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05/16/2014 09:20 PM 


Riverbend semi dusted under minced dirt, spasmed chipped rocks gassed against a forced smooth obedient submerging movement the black sturdied horse-power dual rubbers (tires). Turn a half circular turn that aimed for an actual dirt road that'll branch their ranch Estates farm roadside barricaded forest edge on to the actual ten to eleven territorial acre landscape. 'It's almost similar to the concept of a over drawn addict, on an addiction in being in the intense lured interaction with someone.' How'd any man is capable of admitting they'd forget those gorgeous pair of hues is an idiot, Logan opinionated the fact he'd found it difficult to forget. Bruted an triggered internal tension pegged inside his gut's instincts with this phenomenon-like energy, of having the strong sensation feeling that an event or experience of the past replicated this exact one, sitting inside the front of his pick up truck beside her. Took no longer than a gist of a good uhaul of a half an hour travel, half hour distant reach outside of civilization at the max.
Organic rebellious nocturnal cold air, struts a weak exhale concurrent blown rush; against the three solid glass auto windows. Exploiting a unafraid desire to resist authority in the weaker warmth gassed outta the double brittle bar doors, on occasion interacted through the social inner- an outter- customer staggering in. Distributed unconcealed an' bold fearless tension that engaged the adrenaline thirst in opposition or armed resistance to an established climatic government or temperature ruler, composed in the rough brisk northern-eastern atmospheric weather. Practiced as in predictable constant social dominance had steered as a stronghold in the rear jist edges of the popular raw convention conducted in a adulterated nightclub. The concept of it is adulterated entertainment, minus the usual x-rated billboarding of female goods. Either-or, it didn't matter, Logan is a dude, to be honest 'tits' are an arousal attraction for any straight man, but to be blunt he didn't give a damn about another random and unimportant naked chicks. The marine in-dashboard taverned a house holdin' on the ole original stero, that was gashed out of an older rustic truck Logan treasured out of an abandoned barn about ten miles outside of Lancaster, and stuck inside his newer pickup.

Secluded northern-eastern trails leading about a good colossal somersault ahead - are branching on the western side of the Bourne Homestead's backwoods. Examples as another abundant backdoor in a sense that is semi- hidden behind miscellaneous trees towards the Verdant Night Club. With the adrenaline encouragement a reliable motor-bike it'll take CJ about a good four to six minutes the most to get right at the rough door step the rear entrance-exit to Ollie's notorious nightclub. On occasion CJ's ocean blue hues skims the vague shadow distance behind his niece Alexis then resuming his acknowledging attention down on to, as he discovers right off the back that she might fear she ruined or spoiled his fishing trip. Fear not she did not spoil his fishing gig, whether or not it was cut short - at least he had good company to enjoy it with. "Ha. Nah. I think it is a cue for me to take a hint at too, that the fishing gig is done for the rest of the evening for me too. It happens...some aren't use to the motion involved in fishing...at least out on the boat. I was the same as you to be honest and about the same age.
The well-built durable Fishing Dock's straight ahead sawed and stacked wooden rail that is responsible for a sudden and/or spontaneous (fallen over board, or over in the water) prevention. This decent lengthened jig-sawed wood plank is no doubt resourceful, although it is for reassurance as a safe 
Permanent solid oak-condensation construction produced formation described the hardness of the hardwood floorboard of the front porch that Logan stepped his heavy timberland boots up and on. Personal short visit he had also carried a tan-yellowish packet that contained a couple official documents, Logan proceeding on tracking down relentlessly, throughout his sworn promised investigation he followed through on for Kali as he told her at the hospital he would do so. The cold beer bottle isolated behind a frost layer of cold slush, slush had attached against the mild dark caramel exterior of the glass he engulfed in the loosen holding of his left hand. Logan slumbers abruptly forward, as he corked a swift twist of the cap off, the metal porch chair ached a dull scratch sound the more he adjusted himself to be more comfortable. "Look Kali," Logan reassured her within the understanding demeanor in his voice as he spoke in a reasonably low pitch, "None of this I get is unexplained to you, nor does it make sense, that I get." making it clear to Kali, Logan can fully be aware of how frustrating it is learning her brother had been placed under protection. 
Frequented unrelentless taunting late afternoon breezes nectared the air with a vibrant subzero (cold) stung. The repetitious trembling drafting winded shadows were discrete, on occasion induced strong colossal garage plywood stacked. Obedient nocturnal breezes beating against the rough of the brittle surfaces as though attacking a dull torn drum surface that is produced outta old tree limbs on an attempt to conduct a restless record. An immediate acknowledge he had abandoned the hedge-nose of the hood of the colossal ass Dodge Ram, the pick up truck that is parked beside the adjucent left to their Estate home. The stainless steel nose of the dark blue Dodge Ram stuck out abit, simultaneously where'as Logan semi leaned forward staggering vastly over to the far side the house. Finding Jessi the second he heard hard tumbling echoing, that replicated the smashing sound of a brick bashing against hard concrete. Maneuvering Jessi in his comforting comfirming broad and concurrent brief flexing muscular arms. Snaking both broad forearms around her slender curvacious waist - one arm crawled up over and around her petite shoulder as he held her. 

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