10/23/2021 12:55 PM 

Information to know about Shelly Webster

I never thought to write that but seems it is needed to be addressed so that people understand and stop treating me like crap. So here is the information. The important things to know:

1.The information on my profile is not mockery, joke or such. It is serious and the right information about Shelly. Which is based on the show: The Crow:Stairway To Heaven. No more nor less. Some childhood parts I came up with but not the Iris part or the Irish Grandmother or such. It is the actual information and not mockery to avoid being a real rper but it is the opposite. Actual information because I am a real rper. No more nor less.

2.I am no fan of rape or such. Just for the record. I was raped so I know how terrible it is. I will never ser it as fun or romantic or such. I don't use it for entertairtenment at all. Yes, I have it that the character was raped because unfortunately she was. I don't want it to be true but it is. So no need people judging me due to the information on the profile. I tame rape seriously. I don't like people assuming that I think it is a comedy when I don't. Shelly Webster was raped in the movie version and comic version as well as the show. It is the way it is. However, Eric didn't rape her but was forced to watch before they killed him. The ones that raped Shelly killed Eric and then Shelly died in the hospital because of the wounds on her.

3.In the movie and comic versions Shelly never came back from the dead but Shelly and Eric did reunite. So in the comic if I got it right it was briefly before he came back again unless he never got reunited with her until later. However, in the show, in the last episode she was taken to the light by the kid she and Eric helped, so that she would wait for Eric there but she run away from the light two seconds later or so and  run towards the bridge with the stairs as she climbed the edge of it and jumped down. So even that wasn't made up. It was in the show plot for the very last episode ever. I got past that. That means I don't mock anyone or anything like that. I just go au past the show. So please enough judging and mistreating me for that.
4.I never mock or use people. So don't even go there. Another thing. While Shelly was raped and such, that by no means I am interested in sex or erotica rp as am not. Also that doesn't mean that I want to rp rape as I don't. I rp true to the character.  No more nor less. So don't assume that I am here for sex or erotica or rape as am not. Not a fan of that and not interested in that at all. That will never change, no matter what.

5.Connected to number 4. Shelly isn't going to sleep with anyone but Eric Draven. As she is only going to be with him and no one else, even if she doesn't remember yet. So keep that in mind as it won't ever change. No matter what. Now just because Shelly will only sleep with Eric, doesn't mean it would be rped but fade to black. However, she will never be with anyone but Eric so keep that in mind.

That is all the information so far. Read that and respect that, understand that. I hope after that you would start treating ne witn respect and no cruelty or anything like that.

Thank you for reading that. Have a nice day.

The writer behind
Shelly Webster

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