09/05/2013 02:29 PM 



OOC information:

1. I am female and I am 19 years old, and I prefer to write with other mature writers.

2. I am not on 24/7 and there will be some days where I'm not on at all. I have many other accounts and a life outside of role play. I will get to replies as fast as I can, please be patient.

3. Please do NOT bring your OOC drama on my account, I really don't care to get involved in it.


1. I don't mind where we take the storyline, comments or messages both are fine with me. Tough, if you wish to speak with me OOC please do it in messages and not comments.

2. I am a multi para and novella role player. The only time I accept one liners are when they are on a status or photo. I do not accept them in storylines.

3. I prefer you use proper grammar and punctuation if you can.

4. I do not accept text talk like "How r u?" That's all good for texting, or IM but not in a story.


1. If you add me, I expect you to make the first contact if you would like to discuss a storyline. And if I add you I will make the first contact.

2. I will also do crossovers if they make sense.

3. If my character has no idea who yours is, please do not act as if they are best friends, introduce yourself and let them get to know each other.


1. If my character gets a boyfriend/girlfriend they will be faithful to them.

{ If you have read and understood my rules, please sign with a gif or quote of your favorite character! :3 }

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