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02/24/2013 03:23 PM 

rp starters

1st basic rp starter between river and the dr

River song sat curled up apon the bed her blue tardis shaped diary in one hand and her pen in the other. Confined once more within the storm cage of her prison. Her diary was like the tardis bigger on the inside so that it never run out  or needed replacing. Stopping for an instant she looked around her prisoncell a small smile playing apon her lips at how the room only held the bare essentials.

*soon, once more to be free just when the doctor needs me most*

She thought to herself as she lay back and got comfortable, the guard roaming back and forth along the empty corridors a telephone hanging nearby on the wall just outside the cell bars. As she waited for the time to come when she was once more free River Song read through slowly the pages of her diary and the times she spent with the doctor starting from the time when they first met at the library.

It started when he took her to see the singing towers of Derillium. to him it would be their last night together the time she was to leave and would come to die at the library  in place of him during their fight with the vashta narada, and yet it would be the very first time they would come to meet. River thought how confusing things were when you were a time traveller. but before her train of thought could go any further the peal of that phone rang out.

instantly she slammed shut the diary put it away and got ready. The time had come, the time to run, to travel to search for the doctor no matter how long it took. seconds later River's stormcage prison cell was empty and she was on the move.
Two words she sent to the doctor's psychic paper followed by time, date & location.

"Hello Sweetie"

2nd basic rp starter

(one week previously.*)

river sat silently and ever watchful as the long day withing her storm cage prision cell turned into the darkness of the evening. Her things were packed and she was now ready to escape her cell once more. river smiled as the guard stopped just out of reach of her cell and noted that she was still there, but as soon as he was out of sight and the guards were taking the last few minutes to change river vanished from her cell and the alarm sounded soon after her disappearence.

(present time)

for a week now river had been on and unknown alien world and the start of the second week was just begining and though she had tried in vien to find out what was happening river was having trouble. she knew this world was in trouble from someone or something unknown but she didn't know what so she thought it was time to bring in the big guns.

with a smile on her lips river sent the doctor a psychic message with the date, time, and the co ordinates that eh would need and the words *hello sweetie* and promptly sat back and waited for him to arrive.

3.. written with jack harkness in mind

How long it had been since river had lost her parents in new york manhattan she didn't really care she'd been through it all before though this had been the first time for the doctor who hadn't taken their loss well at all. After river had left him she had gone home now that she was no longer in the stormcage facility for killing a man that didn't exsist and set about writing the Melody Malone novel that she was supposed to write and then take it back to 1938 to her mother to get it published. With things still fresh in her mind she set about writing things down in great detail not sparing anything and writing chapter titles that would give her sweetie the answers he sought without there being any spoiler references before she would use her vortex manipulator to head straight for 1938.

After the book was given to her mother to get published with an after word written  with sweetie in mind Sr River Song made sure that it would be inside his jacket pocket for when the appropriate time came. With everything set River used her manipulator to arrive in the city of Cardiff to await the time of the angels and decided to spend time in this fair city that the Doctor often landed the tardis at because of his oldest friend Captain Jack Harkness. River had heard sweetie mention this man on more than one occasion but had never been introduced to him which River found annoying so she decided to do what the Doctor wouldn't and meet the man in question herself. Now all she had to do was find the man.

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08/14/2011 11: PM 


Pronunciation: (rOl'plA") v.t.

1. To assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators.

 2. To experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. -v.i. to engage in role-playing.

The Lingo:

RT- "real time": This refers to your real physical existence, the *player* and their life outside the "Game" of role-play.

VT- "virtual time": This refers to your 'time' online, the people you meet here and the things you do when you're here.

OOC- Out of Character: This means that you are speaking to others as your "player" - the person at the keyboard. It can also refer to knowledge your "player" has that your "character" does not. For example: you've talked to the player of the character " insert character's name here" and the player told you that  that "character" has a bad knee, it's his major weak spot. If you were to go into the rooms and your character - without learning this information "himself" and without a reason of established rp- immediately attacks the characters bum knee, it is considered very bad form.

IC - In Character: This means that you - the player- are currently playing out your "character". You've left reality and you're acting as your character would. It also refers to knowledge that your character has gained on his own during a role-play session. A common pitfall that new role-players make is to get their OOC and their IC emotions and knowledges mixed up. For instance, just because that hot little vamp girl is coming on to your big stud vamp doesn't mean that her player wants to make a date for real life 'nookie" later.

 Role Player's Creed 

1. I will maintain the illusion of the game by staying in character whenever possible. I will withhold out of character comments until absolutely necessary and even then I will whisper or ICQ them to the other players.

2. If I discuss the game with other players out of character, I will not allow my character to be influenced by this knowledge without express permission of the other players. I will take the time to allow my character to learn these things on his or her own during the course of the game.

3. I will separate myself as a player from my character as much as possible. While I understand that a lot of myself goes into my character and because the game is so very intense often real emotions will be drawn from me as a player, I also understand that my character is not me.

4. If I am not in the mood to play, I won't interrupt other people's games by coming into it out of character. I will find others who are not in character and go somewhere meant for out of character discussion.

(note: will add more rules as an when i feel like it.)

07/11/2011 11: PM 

Gallifreyan physiology

Gallifreyans, despite being outwardly indistinguishable from humans, had a variety of biological differences that set them apart.

 Most of the known information on Gallifreyans is based on Time Lords, particularly the Doctor. It has been unclear for some time if the terms "Gallifreyan" and "Time Lord" are interchangeable, or if "Time Lord/Lady" is a specific rank within the society, possibly with some specialised abilities. Consequently, the following articles may have some inaccuracies due to these biases.

It is believed that many traits of the Time Lords developed over time due to exposure to the Time Vortex. This was possible for humans as well as Gallifreyans, as River Song also developed some of these traits, having been concieved within the Vortex itself.


The Gallifreyans were classified by humans as Dominus temporis. (NSA: The Last Dodo) Despite appearances, the Gallifreyans were more related to Terileptils than Humans. (DW: The Visitation) The Doctor also once stated that he was "not an ape" (DW: Cold Blood) and that they did not evolve from apes. (DW: The Doctor's Daughter).

