunderstand him and see him as a bad guy, as long as she was alright. As all Eric cared about was her. No more nor less. He headed to the hospital as fast as possible, while he held her tightly but carefully as he made sure that she didn't fall out of his hands. Eric did that without thinking about any of it, as he hoped that she would be alright. He got her to the hospital fast, as he hoped that she would be alright, as well as he hoped that he wasn't late, as he let the doctors take her as soon as he got to the hospital with her. Eric watched the doctors take her as he sat and waited to hear any news, as he hoped that she would be alright. When Sarah and Darryl came he watched them as he hugged them, as they hugged him. Then Eric talked to them as they say down. Sarah on one side of him and Darryl on the other side. As they talked among themselves. They all hoped for the best as they talked among themselves, while they waited for news about Shelly. They all hoped to get some good news but they were ready for everything just the same. Or so they hoped and believed, as they waited for news. They tried not to think of that as they hoped for the best, as the6 continued to talk among themselves. Here and there they watched the doctors pass by them as they got up to get any news but then, every time they ended up sitting back ad there no news. As they sighed. Even Eric, despite the fact that he didn't need that. Then they continued to talk among themselves as they waited for news about Shelly.

They hoped for the best but were ready for the worst, as they waited for dome news as they talked among themselves, like before that. Some doctors that they managed to stop and asked about Shelly, told then that there was no Shelly there, especially not Shelly Webster. Eric could tell that they were lying as he got it from them as Darryl and Sarah figured that out because they could tell that the doctors tried to leave fast, and tried to avoid them, among other things. Which told them that the doctors lied, among other things. They had no idea at all that the doctors would end up calling the cops. Unfortunately the doctors did as they thought Eric hurt her and was a bad guy. Even if it wasn't true. As they suspected the two with him too. Yet, they had no idea about it, until the cops came and arrested them all. They tried to explain it all but no one agreed to listen to them. They were told to shut up. They refused but the cops made sure that they stayed quite. Darryl and Sarah were eventually released as the cops thought that Eric forced them to help, so they were forced to testify against him and then released as Sarah was taken home by her mother who pulled her harshly after her and told her that she must stay away from Eric, that he is a bad news and most likely used them all along and actually hurt Shelly and lied about it, then hurt another innocent woman if it wasn't Shelly, and such even if it was a lie. Sarah didn't buy it as Sarah was grounded for over 10 or so years. As for Darryl he was released to his girlfriend's care. Which she told him the same thing that Sarah's mother told to Sarah. Darryl decided to agree with her even if it was a lie and he knew that, like Sarah did. However, in order to avoid fighting and all that, he decided to agree. As they all went home, except Eric. As unfortunately no cop wanted to release him, as they refuse to let him go as he was a criminal, as far as they were concerned, even if they were definitely wrong about him. Yet they refused to believe and accept that they were wrong about Eric. They wanted him to be a criminal to make it easier on them, so they refused to hear reason. So that way they won't need to apologize or anything like that. It was easier for them to accept that Eric was a criminal, a sicko, a monster as he was different and gothic and such, which meant more likely he was what they thought he was even if it wasn't true. Given that of they were wrong then they would need to release him and apologize, and then it would mean that they were bad in their job. Which wasn't an option. Not to them at least. That was for sure. As they tried not to think of that and ignored everything that Eric had said. Not only that but they tried to force him to confess to what they thought to be true, even if it really wasn't but he refused to admit to that.

Eric argued with the cops and tried to escape, as he begged Shelly to come to and tell them all the truth but eventually he gave up, and let them take him to jail. He could have let the crow side out and fight to be free, but then he would prove that they were right about him, even if they weren't true. Eric didn't want more trouble and he didn't want them to know the truth about himself, so he let it be. They first interrogated him and then put him in a jail cell alone. Once Eric was in a jail cell they left him there to think about his crimes and to regret them. Even if they doubted that it would happen. They had no clue that they were wrong about him. Just like the doctors didn't know that they were wrong about Eric. Which was bad and even Eric, as well as those who knew him knew that. Yet, they let it be as he did too, as they had no choice but to do that. They hoped that during the trial the truth would come up. As Eric hoped that too. Even if he wasn't sure one way or another. Eric had no idea how to convince them of the truth. He could show them the real him which could help prove that he is a good guy and not a liar but at the same time it could make things much worse for him, and make them think that he was a criminal ad they thought and it would be all over. Which was why Eric couldn't do it. He had no idea what could he do to prove that he is telling the truth. Eric tried not to think of that. He decided to give up as it didn't matter because as far as he knew he lost Shelly and would never get her back. That made Eric decide not to fight as he saw no point to it, anyway. He hated it but life without Shelly weren't worth it. Not to him anyway. That was why he decided to give up and why he wished that she didn't come back. That way Eric could do what he needed to do and then move on and be with her, if she still wanted him. Instead of going through the hell that he went through at the moment. Eric shook his head to those thoughts as he tried to keep his mind clear. As he sat on the side, as he pulled his feet towards himself and wrapped his arms around hid feet, and put his head on his knees and stayed that way for a while. Eric refused to think of anything or do anything, as there was no point. At least as far as he was concerned anyway. Eric just sat there in that position and didn't move at all. As he refused to do anything, no matter what.

