10/23/2021 09:10 PM 

Category: Guidelines

First of all:

seems like the rules are needed as people seem to break it a lot, as well as ignoring things that they believe are not true but mockery when it isn't and change my character, assuming nothing wrong with it but there is a lot of wrong with it. I need my character to be exactly as she is and not as some people assume she is.  Due to that I need to have rules so that the character doesn't become something others see her as and not who and what she is. The only way to do it is with rules. So here they are. Please read and follow them. I will know if you broke those rules or not and there would be consequences to breaking those. Mistakes can be forgiven but not delibrately breaking those rules up. So please read those and follow. So here are the rules that you need to read and follow to have rp be fair and fun. You can't disregard those and act like they don't exist as they do exist and they do matter. Now the rules:

1.I am not the person in the photos. Not any person of any of the pictures or gifs. The actress is busy with her life to be here rping the character she played on the show. I am an rper no more nor less. So this isn't a real life account. This account was created for rp purposes only. No more nor less. So please respect and understand it. I wish I didn't need this but not all seem to get it and think it is a real life account mocking rp and that I need to leave. Which is a lie and that insanity has to stop.  As it is just wrong and not allowed. I don't do it to you so don't do it to be, as that is not cool or fun. And it is unneeded.

2.I rp from the show The Crow:Stairway To Heaven​​. Not the movie The Crow. Nor the comic book The Crow. So please keep that in mind and don't mix it.  Don't assume I rp her wrong because it isn't how she is in the movie or comic. As the information  in another blog has it specifically say the show and the profile headline says the show name on it first. Not movie or comic so keep it in mind. But I will rp with those who rp from the movie and show, as long as they respect that I rp from the show and don't attack me for rping her differently than the movie or comic. As the bio on the profile, which I wrote myself is based on the her in the show not the movie as I rp the show version not the movie. It has to be said as not many on here seem to get it. Unfortunately. While the show is based on the movie and the comic. It is still a reboot and the version I go by. There is no exceptions to it. I need you to respect that as I respect you and not treat me like a fool as I am not a fool. So keep that in mind and we will get alot great. Break it and we eon't. Instead if you delibrately break it that is, you will be kicked kut, so you better leave on your own after that or you will be kicked off and most likely blocked. Even if I rather avoid it.

3.This account isn't a mockery account  nor a fake account but an actual rp account. So enough assuming  that it is fake or mockery or both as it isn't. There is no ifs or buts about it. You either respected that and understand that or get lost. As  I am not going to admit to lies that you made up. Not now nor ever. I don't do it to you so don't do it to me. No arguments about any of those rules. This one especially. I am an rper and I deserve respect like anyone else. You respect me and I respect you. I will disrespect you if you disrespect me, so just keep that in mind and don't assume it is a mockery or fake account or both and attack me about it and demend to be respected. So that is called bullying and disrespect. Which isn't allowed and doesn't earn you any respect from me. So keep that in mind. Respect is earned not given because you force someone to give it to you. So by breaking this or any other rule you don't deserve respect. No matter what you say. So please follow it. Jokes a side, this isn't a joke breaking any of those up so keep that in mind and don't break those. Not now nor ever. Follow those rules and we will get along and have fun rping. Yes all those rules are real and important. So they all need to be respected and followed. This one included.

4.Shelly Webster  is with Eric Draven, and that will never change. No matter what. That means she will not get with another because you call it creativity or such. As it is not creativity but disrespect and not allowed. Not now nor ever. I decide with whom she is with and I have decided that she is with Eric. I will not change my mind. Not now nor ever so don't try it. Also, don't judge me for that as I won't judge you, I already don't judge you and what you decide to do with your character, so please respect me and my choice. They are canon couple and I happen to ship them together. So  I keep it that way, case close. Anything else it is off character and will never be accepted. It is the way it is and how it will always stay. I think Eric Draven and Shelly Webster are cute together and I will never change my mind about it. That doesn't make me fake rper, so don't assume that. That is judging and judging isn't allowed here. Not now nor ever. Follow this rule and the others as they are all important. Especially this one. No exceptions. Not ever. As I don't break your character and who they are with up, so  don't try breaking Shelly and Eric up. Not now nor ever. As it isn't allowed and never will be allowed. It is the way it is and the way if will always be. Whether you like it or not. As I decide for my character, not you.

