06/30/2024 02:27 PM 

Gotham Knight's RP Guidelines

PATIENCE REQUIRED: This is not my main page. If anything this a casual page that I will take my time to write on. I do have a life away from the computer and with my life like everyone else's comes with responsibilities and a strong desire not to be in front of the computer 24/7. I take pride in my writing and with writing takes effort which takes time. If you can't be patient or I need to fill a time period requirement, please by all means unfriend me here. 

WRITING STYLE: I'm a multi-para writer. I prefer to rp in comments or groups. Writing length is usually 4-5 paragraphs. Could go longer than that if inspired to write more. I don't mind bantering either.

GRAMMAR & SPELLING: I am not the spelling and grammar police. Just try your best.

DON'T BE A TIME WASTER/PAGE SQUATTER: If you aren't gonna talk or respond to my attempts to RP please do the honorable thing and unfriend me. I don't like time wasters or people who think squatting ony my page is cool. I make two attempts to make contact if I'm ignored and you're online, I will delete you. 

MY TAKE WITH BATMAN: I'm well aware Ben Affleck's Batman is from the DCEU and Snyder's films. I am not exactly playing him how he was played in those movies but  I am keeping the fact he has been Batman for a long time considering he'll be in his mid-40s. My Batman is gonna mix and mingle in with the comics, cartoons & Arkham games.

CONTENT: Content in my writing reflects I'm over the age of 21. If violence, language, triggering subject matter to name a few things. I am not a kid friendly writer and if this is a problem, then you shouldn't write with me. I will not write with anyone who is under the age of 20 years old and very seldom on adding minors. 

SHIPPING|ROMANTIC SCENES: Just to nip this in the bud now. My Batman is a multi-li page. I've decided to do it this way because again, not my main page. I don't want to give less than 100%  to a pairing and quite frankly, comic verse is touch and go with me as it is. So yes I could have a storyline where in one I'm with Catwoman and in another with someone from Marvel and in another someone not in comic verse. I don't tolerate jealously and I don't play favorites. Now for romantic scenes or whatever you call it, yes I rp it. I'm an adult and I've written adult things. I prefer that be in private. (The only thing I do write in messages.) However, shipping and those "romantic" scenes only happen with chemistry and writing together. I won't ship just to ship or f uck  just to f uck. Write with me, set up a storyline a good amount of bantering after awhile and if we click we'll see what happens on both fronts.    

DO NOT BLUR RP WITH RL: So pretty much in relation to the rule above. Just because we ship or because our characters shared a bed, doesn't mean I want the same in real life. I'm happily taken in real life and have been for the last couple of years. I don't mind making friends but friendship is all I'm offering. Don't expect more than that. If you cross that line I will pull the plug on any pairing we had. By the way my girlfriend rps and would probably rip you a new one if you tried anything. So please remember what is said and done in roleplay is simply just roleplay. Consider this your only warning because it'd be the only time I say it. 

CROSSOVERS: The main verses I'll crossover aside from DC/DCU is Marvel and The Boys. However I am openverse and I will interact with just about any verse.  So The Walking Dead to Doctor Who to Supernatural are all welcome to add me.

NO DRAMA/TOXICITY: Attention whores, Drama Queens, Bullying, Clique Behavior, Elitism and bigotry (race, sexuality, religion), are not tolerated here. I see any of that on your page or directed towards anyone I will remove you without a notice. Keep my page and my safe space positive. 

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