Eric saw no point in anything. He didn't eat or drink or sleep since he came back anyway, as he didn't need it. So Eric didn't care about it. He had no idea if he even could. Not that Eric cared. This moment especially. 5hat was for sure. For him at least. Eric hoped to die and never come back. As he didn't need or want to go through what he went through. Eric saw no point in any of it as he had lost the love of his life. So life or anything was pointless to him, due to that. He wished that he wasn't chosen and brought back, so that he won't need to go through what he went through at that moment. Eric wanted to be pulled out of that world, where he was at and taken back to the land of the dead, so that he could move on, and be there. On his own and imagine himself being happy when he really wasn't but instead he was stuck where he was. Eric hated that as he tried not to think of that, as he waited to die. Permanently this time. Eric refused to believe that things would ever get better. He refused to believe that he would ever get Shelly back. Eric refused to believe that she would ever remember him. As far as he was concerned he had already lost her. For good. Eric knew that he could continue fighting for her but he wasn't sure if it was even worth it. He couldn't believe that it would ever change anything for the better. Which was why Eric decided not to fight for Shelly. Instead he let be. Eric agreed that he needed to give up on her. No matter. Given that everything that had happened pointed to it. Eric saw no point to keep on fighting. It was clear that she didn't want him and didn't need him. Not anymore. It was clear that Shelly wanted Eric gone from her life. It hurt him but he began to accept the fact that most likely they didn't belong together. Eric hated it but it was how it was. Which he had to accept. As slowly he began to accept it, no matter how hard it was for him to do that. Eric decided to give up on everything. As he lost Shelly and his connection to the portal to the land of the dead. Which meant Eric couldn't move on and he lost the reason to move on. He saw no reason to go on. Eric wanted to be taken away but so far no such luck or whatever. He just refused to move. Eric hoped that this way he would be gone soon enough and then he won't need to worry or feel anything, as he worried and felt things at that moment. As he didn't want to worry or feel anything. Given that as far as Eric was concerned he was already fully dead and nothing or no one could change it, no matter what. He tried not to think of any of it as he sat there as a statue, not moving or thinking of such. Eric didn't care if it looked weird or anything. As he had no reason to move or feel or care. Not anymore so Eric didn't. He just did what he did as he waited to be taken away for good. If it was possible. As Eric hoped so without thinking about any of it, as he just continued to wait.

He was frustrated that he was still there, as he continued to wait to be taken away. The sooner the better. Or so Eric thought and believed as he waited. Here and there cops visited him and at times got in and shook him to wake him up or whatever but he ignored it, he ignored them, as he didn't care what they would do to him one way or another. Not anymore at all. At that point even the crow side was in the same situation as Eric and felt the same way about it all too. Even the crow side refused to move and react. Eric sat that way for hours on end as he had no idea what else to do. As he saw no point in fighting his situation or anything like that. Eric doubted that anything would ever change. He was sure that he and Shelly were over by that point. In which case Eric wanted to die but literally die and not exist again. Nor at all. If he and Shelly were over and not meant to be then he saw no point in existing anymore. As Eric lost all hope and reasons to do what he returned to do. As there was no point in doing that, because if they were over then it was pointless, as they would never reunite. In which case Eric saw no point to anything. He saw no point or reason for him to be on earth anymore. Eric wished that what he did so far was enough so that he could move on and just be by himself in the after life. If he and Shelly weren't meant to be then he refused to be anywhere she was as it hurt him way too much to do that. Eric doubted that it would change. As before. As it all showed him one thing, that she gave him up. That Shelly didn't remember their love, or anything like that. That what they had meant nothing and it was over. Which Eric was rather not feeling that, as it hurt too much. He felt like he was stabbed by a knife in his heart. If that was true and Eric lost her, and it was over then he wanted to be dead so that he won't have to feel that way anymore. He felt like he was useless, his life or so called life, and everything else was all useless. At least for Eric it was and felt that way, no matter what. He couldn't change that no matter how much he wanted to and he accepted it, even if he didn't want to accept that at all.

Even when Sarah and Darryl came to visit him and talk to him, he still didn't react to it. Even when his trial came he let them drag him there as he let his lawyer that the court appointed for him or someone else hired for him, to talk in his behalf, he just sat there not reacting. The lawyer had no idea how to plead Eric's case, so the lawyer just said that Eric pleaded guilty for reason of insanity, even if he wasn't guilty or insane. Most thought that he faked being in the state that he was so they ignored it, except his lawyer who thought he was just insane. Darryl, Sarah and even his boss and friend Shea, talked in his behalf and it was taken as against him not for him. Yet, Eric just sat there and stared at nothing. The angel that visited him before twice before visited him again before the trial but Eric didn't react to him as he ended up leaving. Unlike the other two times, this time Eric refused to talk to anyone nor react. No matter what. He saw no reason to react or say that he wasn't guilty, as no one but those who really knew it would buy it, besides it didn't matter as he lost the only person who give him a reason to move on and fight. So it didn't matter. Not to Eric at least. He let them do what they wanted to do to him. Not that Eric cared. Without Shelly he didn't feeling like fighting, anyway. Darryl took care of Eric's apartment, not that Eric cared one way or another but still. Even if he could move on he won't be able to go back there, unless he was kidnapped and taken there on time to move on but that was besides the point. As Eric tried not to think of it either as he locker himself in his thoughts. He couldn't help people and set things right and he didn't have Shelly, so nothing else mattered. As Eric just stacked himself in one of his good memories with Shelly and stayed there, where he lived since he was arrested and since he realized that he lost her and everything was over. It was the only place he wanted to be. That was the place Eric felt more at peace at. No where else but there. Even if it was only a memory it was still a place he was most happy and at peace at. It was the only place Eric planned to live at. No matter what.

He figured that if he had to exist in a world without her in reality, then he would go into himself and live in a memory. While outside it Eric lived in a bad place. At least his subconscious was elsewhere, which made it easier. For Eric at least. That way he didn't suffer and lived as well as was where he wanted to. Even if Eric knew it was a memory but that was better than nothing. For him at least. Eric was that way even when he was found guilty and sentenced to prison for the rest of his life, without a possibility for parol. He felt himself being touched, dragged out of the court room and what not. Yet, Eric still didn't care. Even if some people, well more like plenty of people called him bad names. Including but not limited to jerk, fool, murderer, bastard, and many more. Eric let people call him whatever they wanted and let the judge, jury and the district attorney to convict him. Even if he was innocent and didn't deserve any of it. It didn't matter. Not to Eric. As it felt pointless and hopeless to try and convince them otherwise. So he didn't even bother to try. Eric didn't even think that they would believe him. As before. Also the other trial was more mockery done by bad people but that was besides the point. Then Eric fought but that was because he had something to fight for. Yet, at the moment he didn't. Which was why Eric didn't even bother to try. Instead he trapped himself in his own mind, in his memories with Shelly and in away lived there. Eric was rather that than live in a reality without her in his life. He figured that he would never move on anyway, and Shelly was in a coma, and as far as he knew she was still in a coma since he brought her t the hospital, so it didn't matter if he was stuck in his own mind or not, as either way he had lost her. Whether in a coma or awake as she forgot him and wanted him gone. Eric didn't even think much if at all about it and just trapped himself in his mind. He figured that he might as well get stuck in there and one day he would just done and go away, and move on to the after life. Even if without her being there and waiting for him. At least Eric hoped that he would die eventually and would be able to move on. Even if alone. Even if it would mean that he would spend eternity alone. Which was fine. Better than nothing. Or so Eric tried to convince himself without thinking about it. As for him it seemed that way, even if he hated admitting to it but it definitely seemed like the truth. There was no doubt there. Unfortunately.