5.Connected to Rule 4. Shelly will not get involved with someone similiar to Eric or another. As that would never be like her. Not now nor ever. It isn't about development or lack of it but about being true to my character. I respect those who change their characters from the way they are in canon to go au. However,  I can't do that as that would not be true to how Shelly is in the show, so it isn't happening. She doesn't cheat like he won't cheat on her and you can tell that on my profile and on Eric's. So please understand that and don't get pissed at it and attack me about it or anything like that. Shelly won't cheat and being with another would be cheating and it isn't like her. It is off character and not happening. You are not allowed to tease like that because you think that I am fake and mocking  rpers or both, as it isn't accepted and it  means you broke more than one rule. So don't try it. Me not agreeing  with her being with another doesn't mean that I am fake or mocking rp or anything like that. So don't claim it is so or you will be blocked for that. As it is wrong and will never be allowed. No matter who you think you are. I rp my character the  way I see fit and you rp yours the way you see fit. That is how it works and that is how ithas to be. No exceptions and no arguments about it. No matter what.
6.Connected to rules 5 and 6. Just because you rp an Eric doesn't mean  my character is with you. So not forcing that relationship on you or your character. That is one. Two Shelly isn't with just any Eric but Eric Draven and the show version him, not movie him or comic him. So keep that in mind. Also my character has an Eric. Draven. So if you rp an Eric Draven too, good for you but no romance is going to happen. As mine has her Eric. So if you are another Eric Draven then they will be just friends. So please respect that and don't judge or attack me,  as that is disrespectful. Rude. And it is called bullying, which isn't allowed and never will be. No matter what. I don't plan on making her what some people on here want her to be. That includes having her with another. As that won't happen. I keep her with Eric Draven and only Eric Draven and no one else. It is what I rather and that is my right. I rp her my way, and my way is keeping her with Eric. As well as keeping her the way that she is. Whether people like it or not.  As I am not here to rp how people tell me but the way I see fit and only the way I see fit. This isn't a threat or attack but a fact. As the account is mine, so please respecr me, this rule and all my other rules.

7.Connected to rules 4, 5, and 6. Shelly Webster and Eric Draven have thousands or so past lives, as their souls lived a lot of lives. All their past lives look the same and I keep true to it, no matter what. The reason it is connected to those rules is that their past lives were always together and if we rp together and go by their past lives, I need you people to understand that and respect that.  I need you to understand that if using their past lives is the only way to make rp work between us then it is fine. However, Shelly 's past life is going to be with Eric's past life. No exception. Which is canon too. Even that got no connection to character development. It is canon and is the way she is. Changing any of it will change her and that will never happen. It isn't an attack on anyone or me being fake or mocking as some seem to think but  me beinh true to my character. Whether her as Shelly Webster or Shelly's past life. So no attacking me and cursing me with bad words. As it isn't allowed. Again I decide how I rp my character, not you or anyone else but me  and me alone. There is no discussion. Exceptions. Or arguments about it.

8.Connected to rules 4, 5, 6 and 7. Don't try to request me to get in to my characters pants. And don't use the fact that I requested you for that. As it isn't allowed, not accepted. Especially since it will never happen. Shelly Webster is taken by Eric Draven. As her past lives are taken by Eric Draven's past lives. Even if his past lives get killed too young, and she is still alive. As her heart is his and only his. Whether present her or her past lives. That will never change, not now nor ever. It s how it is, so please rest it. I will never change it for no one. There is no discussion. Exceptions. Nor arguments about it. Nothing or no one can ever change it. Even if her past lives were set to marry another by their parents, and your characters parents or an npc character's parents. Her past lives like Shelly herself, only want Eric's past lives as no doubt he feels the same. While Shelly only wants Eric who wants her. So don't try to break them up as it will never happen, no matter what as it is off character. So it won't happen.

9.Shelly's main verse is The Crow: Stairway To Heaven. However, other verses that she is part of because because of the verse are:Crime, Mafia, Law Enforcement, Supernatural. Yet I am open to other verses too. So there is that. I am even open to crossovers.  Yet, no sex, romance, erotica. No smut at all, as those will never happen. So don't assume that I am only here for sex, erotica, smut or romance. As it is not true and you are not allowed to claim that and that you know it is true, as it isn't and never will be. Attacking for wanting sex, Erotica, smut and or romance will not be allowed and will only get you blocked. So don't do it. I am not here for sex or Erotica, nor romance and it is a fact. Case closed. No arguments. Period. Assuming things is judging and judging as I have said before isn't allowed. And not even bullying. So just don't do that. Don't even try to force Romance, sex, erotica, smut on me as it will never happen.

