07/22/2016 09:10 PM 

Michael C. Hall -- ROLE WANTED.


"He is bigger, stronger and faster. He has the advantage." -- Dalton J. Armstrong.


Daniel James Armstrong, born October 29th 2008. He is the older brother of Dalton John and younger brother to Deacon Armstrong. From a young age, he's placed in a pedestal rivaling that of his older brother. He hears constant complaints of how Deacon cleans up after himself and lazy Daniel doesn't; Deacon's report card is phenomenal while Daniel must be lacking somewhere in his intelligence. Until the birth of his younger brother, Dalton, it is believed he was just acting as the younger brother. His attitude shows little to no change after Dalton joins the family. In fact, his rage is notably triggered. He has been seen lashing out at Dalton for crying during his television shows to the extent of yanking six month old Dalton off of the couch and onto the wooden floor.


As the boys grow older, this jealousy simmers down and Daniel appears to grow fond of Dalton. He teaches him to ride a bike, tending to any scrapes and bruises or falls that come. He encourages Dalton every time he falls, to get back up. "Knock me down, I get back up", began with Daniel and Dalton at the age of five when a bully picked on Dalton's height in elementary. Daniel rushes to Dalton, heroically defending him from the group of children.


Until the death of their father, Daniel and Dalton held a close relationship; Daniel was Dalton's best friend. It's notable that during his early teen years, Daniel becomes emotionally unstable and lashes out at his younger sibling from time to time, but is maniacal enough to understand completely turning on him will get him into trouble with the law and medical field.


His method to killing is an attack on their psych; he makes it hard for a victim to trust their own eyes and ears, truly making them feel alone in this horror. Daniel lives for the thrill of his victim not knowing who or where he is. "That's what makes me scary, you can't tell what I am.", he's quoted to his younger brother, Dalton Armstrong. His signature is a bird (notably a raven) carcass hidden within a microwave located in the vicinity the victims were found. It signifies his deranged mind and control over others, his unyielding need to fill fear into the hearts of those he's claimed.

Because of his younger brother, he has a strong hatred for anyone in law enforcement, but will put on a brave face when confronted. He cares greatly about his privacy and does not appreciate anyone asking questions that may lead down alleys involving his extra curricular activities. By night, he's a hunter. By day, he's a social worker. His victims are not limited to those who are lawless and under the laws radar; Daniel has been known to hunt military personnel (their endurance keeps him on his toes), women of the night  (because he views them as spawns of Satan), law enforcement officers (endurance, just as the military), grocery store workers who have pissed him off (charging too much could be deadly...) and even doctors (their medical knowledge and how to stay alive while injured makes for good prey).

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