He may also simply have meant that he was not human, as the Silurians to which he was speaking referred to humans as "apes".

External appearance

Externally, Gallifreyans were identical to humans, though they tended to have a mostly Eurasian appearance. Hair and eye colour were of any colour found among humans. (NSA: The Last Dodo) Teeth were indistinguishable from human teeth. (DW: The Gunfighters, Utopia)

 The Doctor, especially his Seventh incarnation, appeared to have uncertain eye colours. Whether this was an actual ability of the Gallifreyans to change their eye colours or simply due to others' perception is unknown. (NA: Blood Heat, Legacy)


Gallifreyans were, on the whole, extremely tough and resilient. An average Gallifreyan was superior to a human at their peak. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons)

Gallifreyans could survive falls (and probably many other physical stresses) which would shatter the bones of humans. (DW: The End of Time) Gallifreyans could survive extreme cold (DW: The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Seeds of Doom, The Ribos Operation, 42, The Infinite Quest, Planet of the Ood) and extreme heat (DW: The End of the World). They could even survive the subzero temperatures and extremely low pressure of vacuum for around 6 minutes (DW: Four to Doomsday), as well as electric shocks that would be fatal to humans (DW: Genesis of the Daleks, Terror of the Zygons, World War Three, Evolution of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice, The Pandorica Opens). R�ntgen radiation affected Gallifreyans so minimally that Gallifreyan children were routinely given radioactive toys in the nursery. They could, at will, absorb very high doses of R�ntgen radiation, transform it into a form harmless to humans, and expel it from their bodies. (DW: Smith and Jones) Radiation of other kinds could be fatal, but even then a Gallifreyan could hold out for a while after receiving these lethal doses. (DW: Planet of the Spiders, The End of Time)

Gallifreyans needed less sleep than humans, and could make do with as little as an hour. (DW: The Talons of Weng-Chiang, DWN: The Highlanders)

A severely-injured Gallifreyan would generally slip into a healing coma, and devote all his or her energy to healing the injury. While in the coma, they would appear to be dead. (DW: Inferno, Planet of the Daleks, The Doctor's Daughter)

Time Lords also seem to have an increased resilience to higher frequencies of sound (DW: The Christmas Invasion, Partners in Crime)

Gallifreyans could be disabled by a blow to the left shoulder, which possessed a vulnerable nerve cluster. (NA: Set Piece)


Even without regeneration, Gallifreyans had considerable lifespans. Within one regeneration, Gallifreyans could live for hundreds of years, yet look much younger than a human of equivalent age. When artificially aged 500 years, the Fourth Doctor looked like an elderly human (DW: The Leisure Hive), whereas his eleventh incarnation looked the same 200 years apart (DW: The Impossible Astronaut).

However, Gallifreyan children and teenagers grew at about the same rate as humans of the same age. (DW: An Unearthly Child, The Sound of Drums) After this point, aging would slow, with the Gallifreyan looking like a teenager for decades. (EDA: Legacy of the Daleks) Ninety years was still considered childhood. (DW: The Stolen Earth)

The maximum lifespan of Time Lords was unknown. The Second Doctor once stated, that barring accidents, they could live forever. (DW: The War Games) They considered 750 middle-age. (DW: Pyramids of Mars)


Gallifreyans had all the senses possessed by humans, and to generally superior degrees. Gallifreyans also had extraordinary reflexes and precision timing, literally superhuman. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons, DW: The End of the World, The Doctor's Daughter) The doctor even states that their reflexes are ten times a humans once. (The Time Monster) Gallifreyans also showed great hand-eye coordination and dexterity with a wide variety of tool and weapons. (DW: The Android Invasion, Human Nature, The Pirate Planet) Gallifreyans (at least, of younger bodies) were, consequently, very physically able. The Third Doctor was a martial arts master, the Fifth Doctor (much like, latently, the Tenth) was a skilled cricketer , and the Eleventh Doctor discovered a natural talent for football. (DW: The Lodger)

Sight: Gallifreyan eyes were better at seeing in the dark and could gather and enhance available light. (NA: Lucifer Rising) They were capable of noticing even small objects or details from distances of at least twenty feet away (DW: The Eleventh Hour) as well as people that were quite a distance away. (DW: The Hungry Earth)
Hearing: The Doctor exhibited Gallifreyan hearing by perceiving sounds from the TARDIS, while located several sections away, aboard the airship Valiant. (DW: The Sound of Drums)

Taste: Using taste, the Doctor was able to identify the blood type of a sample. (DW: The Christmas Invasion, NA: Bad Therapy) He was also able to identify types of wood (DW: Tooth and Claw) and of metal. (DW: The Idiot's Lantern) The Doctor was also able to tell how much a shed had aged via taste. (DW: The Eleventh Hour) He was also able to determine the chemical and mineral composition of blue grass by tasting it. (DW: The Hungry Earth) He could tell where the four TARDIS blue envelopes were made from taste. (DW: Day of the Moon)

Smell: The Gallifreyan sense of smell was equal to their sense of taste. (NSA: Wishing Well) They could do a chemical analysis of the air using their sense of smell. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters) On some occasions Time Lords were also able to judge what time period and location they were in by the smell of the air. (WC:Scream of the Shalka, DW: The Unicorn and the Wasp) Gallifreyans were capable of locating one another over great distances through "smell". (DW: The End of Time)

 Proprioception: Gallifreyans were better at coping with sudden changes in position than humans and were harder to disorient. (NSA: The Forever Trap)

As well as the senses shared with humans, Gallifreyans had further senses, with at least an undefined Sixth Sense. (NSA: Wishing Well) Gallifreyans had time- and spatial-related senses and physical attributes; they were able to resist fields of slow time (DW: The Time Monster, Invasion of the Dinosaurs), notice distortions and jumps in time (DW: Invasion of the Dinosaurs, City of Death, The Lodger), directly perceive the interstellar motions of cosmological bodies or their inhabitants (DW: Rose), and perceive all possible timelines (DW: The Parting of the Ways, The Fires of Pompeii). Gallifreyans were also able to sense the presence of others of their own species, with the sense being specific enough to allow identification of one another just by sight, regardless of potential recent regeneration. (DW: The Sound of Drums)

Internal anatomy

Body temperature

Gallifreyans had an internal body temperature of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius). (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) While recovering from a serious injury, it could drop spontaneously to below-freezing temperatures. (DW: Planet of the Daleks)

Oddly, no humans pointed out the differences in temperatures by touch. This might mean that this was a core temperature, whereas their skin temperature was closer to those of a human.