Eric was thrown in a cell alone and then he was locked in there. However, he still didn't react. Even as the guards called Eric bad names and told him that he deserved what he got, he still didn't react, no matter what. Eric still relived the moment when they met and the moment when they started to date, that he didn't care for anything else. He felt in peace and refused to live his mind and memories, no matter what. Since at least there Eric had Shelly and they were together and happy as well as in love. Even if he knew that it wasn't real but memories and past but still. Eric managed to change his memories and past which he was glad about. Even if it wasn't real but in his mind. As Eric knew that he couldn't get to the past and change it. Not exactly. Not really. But still. Eric felt like he was where he belonged, even if it wasn't real and even if real life was worse than that. He was rather that then existing in a world without Shelly in it. As that wasn't a world that he wanted to be in. Even if part of him and in away Shelly tried to get him to come out and fight it but he refused. No matter what. As Eric gave up any hope of ever being with Shelly. He was sure that it won't ever happen. Eric was positive of that, in that. Which was why he refused to come out. As for the crow side, that side became dormant too. As it too gave up hope of fixing it all and being with her. The crow that he was close to was still near by and watched over him. Yet, it wasn't too close nor too far. However, it was close enough for him not to get hurt but not too close so it won't be seen and hurt, so that Eric won't get hurt and permanently killed. Yet, he didn't think much or at all about it, as he didn't care anymore but he felt his crow side within him and the crow, bird that he was connected to. Eric just didn't think much about it. Nor at all. As instead he focused on other things than that.

Eric didn't bother listening to anything or anyone who tried to convince him to come out and fight for her as well as well as fight in general. As he refused as it seemed pointless and stupid. To Eric at least as he decided to stay in side his mind. The cops and lawyers, the judge, jury and such thought that he faked not being there as he was kinda responsive, if it could be even called that but not by much. Not that Eric cared or thought about it but still. They all tried to get him to stop pretending but then gave up let him keep acting like a fool, even the guards in prison were the same, none of them realized that he wasn't pretending or anything like that. Nor did they care. Then again neither did Eric. He didn't care what they thought of him or anything like that. Eric was that way for days and even months. Then again he didn't need to breath or such, so he didn't care about it one way or another. That was for sure. Eric just wanted nothing to do with the real world, unless he had a chance to set himself free and set things right and be with Shelly. Which it didn't seem so, and Eric doubted that it would ever be the case. As he tried not to think of that and focused on his fake world that he created for himself. No more nor less.

Eric was stuck in his made up world for a year and 4 month after she came back, and 3 years and 4 month after he was back. He was already stuck in away that sooner or later he would be killed as he was more like human in away at the moment, almost dead dead, as the crow he was connected to left and all. He didn't feel it or his crow side anymore. The guards came in a lot and beat him almost to death. Until they found that Shelly was there. They weren't sure about let her see him but eventually they let her see him. As they went to get Eric. He ignored them for quite a while but eventually he got out of his thoughts as he looked around confused. Eric then followed them as he eventually sat on his side behind the glass. He was shocked and confused about seeing her there. At first Eric was rather ready to flee, until he realized that she remembered him and was back to her old self. He picked up the phone the same time that she did. "Shelly? Is it really you? You remember me? You aren't mocking me or such right?" Eric asked. He looked like a mess. However slowly he began to look more like himself and his crow side came back and the bird he was connected to cane back as he healed but it took a while. Everyday that she visited made things better for him, better for Eric as they planned to find a way to release him, even if it was nearly impossible but eventually it worked, as she met him outside and they hugged. So it took 4 more month but it worked. By then Eric became the same guy he was always but more like him after he came back, with his crow side and the crow that he was connected to. Not that he thought of that as he focused more on his life with his love Shelly, then anything else.
Sarah Mohr

Nov 13th 2021 - 8:17 AM

Sarah woke up, as she washed up and changed clothes. Then she brushed her hair and her teeth. Then Sarah took her school bag and headed to the kitchen as she saw her mom there. They talked among themselves, as Sarah sat down by the table and ate the food her mom made her. As well as she drank what her mom made her. Sarah was surprised that even if her mom messed up once and went back to drinking, she changed again but this time without messing up. She was somewhat impressed but she feared that she would mess up again. Even if Sarah hoped not. She just saw that her mom messed up once after getting cleaned, so she wasn't sure that she could trust her not to do that again. Sarah hoped that she was wrong and her mom would stay clean but with her luck, she wasn't sure if she could believe it or not. Especially since Sarah had to be the grown up when her mom messed up. She wanted to be an adult but in a case like that. Sarah felt awakward in cases like that and didn't want a repeat of it. She tried not to think of that as she ate and talked to her mom.  Once Sarah was done she waited for her mom. Then both left the house, after Sarah helped her mom with the dishes. Her mom went to the police station, where she worked but small part. Like getting calls about emergencies and such.  While Sarah went to School. She had no idea that on this day she will get another surprise in her life. After one last year, where Eric Draven her friend and one who helped raise her, came back from the dead. What Sarah did know was that she would see Eric that day. Which she was glad as they were friends, like siblings and she enjoyed hanging out with him.

Yet, at the moment Sarah focused on the moment and nothing else but that.  As she headed to school. Sarah actually through all her classes. Then she went home to do her homework and eat , but at first she went to Eric as she got his letters and went  to hang out with him but ended up going home earlier than she expected, which was why she did her homework and ate at her house that day. Once Sarah was done she went to watch tv . Yet, she first changed clothes due to the fact that she got those cloths dirty by accident. Then Sarah got a call from Eric as  she was shocked and headed over fast. Once she was by the apartment she went up the stairs to Eric's  and Shelly's floor and then she went to the door of their loft. Once there she knocked on it. Sarah watched the door open and then she saw Eric. She walked in as soon as  he let her walk in.  Sarah talked to Eric as here and there they glanced to the person in the room. She was shocked and confused as they talked, due to the person that she saw inside.

