02/17/2017 04:30 PM 


I’m not, nor do I claim to be, and will never be any of the people depicted in the pictures or graphics used on this site nor I’m Mark Blackthorn, he is a fictional character from the book series “The Dark Artifices” created by Cassandra Clare. This is a roleplay account for writing and creative purposes only. Nothing more, nothing less.

My beginnings in roleplay date back early 2007 where I started as an anime roleplayer in the Fullmetal Alchemist Verse. This character was brought in April of 2012 for the first time after Cassandra posted snippets of  the newcomers to be introduced in “The Dark Artifices” and a close friend of mine did a Julian Blackthorn page – subsequently asking me to be his Mark Blackthorn. Personally, I’m not one to bark orders or make others do my will. However, I’ve ran across some psychos and the most inconsiderate people out here that I decided to make this list. I save the right to modify or add more rules as I see fit. Please, sign these rules with whatever you want. I really don’t mind much what you put, just I’ll formally ask you to read them fully. In the rare case I added you, I’ll read and sign your rules, if any, and expect you to sign mine.

This character is based in the book series “The Dark Artifices” started in 2012 and published in 2016 by Cassandra Clare, along with her complimentary novels "Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy” and his minor appearance in “The Mortal Instruments”, the series follow the adventures of a group of individuals born with angel blood and their duty to defend mankind from the dangers hidden among the Shadow World. Either way, I took the free will to adapt Mark to, in a way, fit within the boundaries of other verses without modifying him much. As long as your character can deal with the lore introduced in the series, which is vast and flexible on its own, I am sure we can work together. However, I’m forced to limit the number of crossovers I am able to do.

I am a literate third person writer. I refuse to write with anyone that cannot make at least three nicely structured paragraphs. I’m aware we all started like one liners in our early days. However, due to how ungrateful people have been as of lately I solemly refuse to deal with them. If you cannot keep with this, you do not belong in this list. Period. My minimum for a reply or starter is four paragraphs, but it might be as long as two or three pages if I’m inspired enough. People have considered me a novelist roleplayer, yet, I do not consider myself as such. If you'd like to keep back and forth twelve or more paragraphs, I’m afraid to say I cannot follow. Also, grammar, I’m not American, but I’m sure you can understand perfectly what I’m writing. If I can do it, so you can.

Comments are strictly for roleplay purpouses though I wouldn’t mind an occasional OOC chat. Messages are, however, only for OOC. I’ll not roleplay through messages or instant messengers of any kind. If you insist in roleplaying in these other forms, I'll believe you’re a twelve year old kid or some sort of noob. Either way, you’ll be deleted.

I’d like to work a storyline before we get to actual roleplay. It’s not that I can’t deal with what’s sent to me. However, I’d like to see how serious you are about doing a connection for our characters. I’m, and will always be, selective with the people I deal with, who I add and who I roleplay with. I have a life and I can’t stay on the computer all day, every day. I delete inactive people. I’ll not follow the “you add, you start”. However, it is a mere courtesy, in the rare case I added you, I’ll send a message to you for a storyline. If you ignore it, don’t expect to be on my friendlist for a long time. If you add me, I expect you to take the first step. There will be rare cases in which I might contact you if you added me, but don’t test your luck. Status, journals or others asking for roleplay or connections will not be addressed from my part. I’m an individual and I’d like to be treated as such. Random starters will be ignored. One more thing, contribution. If I work myself entirely into a storyline and you’re just simply: Sure, sounds interesting. I’ll delete you right after while you bore me to death with your lack of creativity. If you don’t contact me at all, I’ll consider this a sign of rudeness and I don’t want rude people on my friendlist.

There will be mature content, strong language, suggestive themes, violence, religious topics, blasphemy and gore. Perhaps, not all of them at the same time, but you get the idea. If you’re not comfortable with these, leave now.