The BrainEdit

The Time Lord brain was much larger and more complex than the human brain. The size differences effectively ruled out brain transplants from a Gallifreyan to a human. (DW: The Brain of Morbius) They had a highly advanced form of photographic memory, able to recall every detail of even the most insignificant moments in time. (DW: The Eleventh Hour) The Timewyrm noticed that on a quantum level, the Doctor's brain could receive information from possible futures, possibly without even realizing it consciously. (NA: Timewyrm: Revelation) Time Lords could also separate the hemispheres of their brain, allowing them to multitask easily. (PDA: Island of Death)

Time Lords had an additional brain lobe dedicated to mechanical and other bodily functions, freeing up the other lobes for intellectual endeavours. (BFA: Spare Parts)

Time Lords displayed the ability of touch-enabled mental manipulation; this has manifested itself in a number of different ways, including hypnosis (DW: Terror of the Autons, The Ribos Operation), mind-reading (DW: The Girl in the Fireplace), thought sharing (DW: The End of Time), the ability to relieve dementia (at least externally caused dementia) (DW: The Shakespeare Code), mentally influncing the dreams of others (DW: The Eleventh Hour) and memory erasure (DW: Journey's End). They were also capable of quickly transferring knowledge to another person by headbutting them. (DW: The Lodger)

The Gallifreyans were telepathically linked to one another and were even capable of joining the entire Time Lord intelligence as one. (DW: The Invisible Enemy) They also held telepathic conversations over distances, but this is implied to have been more difficult. (DW: The Sensorites, The Three Doctors, The Pirate Planet) They could also converse with each over the astral plane, although this ability required intense concentration, and for someone to interrupt would result in possibly fatal consequences for the Time Lord in question. (DW: The Two Doctors) Their telepathy also extended to less intelligent animals. (DW: The Lodger) In ancient times, Gallifreyans who were capable of blocking out the telepathic thoughts of other Gallifreyans were called Individuals. These usually had red-gold hair and often went on to become Young Heroes. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)

Time Lords were vulnerable to powerful hypnosis, such as the Morpho employed or the Great Vampires. (DW: The Keys of Marinus, State of Decay) However other forms of mind control they were more resiliant if not immune to. (DW: The War Machines, The Green Death)

Skeletal structure

Gallifreyan skeletal structure was identical to human skeletal structure, with the exception of the rib cage: Gallifreyans had 26 ribs, two more than humans. (NA: Blood Heat)

Circulatory system

Gallifreyan blood was different in composition from human blood, as well as darker in colour and with a slight orange tinge to it. (DW: The Two Doctors, NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) The differences were readily apparent under a microscope. (DW: Spearhead from Space, The Invisible Enemy, Doctor Who) It was highly adaptive, with regenerative properties. (NSA: The Art of Destruction) It didn't have the same A and B types as human blood (i.e., the A and B antibodies were not present), the extra-cellular matrix was incompatible with Earth-based life and the structure of haemoglobin was different. (NSA: The Art of Destruction, DW: The Invisible Enemy, EDA: Placebo Effect)

Binary vascular system

Gallifreyans naturally born before the time of Rassilon and Pythia had two hearts. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible, Lungbarrow)

Accounts differ as to the vascular systems of Gallifreyans in their first incarnation. Some accounts indicate that Gallifreyans normally had two hearts even in their first body. (CC: Frostfire, DW: The Doctor's Daughter) Other accounts indicate that Oldblood Gallifreyans Loomed after the Pythia's curse of sterility emerged with a single heart and gained their second only after their first regeneration, (MA: The Man in the Velvet Mask) while those of Newblood houses sprang from the Looms with two hearts from the outset. (NA: Christmas on a Rational Planet)

A Gallifreyan could survive with only one heart, should the other be punctured or destroyed, though he or she would be weakened greatly. (MA: Managra, EDA: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street, DW:The Shakespeare Code) Even if all the blood were removed from one cardiovascular system, the Gallifreyan could still survive. A Gallifreyan in total cardiac arrest would need CPR on both hearts. (DW: Smith and Jones) Regeneration would become impossible if both hearts were burnt out simultaneously. (DW: Forest of the Dead)

Gallifreyans could, with training, gain conscious control over their hearts, enabling them to stop their hearts and feign death, (DW: Destiny of the Daleks) and could slow them down significantly (DW: Terror of the Zygons, NSA: Wishing Well). A dual cardiovascular system being more efficient, Gallifreyans had a resting pulse of as few as 10 beats per minute. (DW: Spearhead from Space) Under stress, the hearts' rate could seem dangerously fast and irregular to human doctors. (DW: Doctor Who) Two pulses could be detected in the wrist. (DW: The Five Doctors, Time and the Rani)

Respiratory system

In order to use their two hearts, Gallifryans had an advanced respiratory system. Instead of large lungs, they had a series of pulmonary tubes parallel to the lymphatic system. This made them positively buoyant, allowing them to swim with ease. (PDA: Island of Death) They could also survive longer without much oxygen, past the point where a Human would be unconscious. (DW: The Ark in Space, The Two Doctors, Smith and Jones, NA: Legacy) Despite this, Gallifreyans (especially frailer individuals) could be affected by altitude sickness. (DWN: Marco Polo)

Like most aspects of Gallifreyan physiology, the respiratory system was largely under conscious control. Gallifreyans could, at will, enter a trance state which reduced the need for oxygen. (DW: Terror of the Zygons, Four to Doomsday) Gallifreyans also had a respiratory bypass system, which allowed them to survive strangulation (DW: Pyramids of Mars, NA: Human Nature), avoid breathing poison gas (DW: The Two Doctors), and stave off drowning. (MA: Killing Ground)

Gallifreyans were immune to the effect of helium gas, which could make human voices sound high-pitched and squeaky (though this is implied to be a learned technique rather than an innate ability). (DW: The Robots of Death)

Other Organs

The skin of a Gallifreyan had extra subdural and subcutaneous layers compared to that of a human, adding considerably to its durability and damage resistance. Gallifreyan skin tended to reject foreign objects such as subcutaneous implants or tags relatively quickly, (MA: Burning Heart) though such implants have been deliberately retained on occasion, suggesting this to be another consciously controllable ability. (DW: Day of the Moon)

The Gallifreyans had two livers. (EDA: Halflife) They also had several organs which had no analogue in humans. (EDA: Placebo Effect)

Gallifreyan physiology has been described by a human medic as having "four of everything he should have two of and two of everything else." (MA: Burning Heart.)