Then Sarah watched Eric leave as she closed the door after him. She then watched the person shocked. Sarah tried to speak but nothing came up. At first. "Shelly? Eric wasn't kidding then. You are here," she said as she watched her. "It is me, Sarah," Sarah added as she hoped it will help Shelly remember. "Don't worry. You are safe here," she said a minute later as she watched her closely. "We both are safe. And Eric will be back soon," Sarah said to her as she watched her closely. She then waited to reaction as before, as she wondered what would it be. Sarah looked around and back at her."Eric is a good guy. He won't hurt you and I won't hurt you either,'" she said to her as she  looker to the ground and back at her as she sat on the floor.
Eric Draven

Oct 21st 2021 - 11:32 PM

Eric watched Shelly or whoever it was with concern on his face. He wished that he understood any of it but he definitely didn't. Unfortunately. Eric wondered if it was even really Shelly or not. Partly he believed that it was her but partly he wasn't sure one way or another. Eric wasn't sure what to think or believe, due to that. He wondered if she was Shelly then why her memories took longer to come back then his ever did. Eric couldn't understand that. It was almost like she got hurt hard in her entry from the land of the dead to the land of the living. Or something like that. Or so Eric thought and believed, at least. As it seemed that way to him. Or something like that at least. Eric hoped to get to the bottom of all of it soon. He hoped to be able to help her or whoever it was soon. As people needed their memories, unless they were evil but that was besides the point. Eric doubted that she/the person evil. Which was why he cared. Eric just hoped that he wasn't wrong about it. He tried not to think of that as he hoped for the best as he watched the person. Eric wondered how to help the person. As he could tell, without any doubt that the person needed help. Whether they asked for help or not. Eric could tell that Shelly or whomever the person was, was definitely scared as he tried to make sure not to scare them anymore as he watched them. He looked around and back at her as he tried to figure out what to do and say to get close enough to help, without scaring the person. Yet, the longer he thought of it the more trouble he had figuring that out. That was something he couldn't fix. Not easily anyways. Not as Eric nor as the crow. Which made him feel hopeless and somewhat useless. Eric refused to give up but it was still rather hard for him as he never faced anything like that before. Most times he was able to solve things but this was one of the hardest things that he had to deal with ever. Eric wondered if he could even solve it at all, given that he couldn't figure away to help. He refused to give up but at the same time he had no idea what to do. All Eric knew was that he couldn't give up no matter what. So he tried to do that. Also not giving up didn't help him figure it out but it helped him keep hope that he might be able to help. So Eric definitely wasn't sure how it helped with it yet. He tried not to think of any of it either as he tried to solve it. As much as possible.

Eric felt bad for the person but the longer that passed the more unsure he was of what to do to help them. He still tried not to lose hope no matter how hard it was for him to do that. Eric hated being in a situation where he couldn't help. He hated being in situations when he needed help to help another person. It was the same when Eric was still alive before be died and came back different. Also bad then things like they barely happened, if at all. Eric did know that asking for help didn't mean anything bad about him but he still hated that. Given that on most cases after he came back he could help people. More than before even. Yet, this was literally one case not Eric nor the crow could help with. Without help. He knew that he wasn't perfect, of course. Yet, Eric still hated not being able to help as it made him feel useless and he hated feeling that way, a great deal. As most people. There was no idea where. Nor how to find it. Yet, no matter what he still refused to give up, as he didn't like the idea of giving up. Especially as it wasn't like him. Even if Eric did give up at times but Sarah and Darryl, his cop friend always helped him realize that he shouldn't give up. And that it wasn't like him. Which helped him a lot. That was something Eric was grateful then and that moment. It was something Eric would always be grateful for. However, unfortunately, it didn't help much that moment. It just helped him not give up hope. Yet, Eric still had trouble figuring it out, no matter what. He wondered if it could be fixed. Helped. Eric came up blank no matter how long he tried to figure it out. Like before that. He wondered what was he missing. As Eric was sure. Completely sure. That he was missing something there. Eric just had no idea what was he possibly missing so. He had trouble figuring that out, as he continued to try and figure that out just the same. Eric didn't care how hard it was and how long it took, he would figure it all out. He just hoped that it would be soon so. As it was important and needed. As the person mattered no matter who they were. They no doubt had people and family who cared for them and needed them. Eric was sure of that. He was positive about it in fact. Eric just had no idea where to start from to figure it all out. Everytime he thought he figured it out he ended up back at the beginning yet again. Eric looked around again as he tried to figure it all out. He wanted to tell the person that it would all be alright and that they would figure it all out but couldn't. As Eric had no idea for sure, one way or another. Which was exactly the problem. Unfortunately. He didn't want to lie to the person so he said nothing about it, for the time being at least. Eric looked to the ground as if he was checking the floor boards but he actually was trying to think of away to help the person. Yet, he still came out with nothing. Eric had no idea what to say or do next. That was for sure. He had no idea what anyone said. Or did in a situation like that.

Eric felt bad for the person, no matter how long had passed. As the longer that passed the more he wanted to help the person out. Given that Eric was a good guy after all, and not a bad guy. He helped people before death and after that, right after he came back from the dead but with different things than before that. Despite that at the moment he had no idea how to help, he still planned to help. As nothing else was an option. Not to Eric at least. He hated to see the person suffer without being able to help. Eric refused to give up and let a person suffer and the person in front of him seemed to suffer. Eric wanted to help out. One way or another. Yet, he had no how to help the person. Whether it was Shelly or not. Which something told Eric that it was Shelly but he wasn't sure one way or another. As he wasn't that close to get that information from the person. Eric wanted to get close to the person for that but he didn't want to spook the person even more. He had no idea who the person was for sure but he definitely could tell that they confused and scared. Eric could also tell that they didn't remember anything and it was one of the reasons that they were scared. He also could tell that if he came any closer the person got even more scared from him. So Eric decided not to move any closer until he possibly could. He had no idea what to do to help the person in any other way then going over and it was the one thing he couldn't do. Which made things even more complicated. For Eric and the person that he wanted to help, one that needed help. He passed a bit by his spot, without going any closer to the person. In order not to scare the person. That was when he stopped and closed his eyes and titled his head to the side as he looked through the eyes of his crow. The same crow that he was connected to, and then opened his eyes with a concerned look on his face. Then after that Eric called his cop friend about it. He believed that he needed to know about it and that he was still in town due to change of plans.

