Tangled Up

In the tide-less night, I won't leave you here to drown alone. Come on, take my hand. We'll sink into the sand alone and deep beneath.


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09/08/2021 02:56 PM 

๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐˜: ๐—™๐˜. ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ค๐˜‚๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ป!

Prompt ft: The Queen

(TW: Mentions of cannibalism. Please do not read if this bothers you!)

For several days now, Gina had been held captive in her basement. Despite being her prisoner, Gigi still ensured that her twin was well taken care of.. When she would manage to be able to take back a tiny bit of her control, at least. Such as now. 
Gigi knew she was running on borrowed time as she made her way back down to the basement, flicking the lights on with the switch at the top of the stairs to illuminate the darkness - fortunate for Gina the lighting down her was dull enough that it wouldn't hurt her eyes nearly as much had they been a tad brighter. "Gina? Gina, please be awake.." The sorceress bit her inner cheek as she knelt at her mirror's side. At some point, Gina had fallen asleep and Gigi hated to see just how tired she was even while sleeping. "What has she done to you..?" Gigi worried her bottom lip between her teeth, reaching to gently touch the other brunette's cheek and Gina grunted uncomfortably in her sleep. She noticed Gina's jaw was bruised as if she'd been punched or slapped and Gigi felt sick to her stomach knowing that the injuries had come from her hand.. Hands?

"Gina.. I'm so sorry.." Gigi whimpered in her throat, exhaling a sigh as she glanced to the tray near-by where the sandwich she'd brought down earlier remained untouched.. But at least the cup she'd filled with water was drained with maybe a few remnants left behind. "I promise.. I'm going to fix this somehow.. This entity won't get away with whatever she's done to you." Gigi vowed, but truly had no idea how she was going to stop all the violence.
"That's enough of that, dear." Her voice had warped again and her body was suddenly standing tall again as one foot extended out to nudge away the tray with the untouched sandwich and kicked it into the wall to cause a startling noise which seemed to jostle the Mayor back to life who grunted softly as her eyes opened to adjust to the lighting and her twin standing over her.
"Ah, good to see you're awake." Gigi cackled, kneeling again to roughly grab Gina's chin and angled it in a way that she could admire her handiwork. "At least now your face is more interesting to look at.. Shouldn't leave a scar. Pity. But I've done a real number on you, hm?" Her scarlet red lips curled into a smirk. "Surely you didn't wake me up just to torture me with your voice? Honestly.. I'd rather be unconscious than listen to you speak." Gina sniped in annoyance with a roll of her eyes, yanking her chin from the rough grip.

"Still as feisty as ever, I see.. Well, no matter. We'll break you of that in time." The entity spoke in a confident tone and swept out of the room, taking the steps two at a time until she reached the top and flicked off the switch to drown Gina in that darkness yet again.
Gina couldn't help but grunt as she tried to break free of her bonds, yet knew she wouldn't be able to. That damn magic cuff was around her wrist preventing her from using magic and without it.. She was stuck unless someone managed to find and break her free. But "Gigi" had been quick to assure her that her struggles and screams would get her nowhere. 

Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes to hours. And finally Gigi returned later that evening, carrying down a tray of something that smelled delicious and Gina both felt and heard her stomach utter a growl of hunger. "Hungry?" Judging by the voice, this was still not her beloved mirror but was still the entity that had taken over residence. "No." Gina stubbornly refused even as the portion of lasagna was lowered to eye level and she was forced to smell it and felt her mouth salivate at the sight. "You sure about that?" The portion was teasingly waved in her face until finally Gina caved and forkful after forkful was fed to her until it was gone entirely and the hunger pains had finally died down enough for her to focus.
"I do hope you enjoyed that." The voice spoke in a smug tone. 
"It was absolutely delicious.." Gina spoke in a voice dripping with sarcasm and the entity chuckled. "No matter. I will let you in on a little secret about that lasagna.." Gigi had knelt down to now be at eye level with Gina and a smirk on her lips. "Don't tell me.. It's poisoned?" Gina deadpanned and the entity chuckled in sheer amusement. "Poisoned? Not at all, my dear! It was baked with the same ingredients you and your mirrors usually use. However.. We did substitute one little ingredient.. I'm sure you could hardly taste the difference." She laughed and Gina's eyes narrowed suspiciously. She'd certainly not tasted any differences in the recipe.. But then again, she had scarfed it down as if it were her last meal and barely paid attention to the taste. Only interested in making the hunger pains disappear, which they did.
"I'll tell you then since you can't seem to figure it out." And she leaned in close, brushing her lips teasingly against the shell of the Mayor's ear, tugging the lobe teasingly between her teeth for a moment before whispering - "Tell me, dear.. Do you like the taste of cricket?" And drew back in delight to see the look of disbelief and horror on Gina's face.