On the whole, Gallifreyan biochemistry seems to have been quite similar to human biochemistry: they could eat anything humans could and could breathe in the atmosphere of Earth. (NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)

Gallifreyan biochemistry, like many other aspects of Gallifreyan physiology, was subject to the conscious control of the individual. For example, a Gallifreyan was able to counteract the negative properties of Psilocybin by modifying the chemicals into something harmless, though the techniques were not foolproof and drug overdoses were still possible. (NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) Similarly, though Gallifreyans were susceptible to the intoxicating effects of alcohol, they could easily shrug off the effects when they needed to. (PDA: The Quantum Archangel, DW: The Girl in the Fireplace) As with humans, however, excessive consumption could produce a hangover. (BBCR: Slipback) Ginger beer would also reduce their ability to tolerate alcohol. (BFA: The Kingmaker)

Some Human medicines seem to have worked on Gallifreyans as well as humans: some sleep-inducing drugs or toxic gases, for example. (DW: The Brain of Morbius) Anaesthetic gases of the type commonly administered before surgery, however, did not work well on Gallifreyans; a much greater quantity of anaesthetic must be administered, and even then it may not work completely. (DW: Doctor Who) Aspirin was toxic to Gallifreyans; a single dose could kill one. (DW: The Mind of Evil, NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) It was said to either fatally stop platelet aggregation (BFA: The Condemned), cause massive allergic, pulmonary and cerebral embolism (MA: Burning Heart), or interfere with the hormone receptor intermediaries (EDA: The Taking of Planet 5). Death could be prevented by entering a deep coma which was outwardly mistakable for death (MA: Burning Heart), or by ingesting chocolate. (BFA: The Condemned)

Other sleep-inducing drugs, although effective, due to a Gallifreyans resilience, the effects would take roughly twice as long as with humans, even if the Time Lord in question took double the dosage that the humans had. (DW: The Androids of Tara)

Gallifreyans were as susceptible as humans to the devastating effect of spectrox poisoning; spectrox toxaemia proceeded at roughly the same rate in both species, though a Gallifreyan, being tougher, would not succumb as quickly. (DW: The Caves of Androzani) They could counteract cyanide poisoning, given a number of ingredients including ginger beer, something salty (but not salt), protein and a physical or mental shock, but only if done very soon after the cyanide is ingested. (DW: The Unicorn and the Wasp)

During a decontamination attempt by Silurians intended for humans, the Eleventh Doctor claimed that removing the germs would remove half of the things keeping him alive, suggesting further differences. (DW: Cold Blood)

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06/01/2011 11: PM 

river song quotes

"When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can't run for ever. Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark, if he ever, for one moment accepts it. "Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today. "Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, when the wind stands fair, and the Doctor comes to call... everybody lives. "Sweet dreams, everyone." -River Song

Silence in the Library

Anita: How do you know they're not androids.
River Song: Because I've dated androids. They're rubbish.

The Doctor: Oh, you're not. Are you? Tell me you're not archaeologists
River Song: Got a problem with archeologists?
The Doctor: I'm a time traveller. I point and laugh at archeologists.

Lux: Professor Song, why am I the only one wearing my helmet?
River: I don't fancy you.

River Song: Pretty Boy, with me I said.
The Doctor: Oh, I'm Pretty Boy?
Donna: Yes. Oh, that came out a bit quick.
The Doctor: Pretty?
Donna: Well...

River Song: Thanks.
The Doctor: For what?
River: The usual. For coming when I call.
The Doctor: Oh, that was you?
River: You're doing a very good job acting like you don't know me. I'm assuming there's a reason.
The Doctor: Oh, a fairly good one actually.
River: Okay, should we do diaries then? Where are we this time? Going by your face I'd say it's early days for you, yes? So, um... Crash of the Byzantium. Have we done that yet? Obviously ringing no bells. Alright, um. Picnic at Asgard, Have we done Asgard yet? Obviously not. Blimey, very early days then. Oo! Life with a time traveller, never knew it could be such hard work. Um... Look at you. You're young.
The Doctor: I'm really not, you know.
River: Oh but you are. Your eyes! You're younger than I've ever seen you.
The Doctor: You've seen me before then?
River: Doctor, please tell me you know who I am.
The Doctor: Who are you?

River: Sorry, you're not allowed to see inside the book. It's against the rules.
The Doctor: What rules?
River: Your rules.

The Doctor: Funny thing, Mr. Lux. I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important.
River: Then why don't you sign his contract? I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you.

River: There was one other thing in the last message.
Lux: That's confidential.
River: I trust this man with my life. With everything.
Lux: You've only just met him.
River: Nope, he's only just met me.

River: Whatever did this to her, whatever killed her- I'd like a word with that.
The Doctor: I'll introduce you.

The Doctor: What's in that book?
River: Spoilers.
The Doctor: Who are you?
River: Professor River Song, University of-
The Doctor: To me. Who are you to me?
River: Again: spoilers.

River: Donna? You're Donna, Donna Noble?
Donna: Yeah? Why?
River: I do know the Doctor. But in the future. His personal future.
Donna: So why don't you know me? Where am I in the future?

River: So what do we do?
The Doctor: Daleks. Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans. Back of the neck. Vashta Nerada. Run. Just run.

The Doctor: What's that?
River: It's a screwdriver.
The Doctor: It's sonic.
River: Yeah, I know. Snap.