Why Duskblade? In the original draft presented by Cassandra Clare in her Tumblr account back 2012, she introduced Mark as the oldest sibling of the Blackthorns as well as an adept katana-blade user although the idea seems to have been scrapped from the final manuscript where he comes as a procifent arrow and bow user. I had picked Duskblade as a display name long before the arrival of the book series and decided to keep it regardless of the final transition of the character. I try to keep it as close to canon although I do take some liberties regarding his abilities and the nature of the fair folk  introduced in the novels – mostly with the intention of making him easier to adapt for crossovers. I have done my research in different folklore regarding faeries and their magic outside the parameters established within The Shadowhunter Chronicles and most faerie-related universes to create my own concepts around the universe and storylines I will partake on. I only ask for respect of my work and credit placed where it is due. I am a creative person and I expect the same from others.

I will have mains of each character which will, more than likely, become my favourites. Once I settle down on a main, I will not accept others on my friendlist – some are excluded from this rule give the rather immense number of people playing them (ie, Clarissa Fairchild). It seems rather futile to try to have one of some characters when the universe is mostly composed of those. However, regardless of the number of writers I have, all my storylines will be different and unique; quoting Him “I never give repeat performances”. Following the same principle, there are certain faceclaims that I will not accept on my friendlist, this is due to personal constraints and respect of certain writers. This is not negotiable.


While I try to stick to canon mostly, I am an lenient enemy of the ending of Lady Midnight and the direction of Mark regarding his relationship with Emma. Therefore, I will say I am a follower of chemistry between characters and writers rather than following pairings or “ships”. So, because he feels an attraction or a desire toward yours doesn’t mean they’re in love. I like to have a storyline, development and growth between the characters in a way that I feel they help one another or inspire them to be better. Mark is a very intricate and morphing soul, constantly struggling to figure out what’s right and what’s wrong. He can be quite affectionate to other characters at times, but just because he shows any interest in your character, doesn’t mean they are immediatelly an item or that it’ll grow in anything more than that. Additionally, I’m roleplaying Mark as a polyamory character – if this is a problem to you then by all means delete me.

I’m formally asking you to not steal anything from this page, graphics, writings, ideas, discussions and storylines. I can assure there will be consequences, I perhaps might not be able to hurt you physically, but I’ll make sure everyone know you’re a jocker and a thief. There are, and has always been, dozens of people that have tried to imitate me and I have no patience for such. If you chose to associate with known jockers, problematic people or otherwise copycats and imitators that is your problem exclusively. This also extends to the next, the playby for this character is uncommon – I took a horribly long time to find one that described the character as I wanted him to be portrayed if you – or anyone in your list – suddenly decides to imitate me at any degree, you will find yourself blocked and removed faster than what you can spell kaleidoscope. I will not succumb to the peasantries of unoriginal people and their lack of imagination.

This includes metagaming, which consists in using knowledge of Mark that other characters are not intended to know. For example, knowing beforehand about what he is or his abilities, including previous altercations with other characters that are not relevant or were discussed beforehand. Alternately, godmodding, making a character invincible. As much superb or hopeless Mark might be in fights, this doesn’t mean you can easily kick his ass or manipulate him. I and only I, write for him. If you intend by any meanings tell me how to play my character, I’ll consider it an offense and delete you.

Drama makes storylines interesting, but don’t make me deal with your real life problems. I don’t like people who complain about everything all the time. If you want to share something do something useful for everyone and go to talk with a psychologist, I’m sure they will understand your problem and might actually be able to help you. It’s stupid to come around here to yell out problems, considering we all have our own issues to deal with. Do not involve me in your fights with others, I’ll not take a side in your problem, but I guess I can give you an advice. However, I refuse to play a part in your drama.

Breaking one of these rules or simply not contacting me are the usual. You have three days to attempt to contact me once I accepted you and survived my first inspection. Other three days after signing these rules. I might or not take a while to reply to your messages or comments though in general I can reply to OOC quite fast, yet I tend to be slow with replies. I can assure you that you’ll get a reply from me sooner or later. If you believe I’m too slow or not worth your time, feel free to delete me. Be noted that several people often ask for my opinion about roleplayers and I’ll always tell the truth. Either things didn’t work on my side, or, as the usual, yours.

My regards,
Mark’s Writer.

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