
04/26/2023 09:01 PM 


The character Camilla Kota is inspired by Niki Sanders' character from the show Heroes.

Niki Sanders is a sufferer of dissociative identity disorder, although displays superhuman strength. Jessica Sanders is the name of Niki Sanders's first alter ego to emerge. She manifests herself as JessicaNiki's sister who was killed by their uncle, unbeknowst to Niki. 

Niki began to see Jessica in the mirror several times. She blacks out when she was put in a very vulnrable position with a couple of thugs who were sent to collect and when she comes to, the men are dead. She sees Jessica in the mirror bloodied and proud. She leaves to pick up her son and when she later returns, there are no more bodies or blood. Jessica takes control of Niki when needed but as the show progresses, Jessica begins to fully form and is in full control of Niki.

"It's me, daddy, Jessica. The daughter that you threw beer bottles at. The daughter that you choked. The daughter that you killed."

"Apologize? You don't apologize to Nicole. You apologize to me. Niki doesn't remember. But I do. Someone had to be there to protect her. I remember the stink of alcohol on your breath. I took every punch, so that she wouldn't have to."

"You're part of me, you do what I say."

And here's a fun video that depicts the DID of this character.

The second inspiration revolving the Dissassociative Identity Disorder is Samantha Carpenter from Scream.

Samantha is Billy Loomis's daughter. Billy is the first Ghostface. Long after his death and discovering that she was his biological child, she begins to see his reflection taunting her that they are the same and it feels good to kill. Even seeking out therapy over what's wrong with her after fatally stabbing her ex-boyfriend 21 times, she didn't feel any remorse.


04/26/2023 06:58 PM 


BLAISE WHITLOCK: Camilla requests Blaise to come to her lounge and perform so she can have more customers and publicity for Moody's.


CORDELIA ASHFORD: Still Discussing.


CRISTO ESTRADA: Cristo witnesses Camilla during her alter-shift and while she doesn't remember the altercation or ever meeting him, she finds him odd when he later tries to talk to her about it.


DANBI KIM: Still Discussing.


DOROTHY WILDE: Dottie and Cam are older friends. They went to a party and an old predator of Dottie's from high school tried to take advantage of her while the girls were intoxicated. Camilla attempted to help which ended up a fatal accident and the dispute was secretly recorded. They take it to their graves.


ELOISE SLOANE: Something about Elouise doesn't sit right with Camilla. They're too similar and she notices similarities in her. While she's intruiged by Elouise, she doesn't trust her in the slightest.


GABRIEL POPE: Still Discussing.


GREYSON BADGLEY: Greyson is Camilla's long-term boyfriend. They began to pull apart due to her miscarrying his child until she found Lumon where she was promised it would fix the only thing that was important to her: her relationship. She's not looked back since.


JUNG MAN-WOL MOON: While Moon is someone Cam trusts, they also write music together to perform at Moody's.


KATARINA REYES: Still Discussing.


KLAUS ENGEL: Klaus, Greyson and Camilla have been the Three Musketeers. They were all inseperable until Greyson and Cam started dating and began to count Klaus out of their usual activities. Klaus has a grudge against Cam for it and she's constantly trying to make up for it.


LEE MI-YEON: The girls bond off the fact that they both need substances to sleep through the night. Yumi gives Camilla a key to her secret stach for emergencies.


LILY KNIGHT: Still Discussing.


LUNA MILLER: Still Discussing.


OPHELIA WHITLOCK: Ophelia and Camilla are connected mainly by business; Ophelia does photography to help with the marketing of Moody's Lounge and occasionally take photos for Cam when she performs.


SAGE MARLOWE: Still Discussing.


SHAWN BISHOP: Still Discussing.


SHEA BENNETT: Still Discussing.


SEO-JUN HEO: Still Discussing.


THEODORA JAUREGUI: When Camilla is permitted to attend a grief group for women, she meets Theo who's also suffered a miscarriage and helps her open up about her loss.


Updated 26/04 

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