River: So. What's the plan? Do we have a plan?
The Doctor: Your screwdriver. Looks exactly like mine.
River: Yeah. You gave it to me.
The Doctor: I don't give my screwdriver to anyone.
River: I'm not anyone.
The Doctor: Who are you?
River: What's the plan?
The Doctor: I teleported Donna back to the TARDIS. If we don't go back there in under five hours Emergency Program One will activate.
River: "Take her home," yeah.
Forest of the Dead

Dave: Who is he? You haven't even told us. You just expect us to trust him.
River: He's the Doctor.
Lux: And who is "The Doctor"?
River: The only story you'll ever tell. If you survive here.
Anita: You say he's your friend, but he doesn't even know who you are.
River: Listen all you need to know is this, I trust that man to the end of the Universe. And actually, we've been.
Anita: He doesn't act like he trusts you.
Anita: There's a tiny problem. He hasn't met me yet.

River: What's wrong with it?
The Doctor: There's a signal coming from somewhere interfering with it.
River: Use the red settings.
The Doctor: It doesn't have a red setting.
River: Well use the dampers.
The Doctor: It doesn't have "dampers."
River: It will do one day.
The Doctor: So some time in the future I just give you my screwdriver.
River: Yeah.
The Doctor: Why would I do that?
River: I didn't pluck it from your cold dead hands if that's what you're worried about.
The Doctor: And I know that because?
River: Listen to me, you've lost your friend-you're angry, I understand. But you need to be less emotional, Doctor. Right now-
The Doctor: Less emotion- I'm not emotional!
River: There are five people in this room still alive. Focus on that. Dear god, you're hard work young.
The Doctor: Young- Who are you?!
Lux: Oh for heaven's sake! Look at the pair of you. We're all going to die right here and you're just squabbling like an old married couple!
River: Doctor. One day I'm going to be someone that you trust. Completely. But I can't wait for you to find that out. So I'm going to prove it to you. And I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry. whispers in his ear. Are we good? Doctor. Are we good?
The Doctor: Yeah, we're good.
River: Good.

Anita: Professor. It's important. I have two shadows.
River: Helmets on, everyone. Anita I'll get yours.
Anita: Didn't do Proper Dave any good.
River: Just keep it together, okay?
Anita: Keepin' it together. I'm only crying. I'm about to die. It's not an overreaction.

River: Oh god they've got inside!
The Doctor: No no. I've just tinted her visor. Maybe they'll think they're already in there, leave her alone.
River: You think they can be fooled like that?
The Doctor: Maybe, I don't know. It's a swarm. It's not like we chat.

The Doctor: Professor, could I have a word please?
River: What?
The Doctor: Down here.
River: What is it?
The Doctor: Thought you said there were five people still alive in this room.
River: Yeah so?
The Doctor: So. Why are there six?
Proper Dave: Hey! Who turned out the lights!
The Doctor: Run!

The Doctor: Professor, go ahead. Find a safe spot.
River: It's a carnivorous swarm in a suit! You can't reason with it.
The Doctor: Five minutes.

River: You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. It's like they're not quite finished-they're not done yet. Well... yes, The Doctor's here. He came when I called just like he always does. But not "my" Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off, back to his TARDIS. And open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor. In the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere.
The Doctor: Spoilers. Nobody can open the TARDIS by snapping their fingers. It doesn't work like that.
River: It does for the Doctor.
The Doctor: I am the Doctor.
River: Yeah. Someday.

River: Gravity Platform.
The Doctor: Bet I like you.
River: Oh, you do.

The Doctor: I'll hook myself up to the computer, she can borrow my memory space.
River: Difficult. It'll kill you stone dead!
The Doctor: Yes, easy to criticize.
River: It'll stop both of your hearts and don't think you'll regenerate!
The Doctor: I'll try my hardest not to die, honestly. It's my main thing.
River: Doctor-
The Doctor: I'm right, this works. Shut up.

River: I hate you sometimes!
The Doctor: I know!

The Doctor: Oh no no. What are you doing? That's my job!
River: Oh and I'm not allowed to have a career I suppose.
The Doctor: Why am I handcuffed? Why do you even have handcuffs?
River: Spoilers.

River: Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you-the real you, the future you, I mean-you turned up on my doorstep with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Derillium. To see the Singing Towers. Oh, what a night that was. The towers sang, and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver. That should have been a clue. There's nothing you can do.
The Doctor: Let me do this!
River: If you die here it'll mean I've never met you.
The Doctor: Time can be rewritten!
River: Not those times, not one line. Don't you dare! It's okay. It's okay. It's not over for you. You'll see me again. You've got all of that to come. You and me. Time and space. You watch us run!
The Doctor: River you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear. There's only one way I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could.
River: Hush now. Spoilers.

River in voiceover: When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies. And nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, for one moment accepts it.

The Doctor: Why? Why would I give her my screwdriver? Why would I do that? Thing is Future Me had years to think about it. All those years to think of a way to save her. And what he did was give her a screwdriver. Why would I do that? Oh! Look at that! I'm very good!
Donna: What have you done?
The Doctor: Saved her!

The Doctor: Stay with me. C'mon! You and me, one last run! Sorry River, shortcut.

River in voiceover: Everybody knows that everybody dies. But not every day. Not today.

River: Oh for heaven's sake. He just can't do it, can he? That man. That impossible man. He just can't give in.

River in voiceover: Some days are special. Some days are so so blessed. Some days nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while-every day in a million days when the wind stands fair and the Doctor comes to call-everybody lives.
The Time of Angels

Alistair: The party's over, Dr. Song. Yet still you're on board.
Dr. River Song: Sorry Alistair. I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something, this ship won't reach its destination.
Alistair to the guards: Wait 'til she runs. Don't make it look like an execution.
Dr. River Song: Triple-7 5 slash 3 4 9 by 10. Zero 12 slash Acorn. Oh, and I could do with an air corridor.
Amy: What's that? What did she say?
The Doctor: Coordinates!
River: Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to.

Amy: Doctor?
The Doctor: River.
River: Follow that ship.