10. Shelly had died in the show, like in the comic and movie. So I keep it true to that. Unlike her past lives in the show. However, unlike the  movie and the comic, Shelly had came back from the dead. Which is how I rp her. I rp her right after she came back from the dead.  Everything until that point is canon but everything past it is au. So keep that in mind.  Not that nor the verse she is in, means that I am here to rp Sex, Erotica, smut. Nor romance. It just means that she is part of a supernatural, unique verse and with many verses  connected to it and open to crossovers but not smut or such. As smut and such will never happen. Also her dying and coming back from the dead means just that. I keep true to the character so she died and came back from the dead, like in the show. No arguments or exceptions unless we go with her and Eric's  past lives. That is different. But if we go with Shelly as Shelly then she had died and came back. No ignoring that part or acting it never happened or both but keep that in mind and don't change my character. Very important. People already ignored me about it and some deleted me for that and others blocked me for it. This has to stop. You either agree to rp with me and respect that I rp her how she is. Or leave and no storyline discussion or rp. But no judging or bullying allowed. Respect me and my character and will do the same. No arguments. Or exceptions to it. Other than her past lives but that is besides the point. So keep that in mind and don't try to change my character.

11. I am not here for numbers but to rp.​​​  If you don't want to rp  with me or plan to rp with me don't request me or accept my friend request. At the same time don't judge me or bully me or both either. Not right nor cool. Not allowed so just don't. You don't want to rp fine but don't make up reasons just because it is easy or such. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. Simple as that. Don't accept friend request or request me only to ignore me like I don't exist and talk as well as rp with others. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. No arguments or exceptions to this rule either. 

12.Connected to rule 11.  Don't treat me as a number and make up lies about me, as I won't do it to you. Not ever. You don't plan to talk or rp then leave, as simple as that. The only exception is being busy. If you are busy that is different story as I can be busy too. So I get it. Being busy  is a good reason to not reply and you can take your time and reply when you can. Same if you are a sleep, or god forbid in the hospital or something like that. Other wise if it is neither of those you will be deleted. If it is one of those then it is different. Just let me know. Kindly so without attacking me as I won't attack you but if you attack me will block you. With that in mind if you don't see me on for a bit it is because  I am busy. Also if you have other accounts then you are safe too. In either of those cases that are safe, in those cases take as long as you need to talk.

13. I do Multi and Novella the most. Those are my favorite. However, if you can one liner only or sami para, para or only two paragraphs or such I will rp with you too. It is fine I don't judge. However, with that in mind don't attack me about it. That doesn't mean I am a one liner or such, just that I am being respectful so keep that in mind. I won't attack you and respect you. So don't attack me and respect me. This isn't that hard to do. Or at least shouldn't so keep that in mind. No exceptions. No arguments.
14.No bullying allowed. Bullies are not welcome here, period. Was bullied already and that was too much and unneeded. This is your only warning. Bully me or anyone else I am close to and you are blocked, as well as reported. No arguments. No exceptions. None of it. I don't pick people to request or accept friend requests of by shows I like or shows that look interesting to me or play bys or such but by those that seemed to me to fit for rp. So no assuming or bullying me about it. Happened before and the person is blocked now. Someone else does it and they are blocked too and reported. No arguments. No exceptions. No telling me to let them do it and leave because they are right and I should go to hell,  as it is won't do that and I won't leave nor die or anything like that. Anyone caught saying that or bullying and judging me, and you would be blocked. Those against it too and such. Those are the only ones I want on my friends list to rp and discuss. Also whether or not I pick by shows or play bys when I request people or accept friend requests from people, doesn't mean I deserved to be raped. Anyone else caught saying that or something else rude, judgemental and even goes as far as bullying will be blocked as that is wrong. And it is something that never would be accepted. So keep that in mind.

15.Respect me and I willl respect you. Disrespect me and I will disrespect you. This is important so keep that in mind. It is the only way to have fun rp. No arguments or exceptions.

Those are the rules. Read and follow them, and we will get along well and have fun rping. Yet if you ignore them and refuse to follow then you can leave as you are not needed here. I am nice person unless provoke. So don't provoke me and read, as well as follow the rules. Alright? Good. I hope we have an undetanding now.

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