As soon as Eric did that he wasn't sure what to do next. He needed to help but didn't want to leave the person alone. At the same time Eric didn't want to leave and then come back and the person was gone, especially if it was Shelly. Because he knew if that happened then he would lose Shelly for good. Which wasn't an option. Eric refused to lose her again. Especially after he almost lost her for good more than once. Except this time if he lost her, nothing would ever change it. Which wasn't an option. Not for Eric. He needed her. Eric loved her since the day they met. Even after they got together. He couldn't lose her. Not again. Not after Eric finally gotten her back. If it was really her. Which Eric believed that it was in fact her. At least got feeling told him that it was indeed her. Even if he wasn't completely sure one way or another. Eric tried not to think of that as he decided to call his kid friend, Sarah. He did just that and then he waited for her to come. Eric knew that it might seem weird but he figured that she was the only one he trusted with it. He had no idea whom else to trust with that job. As if he choose someone else then Eric would need to explain it all. Which he had no idea how to do that. Not without sounding crazy and delusional. Which he wanted to avoid at all cost. Eric doubted that they would listen and believe him about any of it or think he lost it and call the cops on him or what. It was something he tried to avoid as much as possible. Eric tried not to think of that as he waited. While he waited he watched the other person. When Sarah finally came he opened the door for her and let her in. They talked for a bit. Eric and Sarah both glanced at the other person and back at each other as they talked among themselves. Then he left as Sarah stayed behind, as he went to do what he had to do. She closed the door after him. Then Sarah sat on the ground. With her face towards the person. Sarah felt horrible for the person. However, at the same time she was shocked and speechless about the fact that the person looked like Shelly. Sarah saw the person smile at her with a sad and scared smile as she smiled back at her, with a sympathic look on her face. She couldn't believe that Eric was right. Not that Sarah doubted him. It was like the fact that it made no sense but then again him being back didn't exactly made sense either. So if that was possible then other things were possible too, most likely. Or so Sarah thought. Then again Eric was different. Not human but not a ghost either. He was something unexplained. Yet, Shelly wasn't chosen by the crow so it made no sense that she would be back. As it couldn't work. Or could it? That all was what Sarah thought about and wondered. She shook her head to those thoughts as she watched the person. As the crow showed up behind the person Sarah just watched the person's reaction, as the person saw the crow. She tried to calm the person down. Sarah tried to help the person realize that the crow wasn't going to hurt her. As it really wasn't going to hurt her. "Calm down. Take it easy, ok? I promise you that it won't hurt you. If you are Shelly then you probably know this! If not then you do know that now,"

Sarah said to the person. After that, they began to talk about things. Saran noticed however, that the person had problems following anything she had said, so she tried to explain herself in the best way possible. "We are not your enemies. You are not even a prisoner! Eric, my friend, the one that just left, only wants to help you. I do too but I can't! He can. Especially if you are in fact Shelly," she said to her and sighed, as she watched her closely. Sarah watched the other person and listened to them when they spoke to her. She spoke to them for a while. Sarah looked around and back at the person. She had no idea how to get the person understand that they were safe. As the person seemed scared no what Sarah said or it seemed that way to Sarah, anyway. As she sighed to that. Sarah hoped to try and help the person remember but wasn't how so. She hoped that Eric would know that she tried to help, even if she had failed. At least she tried. Or so Sarah thought at least. She wondered how could she help the person at all. Eric trusted her to watch over the person and try to help them remember, which she tried but it didn't seem to work. Not for her at least. They talked for a bit. Right until Eric came back. Sarah looked at him as she got up and talked to him. She also apologized to him for failing but he told her it was fine and that he didn't blame her for it at all. Then they talked for a bit longer as here and there they glanced at the other person. They talked a bit more and then Sarah left as Eric closed the door after her and looked at the other person once more. He felt really terrible and had no clue how to help her or the person in general nor he knew what to say to them, Yet, Eric spoke to her/ well the person, as he said the only thing that he could have said. No more nor less than that. After he said what be said he watched the person. Eric noticed that she didn't believe him nor trusted him. Or anything like that. Due to her reaction. As Eric didn't blame her as it was hard to believe, even if it was the truth. He wondered how else to explain any of it to her. Or the person. It was the hardest thing that he ever had to do. There were other hard things that he had to do but that was the hardest of all. Eric talked for a while so, despite the fact that the person didn't believe him at all. He had no idea what else to say that would convince the person of the truth. Eric continued to watch the person as he spoke.

Then once he was done, he still watched the person as he waited for a reply to what he said. Eric listened to the person as he couldn't believe what he had heard. He had no idea what to think or believe about it. Eric listened and nodded as he had no idea how to react to any of it. It seemed to be possible that it was Shelly but she didn't remember anything. Which hurt like a knife being pushed through him. Also the current Eric, one that came back from the dead could handle the knife being pushed into him more than he could handle hearing the love of his life saying to him what it seemed that she had said to him at the moment. He watched the person shocked with an open mouth and his hand over his mouth. Eric was shocked and horrified by that. The strange thing was that if it was her part of her seem to recognize the loft and the direction to it, as she or the person came there alone. Yet they didn't remember anything. That was something that Eric couldn't follow. It was something he couldn't understand. Yet, Eric said nothing about that, at least for the time being. He looked towards the person as he listened to them, not sure how to react to any of it. Eric turned to the side and back at her or the person anyway. He wondered what to say or how to react to any of it as he listened to the person speak. Eric never wished to hear any of it from Shelly, and yet it might actually be coming exactly from her. He had no idea how to react to any of it. Eric was hurt if it was her and the more she talked the more convinced he was that it was her. That it was in fact Shelly. Shelly Webster. His Shelly. His girl. His love. Hearing that cut deeper then a knife could ever cut him. Whether alive or dead. Eric listened as he just nodded to what she/the person said as he had no idea what else to say to the person. It surprised that the person or Shelly remembered their own face but nothing else or sensed somehow that it was their face but nothing else other than that. Another part that confused and hurt him was the possibility that Shelly literally rude about herself and said that she doesn't know a Shelly, nor the fact that they were one or anything like that. Eric shook his head to those thoughts as he continued to watch and listen to her/the person. The more he listened the more shocked, hurt, sad, upset, frustrated he had became, as the more the person talked the more sure he was that it was Shelly, which was what hurt the most. That it came from the love of his life, and beyond that. Eric couldn't believe what he heard and wished that he had never heard it before. Also the fact that she agreed for him to help her was something so he could tell that she hesitated and was scared but agreed so that he won't hurt her, even if truthfully he would never hurt her no matter what.