River: They've gone into warp drive. We're losing them. Stay close.
The Doctor: I'm trying!
River: Use the stabilizers.
The Doctor: It doesn't have stabilizers!
River: The blue switches.
The Doctor: Well the blue switches don't do anything. They're just blue.
River: Yes, they're blue. They're the blue stabilizers! The TARDIS stabilizes. See?
The Doctor: Yeah. Well, just boring now, isn't it? They're borings. They're blue borings.

River: Okay. I've mapped the probability vectors, done a full background temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination and... parked us right alongside.
The Doctor: "Parked us." We haven't landed.
River: Of course we've landed. I just landed her.
The Doctor: But... it didn't make the noise.
River: What noise?
The Doctor: You know the {imitates the TARDIS... sort of}
River: It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on.
The Doctor: Yeah. Well it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise.

The Doctor: ...oxygen-rich atmosphere, all toxins in the soft band, eleven hour day and... {sniffs the air} chances of rain later.
River: He thinks he's so hot when he does that.

Amy: How come you can fly the TARDIS?
River: Oh, I had lessons from the very best.
The Doctor flattered: Well... yeah.
River: It's a shame you were busy that day.

Amy: Are you going to introduce us?
The Doctor: Amy Pond. Professor River Song.
River gasps: I'm going to be a professor some day, am I? How exciting! {she laughs} Spoilers.

River: Two things always guaranteed to turn up in a museum. The home box of a category four Starliner and, sooner or later, him. It's how he keeps score.

The Doctor: I'm nobody's taxi service! I'm not going to be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship.
River: And you are so wrong.

River: There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die. Now he's listening.

River: Where are we up to? Have we done the Bone Meadows?
Amy: What's the book?
The Doctor: Stay away from it.
Amy: What is it though?
The Doctor: Her diary.
River: Our diary.
The Doctor: Her past. My... future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order.

Father Octavian: Has Dr. Song explained what we're dealing with here?
River: Doctor, what do you know of the Weeping Angels?

Amy: But it's just a statue.
River: It's a statue when you see it.
The Doctor: Where did it come from?
River: Pulled from the ruins at Razzmahan into last century. It's been in private hands ever since. Dormant all that time.
The Doctor: There's a difference between dormant and patient.

River: It's so strange when you go all baby-face. How early is this for you?
The Doctor: Fairly early.
River: So you don't know who I am yet.
The Doctor: How do you know who I am? I don't always look the same.
River: I've got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order though. I need the Spotter's Guide.

Octavian: He doesn't know yet, does he? Who and what you are.
River: It's too early in his time stream.
Octavian: Well make sure he doesn't work it out. Or he's not going to help us.
River: I won't let you down. Believe you me, I have no intention of going back to prison.

River: Yes we are.
The Doctor: Sorry, what?
River: Talking about you.
The Doctor: I wasn't listening. I'm busy.
River: Ah. The other way up. {The Doctor looks at the device and then turns it the right way up}
The Doctor: Yeah.
Amy: You're so his wife.
River: Oh Amy Amy Amy. This is The Doctor we're talking about. Do you really think it could be anything that simple?

The Doctor: That book, the very end, what did it say?
River: Hang on.
The Doctor: Read it to me.
River: "What if we had ideas that could think for themselves? What if one day our dreams no longer needed us? When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us. The time of Angels."

The Doctor realizing: Oh.
Amy: What's wrong?
River realizing: Oh.
The Doctor: Exactly.
River: How could we not notice that?
The Doctor: Low level perception filter or maybe we're thick.
Octavian: What's wrong, sir?
The Doctor: Nobody move! Nobody move. Everyone stay exactly where they are. Bishop, I am truly sorry I've made a mistake and we are all in terrible danger.
Octavian: What danger?
River: The Aplans.
Octavian: The Aplans?
River: They've got two heads.
Octavian: Yes, I get that. So?
The Doctor: So why don't the statues.

River: There's no way up, no way back, no way out. No pressure, but this is usually when you have a really good idea.
The Doctor: There's always a way out. There's always a way out.

Angel Bob: The Doctor. Can I speak to the Doctor please?
The Doctor: Hello, Angels. What's your problem?

The Doctor: Trust me?
Amy: Yeah.
The Doctor: Trust me?
River: Always.
Flesh and Stone

Octavian: Dr. Song, I've lost good clerics today. You trust this man?
River: I absolutely trust him.
Octavian: He's not some kind of mad man then?
River: I absolutely trust him.

River: Father Octavian, when the Doctor's in the room, your one and only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me, it's not easy. Now if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself. And if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And Doctor, you're standing right behind me aren't you?
The Doctor: Yeah.
River: I hate you.
The Doctor: You don't.

River: That time energy, what's it going to do?
The Doctor: Ah, keep eating.
River: How do we stop it?
The Doctor: Feed it.
River: Feed it what?
The Doctor: A big complicated space-time event should shut it up for awhile.
River: Like what, for instance?
The Doctor: Like me! For instance!

The Doctor: River Song, I could bloody kiss you!
River: Oh well. Maybe when you're older.

River: I've traveled in time. I'm a complicated space-time event too. Throw me in.
The Doctor: Oh be serious, compared to me these Angels are more complicated than you and it'd take every single one of them to amount to me, so get a grip.
River: Doctor, I can't let you do this.
The Doctor: No, seriously. Get a grip.
River: You're not going to die here!
The Doctor: No, I mean it. River, Amy, get a grip.
River: Oh you genius.

River: You. Me. Handcuffs. Must it always end this way?
The Doctor: What now?
River: The prison ship's in orbit. They'll beam me up any second. I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. We'll see.
The Doctor: Octavian said you killed a man.
River: Yes, I did.
The Doctor: A good man.
River: A very good man. The best man I've ever known.
The Doctor: Who?
River: Hm. It's a long story, Doctor. Can't be told. Has to be lived. No sneak previews. Well. Except for this one. You'll see me again quite soon. When the Pandorica opens.
The Doctor: The Pandorica. Ha! That's a fairy tale.
River laughing. Ah, Doctor. Aren't we all? I'll see you there.
The Doctor: I look forward to it.
River: I remember it well.