Gina felt positively green as she turned away and promptly expelled her stomach contents onto the concrete floor beside her, stomach bile rising to the back of her throat and she had to swallow it down. "You didn't!" Gina gasped in terror.
"You should've heard Archie scream as I killed him. I wonder if you'll scream before I kill you too." The entity laughed, stroking her index finger teasingly along the curve of Gina's cheek as she rose to leave again, but paused as the Mayor began to shout.
"Gigi would never let that happen! I don't believe you!" She hissed angrily, struggling harder against her bonds as the entity turned at the foot of the steps, glancing back through her periphereal for a moment. "Gigi hardly has any control over the things I do, dear. And I can assure you.. The cricket is dead. I told you we would have some fun together." She laughed, heading up the steps and leaving Gina in the dark yet again.


09/07/2021 10:34 PM 

๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐˜: ๐—™๐˜. ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ค๐˜‚๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ป!

"What do you think of this, Gina?" Gigi queried curiously as the two strolled leisurely through town together one afternoon. There was a line of stalls all down main street and Gigi was far too engrossed in sweeping to each one to see what they had to offer and she had a few bags already hanging off one arm and was adding another bag to the growing bunch when she paused at a jewelry stand and one particular necklace stuck out to the brunette as she took it gently into one hand to admire the jewels glistening along the silver chain with a fondness as the large emerald gem at the end reflected within her dark eyes.

"Excuse me, sir? How much for this gorgeous necklace?" The brunette queried, lifting her gaze to the stall owner. After spotting the necklace, she'd swept away from Gina's side for a few moments to purchase it but the owner reacted rather strangely at first as he reached to take the necklace back from her to replace it back on its stand. "Not for sale." He grunted, which stumped the Mayor. "Why's that? I assure you money is no object.." And dipped her gloved hand into her pocket to retrieve several wadded up bills to offer. He still seemed rather reluctant but took the offered bills and returned the necklace to her hand, not even bothering to wrap it for her. Gigi seemed pleased as she placed the necklace carefully into one of the other bags and turned to leave when he grabbed her roughly by the elbow and tugged her back towards him - whispering into her ear. Gigi's dark eyes narrowed and her perfect brows knitted together curiously.. It wasn't as if the curse on this necklace was real, right?

A few moments later, she could hear Gina calling her name a few stalls down and beckoning her back. Gigi yanked her elbow free, narrowed a glare on the stall owner and returned to her beloved's side to loop their arms together. 
"What was that about?" Gina queried, throwing a curious look over her shoulder but Gigi just shrugged it off. "Just a stall owner getting a little handsy is all. I took care of him, I promise." She flashed a terse smile in her mirror's direction and no more was said on the matter. But his warning still played in her mind..

Later that night as she was unpacking the bags of all the items she'd bought from the stalls today, she finally reached into the last bag that had the necklace inside and brought it up to eye level to glimpse it over with curiosity. There was nothing on the necklace itself to indicate that it had been charmed or cursed that she could sense off of it.. So shrugged and added it into her jewelery box where the rest of her prized rings, bracelets and necklaces resided and then closed it up for the night. Gigi finished her nightly routine and crawled into bed, tugging the comforter up to her shoulders, flicked off the light and allowed her unconscious mind to claim her for the evening.

Gigi would not awaken again until early the next morning when her alarm began to blare at her. Without opening her eyes, the brunette reached to smack the snooze button and attempted to get a little more rest.. But knowing she and Gina would be busy with back to back meetings well into the day, she groaned and swung her legs out of bed and threw back the comforter to start her morning ritual. By the time 7am rolled around, Gigi was fully clothed and ready with her make-up perfectly applied but paused at her jewerly box for a moment and decided to wear the new necklace - reaching to lift the lid up, unclasped the chain and secured the clasp again once it was around her neck and allowed the emerald gem to drop gently against her chest. She paused to admire herself in the mirror for several moments, smiling brightly at the way the gem glinted off the sunlight before exiting her bed-room and headed down the grand stair-case to pick up her briefcase beside the coat rack - slipping through the door.

She was a tad bit late as she finally slipped into the office to shed her coat off at the coat rack just inside her shared office with Gina, flashing her mirror an apologetic smile as she quickly took notice that the first meeting of the day had already begun without her.  "Sorry, I'm late.." She murmured gently, sliding down into her chair and grew quiet to listen to the proposed idea from the two men sitting across from them. But.. It was as if she'd heard this same "proposal" many times before.. She and Gina had been struggling for months now to be civil with them both. A proposal had been offered to open a strip club in town, but the twins had shut down the inquiry each time it had been brought up and now they were both getting annoyed. This was a family friendly town.. The only "seedy" joint in Storybrooke was The Rabbit Hole. If they couldn't get over that? It was their own problem.
"We've brought a few more pages of signatures for the club." The older gentleman smiled, offering the file with the names to Gina who took it with a roll of her dark eyes, and opened it for both Gigi and herself to read over. But they were not budging.
"You can bring us as many files with signatures are you wish, Sir.. But it won't change our minds. Now, we've been polite with you both up until this point and I guess now it's time for us to put our feet down for you. Our answer is no.. We will not be opening a club like this in this town." Gigi spoke with ice in her voice, dark eyes narrowed into a glare at the older man. The younger just ducked his head, clearly uncomfortable.
"Now, Mayor Mills.. Please, I'm asking you to rec-" He was cut off as his eyes began to bulge and he clawed at his throat as he suffocated.
"There will be no reconsidering, dear. You have our answer.. I highly suggest you do the dignified thing and walk out of our office and not bring this up again. Am I clear?" Gigi snarled, arm out and hand curled in just that little way as she suffocated the gentleman looking as calm and collected as if this was the most natural thing.
"Gigi, stop!" That was Gina who did not hesitate to reach out and yank her twin's arm down to break the connection and the suffocating halted as he stumbled from his chair and exited the office with his associate right on his heels. Gigi turned to narrow a glare on Gina. "What did you do that for?! They got away!" She hissed, and an expression of surprise appeared on her mirror's face.
Gigi's head gently shook, scattering her thoughts and blinked as if coming from a trance. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Gina.. I'm not sure what came over me.." She apologized and while Gina seemed pleased by it.. She was still confused why Gigi had reacted that way.