Eric wondered what should he do or say next, as he continued to watch her. He tried to speak but nothing had came out. Eric had no idea what to think or believe. His feelings were all over the place. Eric was glad that she agreed to let him help but not the fact that she hesitated out of fear, etc. He also didn't like everything else else that she said to him. Eric tried not to think of that as hard as it was to do at that moment, as he still watched her. He watched what had happened next and run over to her. Eric got to her rather fast and caught her before she hit the floor. That horrified him even more. Especially since Eric had no clue what had happened. Well, he did understand that she got up and fainted but that was all that he understood. No more nor less. Just that but not what happened to cause her to faint or anything like that.

"Shelly? Oh god. Shelly hang on, you are safe! I got you,"

Eric said to her and run with her to the door as he opened the door, and then he run out of there with her in his arms. He didn't care who saw or what they thought. What Eric cared about was Shelly, at that moment. No more nor less. He never hurt Shelly but he had no time to explain, so he hoped that no one would get in his way to take her to the hospital. Eric wanted to get her to the hospital. To get her help. That was all he focused on at that moment no more nor less. As Eric carried Shelly to the hospital he heard two familiar voices as well as saw two familiar figures yell and run to catch up to him, through the eyes of his crow but didn't bother to respond as he moved as fast as possible, as he made sure not to drop Shelly as he made his way to the hospital.

He hoped to get there on time. Eric hoped that she would be alright but had no clue what was going on. He tried not to think of that as he hoped for the best. Eric never stopped until he got to the hospital with her. He then handed her to the doctors and when he was asked about what happened he just said that she fainted and he got her there as soon as possible. They told Eric that he did good and took her to get checked, as they asked him to stay where he was. Which he did. A while later the two caught up to him.

The two were Darryl and Sarah. Eric apologized to them for ignoring them but he had to get Shelly to the hospital. Then he told them everything as they sat down and waited to hear about how she was doing. Sarah and Darryl tried to comfort Eric and be there for him. Also they were shocked and confused by it. As they talked among themselves as they waited for news.
Eric Draven

Oct 18th 2021 - 9:00 PM

Eric watched her as he made his way over to her. As his face turned into a horror look as he saw her reaction to him in general and the way he looked at her, and the fact that he made his way over to her. Eric had no idea how to react to any of it. That wasn't at all what he had in mind. That wasn't what Eric expected. Not even close to it. He had no idea what to do to show her that he had no intention of hurting her. Eric listened to her as she spoke as he felt horrible hearing her say that. He couldn't believe that she said any of it. That wasn't how Eric hoped the reunion to go. It killed him to hear her say that. Eric didn't want to scare her or anything like that but it seemed that he had, which horrified him more than anything in the world. He couldn't believe that she even said any of it. Eric searched her face for a hint to it being her silliness or something but found nothing. He looked around and back at her. Eric began to wonder whether she really was Shelly or someone who made themselves to look like her but had no idea who he was or such. As he knew that she wouldn't act that way, unless either she wasn't her but pretended to be her or if it was Shelly but she lost her memory when she came back. Except if it was the second part then Eric wondered why her memory hasn't came back yet. He looked down not sure what to do or say. Eric wanted to know what was going on and who was she really. He wanted to know what was going on. Who was she and why was she there. As she couldn't be Shelly. His Shelly. Could she? No, there was no way that it was her. Right? Eric wondered as he shook his head. He started to think that she wasn't her. If she wasn't then he wanted her to show how she really looked like, and he wanted for her to stop looking like his Shelly, as it wasn't funny. Not for Eric that was for sure. He wasn't amused by any of it. Not even a little bit. There was no doubt there. Eric wanted Shelly back and no one else. So he hated when people pretended to be her. That moment especially.

Eric watched and wondered what to say to her or him. Whomever the person was. As Eric never exactly face a chance like that. Similar yes but not this specifically. Which was why Eric had no idea what should he do or say in that situation. He then continued to move closer and closer to her. Eric hoped to get information from her, even without her volunteering it herself. As he wanted answers, as well as he needed answers. No matter what. Eric wasn't going to hurt the person but get answers, and if the reason was good then he would let it be, and help the person if needed but if the reason was bad then Eric didn't plan to help the person but will get Eric to arrest the person and keep them in jail in definitely. As he was a good guy not bad, so he had no intention of killing the person that pretended to be Shelly. No matter what the reason was. However, Eric definitely wanted answers to know what to do about it. As his reaction to the situation dependent on the reason the person pretended to be her. Eric believed. He was sure by that moment that it wasn't her. Eric was positive about it. As he had no other explanation to why she reacted the way that she did, other wise. However, part of Eric wasn't sure that it wasn't her. He wondered about that. Eric wondered whether it was really her or someone else. He wondered what was going on. Eric wondered if it really was Shelly, the love of his life then why was she scared of him. He wondered if it was her then why her memory wasn't back yet. Eric wondered what was going on with Shelly, if it was really her. None of it made any sense, not to him at least. It was too strange and creepy. No doubt there. For Eric at least. He didn't like any of it. Eric wondered if it really was her then whether or not she would ever get her memories back or not. He sure hoped so but with his luck he had no idea for sure. Eric tried not to think of that as he hoped for the best. He felt bad for her and wished to help her but had no idea how to do that. It was all a rather new territory. For Eric at least. He had no idea how to deal with it. If it was Shelly then Eric considered letting her go, if he had to. Not because he wanted to but because he didn't want to force her to be with him, if she didn't want to because she didn't remember him. Eric hoped it won't come to that but was ready for anything. He was fine even giving her space if he had to but he hoped that one day, before he moved on, that she would remember him. If not then Eric will let her live her life, without being in it. Even if he wanted to be in her life, he refused to force it as that wasn't like him and never will be.

