10/05/2012 01:17 PM 


(This rant was inspired by a vid that I saw on youtube prior to this.)

I am getting tired of hearing DBZtards, Narutards, and other -tards of different animes/mangas that stating that certain main characters are way better then other main characters from different animes or mangas. And here is the thing...unless it has been proven that they exist, and I used the term 'exist' very firmly by the way, in the same world, like DBZ verse and the Naruto verse are in fact the same verse, one shouldn't be all stating 'Naruto can kick Goku's butt, because Naruto is uber-strong' without debate. Besides, the only way that I can consider it canon whatever or not those facts are true or not, is the creators of the respectable animes/mangas are stating which characters of theirs are stronger then the other. I can't believe how some of those fans are so....*angry grunts." 

Besides, I should know, I was one of them, stating that Goku is the uber-badass. But I grew out of that phase considering that I caught myself not listening to reason. Now, here is the thing that I would accept....now, while Goku can win in the fight against Naruto, (hear me out first, I am getting to a point.) Goku wouldn't be be out of that fight without some battle injuries. And may I remind everyone that it is depends on what story-arc that we are taking the character out of. Like say, Goku (before his training with Korin, the cat-guy for those who don't know) fight against Naruto (after he learn the shadow clones, before learning the Rasgengan) that would be a tough battle to judge. Now, to those who won't listen to reason, why are you so uptight about the facts? Besides, it is not like it is gonna kill you to listen to reasons and to the facts as well. Know your character well, and of other characters as well.

10/03/2012 11:25 PM 


1) I am not Goku in real life. The rights to the character belongs to his creator. So, please, refrain from asking if I am Goku in real life.

2) Relationships are a biggie to me. I know that Goku is with Chi-Chi in the canon anime and whatnot. But remember folks, this is rping, not retelling. So, I don't mind who I am with in rping, as long as that person is faithful, as I am to that person.

3) I rp in para, multi, and rarely one-liners (if they are proven to be interesting.) Novella are diffcult for me to handle. Messages are for rping, though you have to tell me why rping should be in comments. 

4) ooc chats are fine, as long as you mention that it is ooc. Otherwise, I have to assume that we are rping.

5) This rule has been added due to some people on here. If you guys wanted to blocked me for something that wasn't explained in your rules, please tell me  before you blocked about why you wished to block me. It just make me angry or pissed about it, because I hate not knowing the reason, unless it was stated in your rules. 

6) Sexual orientations of other people, like bisexual, gays, lesbians and so forth don't matter to me. Personally, I don't see what the big deal what the sexual orientations are. If you guys are kind and friendly in ooc, then I would do the same to you guys. Kinda of an equal trade as it were. 

More to come at the later time.

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