09/10/2017 07:10 PM 

Just an FYI For My Lovely New Friends Update:

I have acquired a job a little bit ago (almost two years to be exact) I work from 7:45 to 4:00 or 4:30 (times my vary) 4 days a week, and I am usually quite busy on weekends and holidays (I am currently also studying for my CDA) I have made this account a main again but my replies will be slow
so please respect that 
thanks all
The writer behind Kate.

07/26/2017 02:57 PM 

My Lost Cannon Time Line
Current mood:  accomplished

I'm updatiing my LOST time line and removing some pictures because the links are broken as well as the fact that some of the story line is outdated, I'm also deleting the years because of the fact that some years may vary due to Kate also being thrown in to Manifest as well as other more modern realms, Kate currently has multiple story line but this is the main one.

November  Aiden James Ford is conceived during the Cage Sex at the Other's Camp
Shortly after they escape, Juliet Burke is sent to their Camp to not only Check on already known Pregnant Sun but to check and see if Kate was Pregnant too.. Blood Tests are taken.. Sawyer acquires the tape recording of Juliet and an Other Talking. He plays it for Kate:
Time goes on for awhile, Not hearing from the Others they both just assume that she isn't but still try whatever they can to get off the island with everyone else
February : She gets her first ultrasound, sees her baby and hears his little heartbeat for the First time, Until then she thinks she's going to give him up because she was afraid she'd end up in Jail (due to her Crimes before the Crash) but once she hears his heartbeat she realizes she could never give up her baby
Also in Febraury on Valentines Day (the 14th) to be exact Kate legally Adopts Destinee Jo Anderson another Flight 815 survivor as her own seeing as Destinee's mom died in the crash and the two bonded from day one
March: : She feels him move around a little and knows she could never give him up, She also finds out He's a Boy
August 15th  at 8:15 AM:  Aiden James Ford is Born in a Hospital in New York, Delivered by her Best Friend Juliet, with Sawyer's Best Friend Hurley  by her side as Moral Support
October 31st : Aiden's First Halloween, She dresses him up as a Polar Bear because he was conceived in the Polar Bear Cages in the Other's Camps
June : Kate goes back to the island to tell Sawyer about their Son and to rescue him,
But Once He sees him Con Locke out of a "Tandy Baw"
 he Realizes he really is His son and instantly falls in love with him.:
They leave the island and Make a Home in Storybrooke Maine, She becomes Pregnant once again

July 14 Kate and Sawyer get Married: 
August 15 : Aiden James Ford Turns 3:
July 23rd  Samantha Claire Ford was born The following year Sami turns 1
That is it for now, I will add more to the Time line as I see fit, I do hope this all helps for anyone I have a Story line with, whether or not They've ever seen LOST
♥ The Writer Behind Katherine Anne Ford

03/16/2014 07:12 PM 

My Lovely Rules
Current mood:  accomplished

First and Foremost I am not Evangeline Lilly or Kate Austen, I am just a Humble Rper who Likes to fix the Crap that Tv shows and Movies do

1. no One lines, because most of you don't know the meaning of para I will not rp with Anyone that one lines me Anymore , WHATSOEVER AT ALL, I am MULTI/NOVELLA ONLY if you do anything less then that then Perhaps Rping together will not be a good idea.

2. please have proper grammar and spelling,I understand we all make mistakes but please no computer lingo (LOL,ROFL etc that sort of thing) its too difficult to RP when one does typing like that I also don't like when people spell easy words such as "Haft to" instead of Have to, "Shush" for Such and "Toda" for Today COME ON people we're all adults we should all know how to spell 
ALSO huge thing Punctuation Don't give me an exclamation when you really Mean a Period something like "the two girls went to the mall." should be seen like that not like this "The two girls went to the Mall!!!" Also when speaking in Character quotations should be used not Asterisks  I've never read a book any where that have characters speak like this *Lily went Shopping* NO the Correct character speaking should look like this: "Lily Went Shopping".

3. I understand we all have lives but please give me some kind of notice if you have to leave the account and please No ditching me what so ever Its been done to me in alot of other accounts and I really hate it 

4. If I send you Pic comments please send some my way I enjoy PC4PC

5. if I add you I'll try to send a starter (eventhough suck at them) if You add you send me one

6. Keep drama off my Page or I will not only Delete you but I will block you as well bare in mind that once  Kate  Has a Sawyer 
and other characters to RP with family wise she will be faithful to them. She's a sweet person so no matter what she'll stick by your side if you are nice to her.

7. Please do not steal  Kate's  Pro or pictures, she has worked hard on it and I more then likely will tell you that you can take the Pictures I have if you ask for them I just don't like stealing it is not cool and it has been done to me on my other account a few times
. As far as where I got my Pics go Most of them are from a Google Search,Tumblr some Gifs were made by me
8.Kate is In love, That is a given and it's obvious as to who she's in love with she won't cheat on him and she'll only have children with him. She will not adopt so don't ask and don't ask her to Cheat, When she does Have Children (and a Sawyer)  Please be advised that she won't get pregnant and have the child the very next day That isn't realistic and I like to keep things a bit like Reality.

*at the moment the only Child Kate has is her Son With Sawyer and He (as well as any other children that come along Will be NPCS)
9. I am NO longer accepting Twilight,Vampires or any other Super Natural sh*t, as a christian I do NOT like any of that and I refuse to RP any of that sort of thing not to mention A  April is  a human she will ALWAYS be a Human and B the Majority of the Twilight,Vampires,Super Natural sh*t Rpers that I Have come across are Drama starters Or they Rudely Block me after adding me without even allowing me to introduce myself . I will make an exception, if I know you and we are good Friends and You make it so that our characters can interact without Killing  Kate off then Yes I will RP with you other wise Sorry Folks if you are a Super Natural/Vamp character don't bother adding me

10. I will Not Adopt a child NOR will I add any children see Number 8 as to why that is 

11.. I Delete My Comments after I reply, Why? well because I've had drama on other accounts because of people who snoop on my comments, You don't like it don't add me simple as that and DON'T ask me to NOT delete your comments because well it just isn't gonna happen 

12. DO NOT start sh*t with me on my Statuses,comments, Bulletins etc if you have issues with me Message me we'll work it out DON'T ATTACK me because You don't like My Statuses or what not Hell Delete me from your Friends List I don't care and don't let the Door hit you on the Way out , I assure you that You will NOT be missed.
Breaking any of these Rules will find You not only Deleted from my Friends list but more then Likely Blocked as well sorry if this sounds Bitchy but I'm Rather sick of People disobeying me also I should add  that My Real friends have my Back so if for some reason You cause Drama with me they will all stick up for me and if they are on your Friends List Not only will you lose me you'll lose them as well.
13. I am 
Not a Number if You add me TALK to me or you will be deleted.

The Writer Behind Kate�

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