Eric wished for the best but was ready for everything. Or so he thought and believed. At least some what, anyway. Eric moved a bit more closer to her or whoever the other person was but then he backed away from the person. As much as he wanted answers, he didn't think that it was the best way to do that. Eric was worried that the person might scream which would alert people who would end up calling the cops and Eric wanted to avoid that as much as possible. He didn't want to be arrested for doing something he didn't do, like before that. Eric didn't want trouble. If anything he wanted to avoid trouble and that way he doubted that he could do that. However, Eric watched her closely as he tried to make sure that she or whomever it was doesn't end up falling out of the broken window as that won't end up well. Which was another thing he wanted to avoid at all cost. Eric tried to speak but nothing came out. He just opened and closed his mouth, not sure what to say to her or whomever it was not to scare them any further or anything like that. Eric just looked at the person sadly and shook his head. He had no idea what to say or do next no matter how long had passed as the person seemed to be scared to even listen or understand him. Eric wasn't sure what could he do as he didn't want to leave his loft but didn't want to scare the person further, either. He just watched the person lost for words and unsure whether he should stay or leave. Eric wondered if he should call Darryl to come and help or what, given that he had never dealt with anything like that before. Then again none of them had.

Due to that, it was rather hard to know what to do or say in a situation like that. It wasn't the kind of situation anyone ever imagined themselves being in. Let along Eric. Which he was sure that Shelly never imagined that either. And yet, that was the situation that they were facing and it was hard to get out of it or fix it. Especially for Eric. He had no idea how anyone acted in cases like that as he didn't know people in cases like that. Eric wondered if he should call Darryl to help or not. Then again he had no idea if Darryl could help him with that situation. Eric wished that he had someone to talk to but then again he didn't know anyone whoever went through that. Maybe something similar but not that. At least as fat as he knew anyway. Then again he didn't know anyone who went through any of the situations that he did. Due to that he had no idea to whom should he possibly talk to about any of it. Eric never asked for any of it, just as he knew that Shelly never asked for any of it. He wondered why they had to go through any of it. It was like either Eric was cursed or Shelly was cursed or both. At least it felt that way to him. Eric was frustrated by that to no end. As he had no idea why he or Shelly or they both deserved any of it. It was't like they were evil or anything like that. They never hurt anyone. Granted, when Eric was younger he took the blame for what his adopted younger brother did, but it was because he cared for him and didn't want him to suffer. So years later he did began to wonder whether or not it was even a good idea or not. Since Eric's adopted brother seemed to never learn anything. If anything he only became worse as he hanged out with the wrong crowed years later, due to Eric always taking the blame for his adopted brother's mischievous deeds. He wondered if that was why his life turned bad. Eric wondered if he did things differently would things be different for him or not. Then again what if he let his adopted brother pay for his mischievous deeds and he never met and fell in love with Shelly or anything like that. No that not what he wanted. Eric doubted that he would have any life without her in his life. No he didn't want to think about it. As Shelly made Eric's life better and he made hers better. He couldn't imagine life without her in it. Eric refused to do that.

He tried not to think about any of it. Eric tried to speak but nothing came out as before that. He opened and closed his mouth again and again. Eric looked around the loft not sure what to do or say next as before that. He hated the situation because that situation wasn't fun at all. Eric wasn't sure what he could do or say in this situation without scaring the person further. He looked to the ground for a bit and then back to the person once more. Eric took a few steps forward and then a couple of steps backwards. He wished that there was a manuel about cases like it or what he went through but unfortunately there weren't any. At least not as far as Eric knew. Which was unfortunate but still true. Which meant he had to figure it all out alone. It was something that Eric definitely had trouble with. He was on his own in that situation or any situation. So Eric had to think of it on his own and find the solution on own. Which he hated a great deal as that didn't help at all. Not to Eric at least that was for sure but he tried anyway. He titled his head to the side and looked through the eyes through his crow, as he closed his eyes. Then Eric opened his eyes and looked over at the person in front of him again. He had no idea what to say or do. Eric called Darryl as he talked to him for a bit as he looked down for a bit. Then a bit later he hanged up and watched her once more. Eric wanted to go and take care of what was happening but he was also scared that if be left and it was really Shelly then by the time he came back she would be gone. Which won't be good. Eric didn't want to lose Shelly. So he called up Sarah, his kid friend, who knew Shelly too. Once Sarah came, Eric explained to her everything that happened and why he was still there and everything else. Then he left her with the person he left.

However, first Eric made sure that they were both safe, staying alone with the other. He then left to take care of the trouble that was happening outside. Eric planned to help out with the trouble/commotion and then quickly come back. It took him a bit but eventually he was able to concentrate on what he had to do. Eric attacked the group that tried to kill a family. So that group shot him and were sure he died but he was only healing. It wasn't the first time it had happened and Eric doubted it would be the last. He tried not to think of that so as he healed. Eric then got up and showed up by them before they hurt more or even killed the family. Eric knocked the bad guys down as the family run off. By the time all the bad guys were down, the cops showed but only his friend Darryl saw him as he nodded to him and disappeared in super fast. Faster than a second most likely. Not that Eric thought about it but still. By the time he got back to the loft the crow side was back in, and Eric was out again. As he walked in he saw Sarah and the other person still talking or whatever it was that they were doing. Then Eric and Sarah talked for a bot, and after that, Sarah left as he turned to the other person.

"I am Eric Draven. So am sure Sarah already told you that but still! As for what I am doing here, I live here. I lived here for a long time! We both do or did. You are Shelly or you just look like her but had an accident and lost your memory! If you let me I can help you find out which is it, if you want that is,"
Helena Kyle

Oct 18th 2021 - 2:17 PM

"Damned it Oracle,can't you be careful where you lead us?" the black haired woman said on the coms watching the blond with her who was fighting some men with her tk powers "Ya well if you hadn't gone in before I could check the place we wouldn't be in this mess would we?" Helena rolled her eyes slightly an sighed going to help Dinah with thw guys she was fighting and when they were all down she sighed.

Dinah looked at her and shook her head "Barbara's right you know,we should have let her check before going in" Helena sighed "Not you too,look we didn't have much time so I decided to go" she sighed again lost in thought.