By the time lunch rolled around, Gigi made a dash for the office door to disappear through to the other side and decided to take a stroll through the park to try and clear her mind a bit. 
She walked in the chilly Maine air and paused at the single bench on the concrete path to sit for a few moments to just think.. What was going on with her?! The moment that the answer finally struck her.. Gigi's eyes glowed a sickly emerald green color and it was as if a new presence entered her mind. 
Gigi would return to the office a short time later to find Gina finishing the last of her lunch, a brown paper sack which had undoubtedly come from Granny's was sitting on the desk in front of her as she put away the trash to throw away. 
"Here, I'll get that for you." Gigi flashed a smile, grabbing for the bag to toss it into the trash before Gina could respond.
"Um.. Thank you? Are you feeling better? You look better." Gina flashed an uncertain smile at her twin as the other brunette took her seat again and Gigi smiled brightly. "Thank you, yes.. I feel much better. I'm still not sure what came over me earlier but I'm sorry." 
"Should I be worried for a repeat performance?" Gina queried through a raised brow and Gigi shook her head. "Of course not! I had a nice long walk in the park and it helped to clear my mind. I'm just fine." She assured just as their next appointment walked through the door and they were back at it again.

Over the course of a week, no one in town seemed to suspect Gigi at all after that day. Not even Gina, who had to admit that while her behavior was still a little suspicious with how cheerful she'd become.. There had been no other incidents. 
"Good morning, Gigi! Sleep well?" Gina queried as they both entered the office the next morning.
"Better than I have in a while, actually. Thank you, and yourself?" She queried cheerfully.
"Well enough." Gina shrugged idly.
"Here, I brought you a little something! I was baking last night and had a few left over." Gigi reached into her briefcase to retrieve a tupperware from inside where a delicious apple turnover was inside. She also grabbed a fork which she'd wrapped in a paper towel to offer and Gina accepted both gratefully. 
As lunch, once again, rolled around Gina took out the apple turnover and unwrapped the fork to cut off a generous piece of the delectable treat and felt her mouth already salivating just from the rich cinnamon scent. "Would you like a piece? You made it, after all." Gina offered and Gigi politely declined as she drew out one for herself, an extra that she'd brought. "I have my own, thank you." She beamed and cut into a piece to eat for herself.
Gina simply shrugged and ate the piece with her eyes rolling to the back of her head due to the delicious taste that it left on her tongue. "This is heavenly, Gigi. Thank you!" 
Although when she went to cut off a second piece, Gina felt a sudden wave of dizziness overcome her and swayed in her seat. She brought one hand to her forehead and struggled to fix her vision to no avail. "Gina, are you alright?" Gigi's voice sounded warped as the Mayor stood to her feet, struggling to make it to the door but her eyes rolled backwards and her body dropped to the marble floor, unconscious.
Gigi scooted her chair back and skirted around the desk's edge, arms crossed and the smile vanished from her features as her dark eyes roamed Gina's unconscious body with a look of disdain on her face.
"How easy was this? One of my easiest assignments." She murmured to no one.

The twins would vanish in a swirl of lavender magic and re-appeared in the basement of Gigi's home - enchanted to ensure no sound could be heard. She wasted little time slipping the familar magic cuff onto Gina's wrist and tied her to a metal pole that was there, a part of the foundation. 
"Wakey wakey, Gina." Gigi sing songed as the Mayor slowly stirred herself awake and her dark eyes roamed the basement dwelling until her gaze settled on her mirror and found her eyes growing round. "Gigi? What's gotten into you?" Her voice was slightly hoarse.
"You were quite hard to let me earn your trust, but, of course, I did. You’re just another number within the other numerous people I’ve done this to.” Gigi chuckled in delight to herself, dark eyes shifting to the same sickly emerald glow as a week ago.
"...You're not Gigi.." Gina swallowed nervously, struggling against her bonds.
"What gave it away, dear?" The entity chuckled as if amused.
"What have you done to her?" Gina growled defiantly.
"With Gigi? Oh, don't worry dear.. I've done nothing to her. Well.. Not yet." The entity laughed again, grabbing for a dagger that she kept hidden in the side of her boot to brandish and the light reflected off the silver weapon.

"We're going to have a little fun, you and I."


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