The Doctor: Can I trust you, River Song?
River: If you like. But where's the fun in that?
The Pandorica Opens
Stormcage Containment Facility 5145

Guard: Cell 46. The Doctor? You mean Dr. Song.
River Song: Give me that! Seriously, just give it to me. I'm entitled to phonecalls. Doctor?
Churchill: No. And neither are you. Where is he?
River Song: You're phoning the Time Vortex. It doesn't always work. But the TARDIS is smart. She's rerouted the call. Talk quickly. This connection lasts less than a minute.
Guard: Dr. Song! Are you finished with that?
River Song: You're new here, aren't you.
Guard: First day.
River Song: Then I'm very sorry.
The Royal Collection 5145

Liz Ten: This is the royal collection. And I'm the bloody queen. What are you doing here?
River Song: It's about the Doctor, mum. You met him once, didn't you? I know he came here.
Liz Ten: The Doctor?
River Song: He's in trouble. I need to find him.
Liz Ten: Then why are you stealing a painting?
River Song: Look at it. I need to find the Doctor. And I need to show him this.
The Maldovarium 5145

Well now. Word on the Mount is you're looking for time travel.
River: Are you selling?
A vortex manipulator. Fresh off the wrist of a handsome time agent. I said off the wrist. Not cheap, Dr. Song. Have you brought me a pretty toy?
River: This is a Calisto Pulse. It can disarm micro-explosives from up to twenty feet.
What kind of micro-explosives?
River: The kind I just put in your wine.

The very first words in recorded history:
Hello Sweetie.

The Doctor: You graffitied the oldest cliff face in the Universe!
River: You wouldn't answer your phone!

Amy: Why is it exploding?
River: I'm assuming it's some kind of warning.
Amy: So something's going to happen to the TARDIS.
River: It might not be that literal. Anyway, this is where he wanted you. Date and map reference on the door side, see.
The Doctor: Does is have a title?
River: "The Pandorica Opens".
Amy: The Pandorica. What is it?
River: A box. A cage. A prison. It was built to contain the most feared thing in the whole Universe.
The Doctor: And it's a fairy tale-a legend. It can't be real!
River: If it is real it's here and it's opening. And it's got something to do with your TARDIS exploding. Hidden obviously. Buried for centuries. You won't find it on a map.
The Doctor: No, but if you bury the most dangerous thing in the Universe you'd want to remember where you put it.

Amy: Okay, this Pandorica thing. Last time we saw you, you warned us about it after we climbed out of the Byzantium.
River: Spoilers.
Amy: No, but you told the Doctor you'd see him again when the Pandorica opens.
River: Maybe I did. But I haven't yet. But I will have. Doctor, I'm picking up Frye particles everywhere. Energy weapons discharged on this site.
The Doctor: If the Pandorica is here, it contains the mightiest warrior in history. Now half the galaxy would want a piece of that. Maybe even fight over it. We need to get down there.

The Doctor: It's a Pandorica.
River: More than just a fairy tale.

The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster. Or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing. Soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it or... reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: How did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.

Amy: So can you open it?
The Doctor: Easily. Anyone can break into a prison but I'd rather know what I'm going to find first.
River: You won't have long to wait. It's already opening. There are layers and layers of security protocols in there and they're being disabled one-by-one. Like it's being unlocked from inside.
The Doctor: How long do we have?
River: Hours at most.
The Doctor: What kind of security?
River: Everything. Dead locks. Time stops. Matter lines. Who could need all that?
The Doctor: Who could get past all that?

The Doctor: The stones. These stones are great big transmitters broadcasting a warning to everyone. Everywhere. To every time zone. "The Pandorica is opening."
River: Doctor, everyone everywhere?
The Doctor: Even poor Vincent heard it in his dreams. But what's in there? What could justify all this?
River: Doctor, everyone?
The Doctor: Anything that powerful I'd know about it. Why don't I know?
River: Doctor. You said everyone could hear it. So who else is coming?

The Doctor: Oh.
Amy: Oh? Oh what?
River: Okay, if it is basically a transmitter we should be able to follow back the signal.
The Doctor: Doing it!
Amy: Doing what?
River: Stonehenge is transmitting. It's been transmitting for awhile. So who heard?
The Doctor: Okay, should be feeding back to you now. River, what's out there? Getting anything?
River: Give me a moment.
The Doctor: River, quickly! Anything?
River: Around this planet there are at least ten thousand starships.
Amy: At least?
River: Ten thousand. A hundred thousand. A million. I don't know. There's too many readings.
The Doctor: What kind of starships?
Dalek voice: Maintaining orbit. I obey.
Amy: Daleks. Those are Daleks.
River: Daleks, Doctor.
The Doctor: Yes, okay. Okay. Okay. Dalek fleet, minimum twelve thousand battleships armed to the teeth. Ah! But we've got surprise on our side. They'll never expect three people to attack twelve thousand Dalek battleships 'cause we'd be killed instantly so it would be a fairly short surprise. Forget surprise.
River: Doctor, Cyber ships.
The Doctor: No. Dalek ships. Listen to them. Those are Dalek ships.
River: Yes, Dalek ships and Cyber ships.

River: Doctor, listen to me. Everything that ever hated you is coming here tonight. You can't win this. You can't even fight this. Doctor, this once-just this one time, please, you have to run.
The Doctor: Run where?
River: Fight how?

Roman Commander: So. I return to my command after one week and discover we've been playing host to Cleopatra. Who's in Egypt. And dead.
River: Yes. Funny how things work out.

River to the TARDIS: Why do you want me here?

River seeing the Raggedy Doctor dolls: Oh Doctor. Why do I let you out.

The Doctor: TARDIS. Where is it? Hurry up.
River: Don't raise your voice. Don't look alarmed. Just listen.

River: They're not real. They can't be. They're all right here in the storybook. Those actual Romans. The ones I sent you. The ones you're with right now. They're all in a book in Amy's house. A children's picturebook.
The Doctor: What are you even doing there?
River: It doesn't matter-the TARDIS went wrong. Doctor, how is this possible?
The Doctor: Something's using her memories, Amy's memories.
River: But how?
The Doctor: You said something had been there.
River: Yes. There's burn marks on the grass outside. Landing patterns.
The Doctor: If they've been through her house they could have used the psychic residue. Structures can hold memories. That's why houses have ghosts. They could have taken a snapshot of Amy's memories. But why?