When more of them came Helena sighed and cursed under her breath and the fight went on but then they got them all down and Dinah got on her moterbike and went back to base but before Helena could follow she heard someone coming and was ready for another fight if needed.
Eric Draven

Oct 17th 2021 - 10:58 AM

Eric sat by the broken window as a statue yet again, as he always did since he came back from the dead. He did it this day right after he came back to the loft after work, as he did a lot since he got the job. The only thing was that Eric no longer felt Shelly Webster around, as she was gone from the land of the dead. As far as Eric knew she wasn't there because she had moved on. He had no clue that she was about to move on without him but at the last minute she escaped and jumped off the same Bridge in the land of the dead as he did when he came back. Shelly did that because she couldn't move on without him, as he couldn't move without her. She needed Eric as Eric needed her. He however, was sure that she had moved on as she came back to tell him goodbye, at least that was what she had told him anyway. Eric had no idea that the plans had changed not yet, at least. Unknown to him he was about to find the truth. Eric tried not to think of what he knew and what he thought was the case. Instead he focused on the moment and nothing else. Eric sat as a statue by the window for a long time as he let memories flood his mind as it had happened a lot. The crow, the bird, flew by and then away. As Eric temporary glanced at the crow,the bird and watched it until it flew away, not too far nor too close. As it always did but he didn't think much or at all about it, as he focused on the moment and nothing else but the moment. Eric tried to set things right and redeem himself from the mistake he made of killer top dollar, the gang leader of the gang that killed him and Shelly, so that he could move on and be with Shelly, as his mistake took him backwards ad not moved him forward.

He hated that he made that mistake, but top dollar left him no choice, unfortunately. There was still no excuse for that but the trouble was that the guy escaped the mental institution and was about to kill those he cared for, as well as others if Eric didn't come. He came but he had no intention of killing of killing top dollar. All Eric/the crow planned was stop the guy from hurting anyone, so that the cops could arrest him, and take him to jail. Unfortunately it failed. So to be fair, he didn't see that the wall head a nail in it or such, when he threw top dollar at it. Eric/the crow thought that he would knock the guy over, as the guy would hit the wall and crush down but that wasn't what happened. Unfortunately. Not just that but it happened the same time that he was about to move on. Which set Eric back and ruined his changes to move on. For the moment. So he tried to set it right and redeem himself but this time he planned to lock his apartment when he was about to move om, and just move on. Eric tried not to think of that as he continued to sit there as a statue. He was glad that he had paid his rent already, so he didn't need to worry about it, which was a good thing as he had less things to worry about. Also at the moment Eric had nothing to do, even if many people slept at that hour, but not him as he didn't need sleep or anything like that. As he didn't feel the need for that. Eric had no idea if he could or not, as he tried not to think of that as he did what he did. He then fell and roll a bit as he lay on his back 3ith his arms going to the sides and up.

Eric's eyes were open and such but he was still awake, no matter what. It was like death sleep to him in away. Eric lay that way until 4 in the afternoon. As he sensed a presence by his door as just lay there and looked at the ceiling. Then Eric got up and walked over to the door. He then opened it as he saw Sarah walk in with her bag over her shoulder. He watched her walk in and closed the door once she was inside. "Hello to you too, Sarah," Eric said as she said nothing to him after she walked in. "Yeah, sorry. Hi Eric," Sarah answered him as she sat on the stairs, as he followed her over and sat by her. Eric watched her as she took out a relatively small stock of letters and handed it to him, as well as something that she made him in school, as he took it all from her. He was confused by it all but grateful too. "It is what I found that arrived to you, and the other thing is what I made you," Sarah said to him. "Thank you, Sarah! Also I can get my mail myself but thank you," he said to her with a kind smile. "Yeah, well the mail just was brought in and was about to over flow, so I got it before it does. You are welcome and I do hope you like what I made you in school," Sarah said to him. "Oh I see. Well thanks for saving my mail then and I love what you made me, as anything else you made me, thank you very much," Eric said to her with a kind smile as he put all that he held, that she gabe him down by him about the stairs. He then picked up the letters and looked through them, as he put away those that he already looked at. "Junk mail," Eric said. Then he continued to look through the mail.

Eric then stopped on a specific letter as he opened it and read it. He then read it out loud so even Sarah would know what it said too. They were both rather confused and shocked by that. "Shelly? Back? How?" Sarah asked, which Eric wondered the same thing. "It seems so. And no idea , especially since she has moved on, so that makes no sense, unless she jumped from the bridge in the land of the dead," Eric said to her. "Yeah but you were brought back because of the legend no?" Sarah said to him as he nodded to that. "Yes, but maybe she was chosen too. Or maybe she got another chance or decided on her own! Or it was all planned because I didn't need to know until now," Eric replied to her. "If any of those is it then it answers those questions, Sarah," he said to her. "How can you be sure of anything?" Sarah asked him. "I am going to check or at least try to," Eric answered her. "Eric, people could be delusional and hallucinating or such," Sarah said to him. "Like you hallucinating me, Sarah?" Eric asked her as he watched her closely. "No you are real. Fair point!" Sarah answered as Eric gave her the 'My point exactly' look. "Can I come with you?" She asked him. "Sarah, best it will be just me. No worries if it is her or to be exact once I find her, if it is real will bring her back and we shall see you first, sounds good?" Eric said to Sarah who tried to argue but then agreed with him, as she accepted the deal, even if she was frustrated by that. Just then Eric took out a rather new photo of Shelly and showed it to Sarah who just stared at it with an open mouth. She was just as shocked by that as he was. They talked for a bit more and then they said their goodbyes, as then they both left. Eric said his goodbyes to other people he was close to.

Then he headed back to the loft to make sure no one moves in while he is gone. First however, Eric paid his rent and then headed to his loft for a bit. Yet, the moment he opened the door he froze. As Eric saw a familiar shape. Familiar hair and everything. He had no idea what to say or how to react, as the person turned to face him and his mouth opened in shock. Many thoughts run in his head as he saw the person. Eric wasn't sure before whether she was back or not but he definitely was at that moment. Especially the longer that had passed she was still there in front of him. Eric had no idea what to think as he blinked but she was still there. He had no doubt anymore. It was her. It was his Shelly Webster. The love of his life. She was back. Eric had no doubt anymore that she jumped to be with him. Either it was the real decision and she lied to surprise him or she was supposed to move on but refused and jumped to be with him on her own. Whichever it was Eric was glad to see her there. He was glad to have her back but was still confused and shocked by that. Eric carefully walked over to her as he kept his eyes on her not to lose her. He wasn't sure that she would disappear so but just the same he kept looking at her. Eric did that none stop as he made his way over to her.

"Shelly? You are back?!"
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