05/18/2016 04:52 PM 

Daunting Flashbacks.

"Un demonio es un angel al que echaron del cielo."

[a demon is an angel who was banished from heaven]

Ruby was just as exquisite as the sound of her crimson cursed name. The rarest of gemstones to have ever been excavated and a lethal one at that, she was driven by the only sinful emotion ever familiar to the young woman--wrath. Given her traumatic childhood and mysterious upbringing, one could expect nothing more than the cold and collected attitude, apathetic demeanor and edgy personality plastered all over her naturally tanned features now brightened by daylight, giving off that pale glow of emptiness.

One couldn't even begin to imagine the darkness that dwelled within the soul of this untamed beast. She was the very definition of evil, nothing in the world could stir an emotion inside the wicked. A cold stale stone replaced the pumping muscle in her chest; she was the hollow wearing a human form. Her strength, precision and agility exceeded that of a regular mortal. Rumors had it that she's been of bad blood from the very start. She was well trained by the cult which shall remain unnamed. There was a trail however, one that she so carefully concealed. It led to her forbidden past and all the answers ever needed to destroy her within the oppositional grasp. Teeth gritted as hatred formed, clutching that steering wheel before coming to an abrupt stop. She was mere inches from running over a mother and child who were trying to cross the street upon their light. Breathing heavily, she glared through the windshield at the horrified pedestrians with contempt flickering in her dark chocolate gaze and pushed the horn with the palm of her hand, honking madly. Startled pedestrians fled from the road immediately as her killer glare dismissed them. At that moment in time, her mind was drawn to the past, taking her back many years ago to when she was but only five. 

Terrified and shaking, the small child remained mute, hidden in the closet while muffled agonizing cries and shouts were burning through her untainted mind. Her mother struggled against five intoxicated delinquents who broke into their home deep into the night. There was no father, not that she recalled, but there was shame that rolled her way every day from judgmental filth. 

The inhumane atrocity took place--a violence that mangled not only the flesh but also her mother's soul. Satisfied with dirt of their actions, the drunk bastards have faded into slumber. The battered woman soaked in blood from brutal beating and assault. So frail that she was unable to utter a single word before she drifted; life slipping and soul abandoning this sick and twisted world. The weakly beating heart has come to an everlasting halt. Soft sobbing of a broken child emerged as she pushed the doors of the closet apart, taking in the very scene a child of her age should have never seen. Alas it was too late, the irreversible damage was done. 

Little feet touched the chilled hardwood floor and darted to the kitchen. Reaching for no less than a butcher's knife, she wiped her running eyes on a sleeve of her nightgown with rough and cold determination. Her trembling form returned to the bedroom, this time armed and fearless. Soon enough, the orphan had sliced the throats from ear to ear and diced the limbs of every man who took from her the only person that loved her unconditionally in this world--her mother. That night has changed her life forever. Ruby went missing and was never found. Better yet, she was also left for dead and rightfully so because that night a great part of her had died; only to become reborn into the monster that she is today. 

The honking of neighboring cars had finally pierced her senses, dragging her mind back to reality. Vehicles have lined up behind her own while outraged drivers grew impatient. Some men even rolled down their windows and begun to shout obscenities. Apparently, the light switched few moments prior to recovering from this tormenting flashback. Jaw clenched as grinding teeth produced a hiss. Swallowing the searing temptation to dig her metallic claws into their eye sockets and feed them their own eyeballs, she stomped the gas pedal with a pounding force. Sturdy tires screeched loudly and the platinum Ferrari was once again in flying motion. The fresh cool air reached her nostrils through the slightly lowered window. The gentle breeze strummed her raven locks in waves as they cascaded over her semi-muscular shoulders. No thoughts of remorse or regret ever crossed her heart, not a single fear. She promised that she would never again shed a tear. 

Finally arriving to her destination, her feet molested the brakes until she entered the parking lot. Locating a vacant spot, she seized it swiftly and turned the key, silencing the ignition. Unbuckling her seat-belt, Ruby exited the car and slammed the door shut with confidence, fixing her black leather jacket as the material flapped briefly against her sides. With a firm yet elegant stride and dark shades snugly concealing her vicious eyes, Ruby was on her way to the building. The weather was splendid, the day couldn't have been more perfect as morning bloomed. Truth be told, she couldn't stand the sun. Darkness was more soothing to the deranged psychopath and less intrusive. Oh well, the post office was just around the corner...there in the secret vault her next assignment awaited it's rendition. 

Nothing excited her more than the thrill of a possible kill. Whenever she decided to take a life, Ruby felt unbelievably empowered just by the thought of death. She was irrevocably addicted to draining souls and received euphoric pleasure from the pain of others as well as from self mutilation. She had been trained in every possible skill required to survive in the life of an assassin. Ruby defied the laws. She was a dangerous extremist, often lacking a sense of judgement which could lead to her demise for the sole reason that termination was an issue. This girl had no limits and couldn't stop herself when too much adrenaline saturated her bloodstream. It was almost painfully addicting and she loved pain, receiving it as well as inflicting it upon others. A masochist; she was one of a kind indeed. 

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