River: Doctor, who are those Romans?
The Doctor: Projections. Or... duplicates.
River: But they were helping us. My lipstick even worked.
The Doctor: They might think they're real. The perfect disguise. They actually believe their own cover story. Right until they're activated.
River: Doctor, that centurion.

River: It's a trap, it has to be. They used Amy to construct a scenario you'd believe. To get close to you.
The Doctor: Why? Who'd do that, what for? It doesn't make sense! River? River? What's happening?
River: I don't know. It's the engines. Doctor, there's something wrong with the TARDIS. Like something else is controlling it.
The Doctor: You're flying it wrong.
River: I'm flying it perfectly. You taught me.
The Doctor: Where are you. What's the date reading?
River: It's the 26th of June, 2010.
The Doctor: You need to get out of there now. Any other time zone, just go.
River: I can't break free.
The Doctor: Well then shut down the TARDIS. Shut down everything!
River: I can't!
Overhead: Silence will fall! Silence will fall!

River: Someone else is flying it. An external force. I've lost control.
The Doctor: But how? Why? {the Pandorica starts emitting a high-pitched sound} Well now. Ready to come out, are we?

River: I'm sorry, my love.
The Big Bang

Rory: Doctor, there's something else. There's a voice.
Amy: I can't hear it.
Rory: Trust the plastic.
River: I'm sorry my love.
Amy: Doctor, that's River. How can she be up there?
Rory: Must be like a recording or something.
The Doctor: No, it's not a recording. Of course. The emergency protocols. The TARDIS has sealed off the control room and put her into a time loop to save her. She is right at the heart of the explosion.

The Doctor: Hi honey. I'm home.
River: And what sort of time do you call this?

River: Amy! And the plastic Centurion.
The Doctor: It's okay. He's on our side.
River: Really?
The Doctor: Yep.
River: I dated a Nestene duplicate once. Swappable head. Did keep things fresh. Right then! I have questions. But number one is this: What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?
The Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.

The Doctor: It needs to restore its power before it can attack again. Now. That means we've got exactly... four and a half minutes before it's at lethal capacity.
Rory: How do you know?
The Doctor: Because that's when it's due to kill me.
River: Kill you? What do you mean, kill you?

River: Doctor, you're being completely ridiculous. The Pandorica partially restored one Dalek. If it can't even reboot a single life form properly how is it going to reboot the whole of reality?
The Doctor: What if we give it a moment of infinite power? What if we can transmit the light from the Pandorica to every particle of space and time simultaneously?
River: Well that would be lovely, dear, but we can't. Because it's completely impossible.
The Doctor: Ah, no. you see. It's not. It's almost completely impossible. One spark is all we need.
River: For what?
The Doctor: Big Bang II! Now listen- {the Dalek shoots him in the back}

River: Where did he go? Dammit, he could be anywhere!
Amy: He went downstairs. Twelve minutes ago.
River: Show me!
Amy: River. He died.
Dalek: Systems restoring. You will be exterminated!
Rory: We've got to move. That thing's coming back to life.
River: You go to the Doctor. I'll be right with you.

Dalek: You will be exterminated!
River: Not yet. Your systems are still restoring which means your shield density is compromised. One alpha meson burst through your eyestalk would kill you stone dead.
Dalek: Records indicate you will show mercy. You are an associate of the Doctor's.
River: I'm River Song. Check your records again.
Dalek: Mercy.
River: Say it again.
Dalek: Mercy!
River: One more time.
Dalek: Mercy!!!

Rory: How could he have moved? He was dead. Doctor! Doctor!
Amy: But he was dead.
River: Who told you that?
Amy: He did.
River: Rule one: the Doctor lies.
Amy: Where's the Dalek?
River: It died.

Rory: What's happening?
River: Reality's collapsing. It's speeding up. Look at this room.
Rory: Where'd everything go?
River: History's being erased. Time's running out. Doctor, what were you doing? Tell us. Doctor!

River: He's wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box.
Amy: Why?
River: So he can take it with him. He's going to fly the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion.

Amy: So what happens here? A Big Bang II-what happens to us?
River: We all wake up where we ought to be. None of this ever happens and we don't remember it.
Amy: River. Tell me he comes back too.
River: The Doctor will be at the heart of the explosion.
Amy: So?
River: So all the cracks in time will close. But he'll be on the wrong side. Trapped in the nether space-the void between the worlds. All memory of him will be purged from the Universe. He will never have been born. Now please. He wants to talk to you before he goes.
Amy: Not to you?
River: He doesn't really know me yet. Now he never will.

River: It's from the Doctor.
Amy: What does it say?
River: "Geronimo."

River: Did you dance? Well you always dance at weddings, don't you.
The Doctor: You tell me.
River: Spoilers.
The Doctor: The writing's all back but I didn't peek.
River: Thank you.

The Doctor: Are you married, River?
River: Are you asking?
The Doctor: Yes.
River: Yes.
The Doctor: No. Hang on. Did you think I was asking you to marry me or asking if you were married?
River: Yes.
The Doctor: No, but was that yes or yes?
River: Yes.
The Doctor: River. Who are you?
River: You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry. But that's when everything changes.

wit & wisdom of river song about the doctor

About the Doctor: "I trust that man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been."

Also about the Doctor: "You know when you see a photo of someone you know, but it's from years before you know them: it's like they're not quite finished, not done yet. Yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does, but not my Doctor."

Talking to the Doctor about their future together: "You watch us run!"

"Doctor! Can you sonic me?"

To the Doctor: "It's so strange when you go all baby face."

To the Doctor again: "You, me, handcuffs: must it always end this way?"

Shout out to a future episode: "You'll see me again quite soon: when the Pandorica opens."

In a showdown with a Dalek that believes she will not kill it: "I'm River Song. Check your records."

Responding to the Doctor's question about her identity: "You're going to find out very soon. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes."

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