06/19/2024 09:31 PM 

The Aen Undod's- "To Unite or To Unify" (The First Beings MSL- SOLO)

Aen Undod: "Meaning, To Unify, To Be United, One, Or To be Unified into One. "That was when Maia and Baal Unified their children to take on the Greater Threat to All Species and Mankind."

A question often asked is, "Where are we from?" or "How did we get here?". We usually turn to a religious cult, beliefs, and guidance of others who claim to be of a higher power. We believe what we want to think, even with hard facts telling us otherwise. But what if there was something out there that was a balance between Spirituality and the Proven, and it was something that had been forgotten? Religious books, testaments, and documentation of The Destructive Ways of Death are concepts central to the narrative's exploration of Life and Death. The ones that were removed or "hidden" from MOST Pantheons are not what anyone, any being, or species would be.  

Approximately 20 billion years before the "Big Bang," the first disturbance in the void caused gas, dust, and fragments of stars to collide due to the first-ever lightning bolt. The pressure from this disturbance formed the first chaotic cloud. Signals also mixed in, and then "Opposites Would Attract." As the first cloud formed, the vibrations caused stardust to form into spinning energy disks. The first and largest disk created its first positive charge, which formed a rock-like structure and developed a core. The negative charge came from the cloud, and when combined with the rock's positive charge, it created the first lightning bolt.

From the lightning and star fragments came the creation of Spheres. The first Sphere became a hot, molten ball of gravity. Next to that Sphere was a spinning disk of dark matter, spewing out satellites that formed a singular moon. This process was called Chaos or Maia (She X)

Chaos. Was. Not. A. Force. To. Reckon. With. It gives and takes. You get what you give.

Over many years, disks and rocks spinning in space resulted in dust and galactic matter accumulating, which gradually formed into a protoplanet. With a defined orbit and a completed core, the protoplanet's layers solidified into a rocky terrestrial sphere, marking the birth of the first "Planet." This Planet then developed water with the help of its first Moon, later named "Baal (Him Xy)." Baal influenced tides' regulation, leading to land formation due to the Moon's changing cycles. Water also gave rise to mutating cells that fell onto the rocky surface. The interaction of negative and positive elements in the water, influenced by the Moon Baal, also promoted fertility, particularly for Maia.

Over time, as the Planet evolved, the third Sphere, made of plasma and dark matter (possibly dust left over from spinning disks), began emitting Light. According to Aen Elle, this phenomenon created the seasons known today as Saovine, Yule, Imbaelk, Birke, Blathe, Faeinn, Lammas, and Velen.

From the first Birke came Blathe, also known as "the first flower." The Symbolism of Blathe is a singular chaotic flower in bloom, Showing vibrant pieces of different shades of Chaos in the sky- almost like a reflection. From Birke to Lammas, the flower would be nurtured and loved by Love the Planet (You must love yourself to grow, my dudes!). When Velen arrived, the flower began to "Rest" and would "hibernate." The flower would bloom again at the end of the first winter; unlike the previous cycle, it proliferated. The beginning of the first flower's rest and descent into the rocky host caused something to change. Something within the Planet's cells kept splitting and fusing, and She (X) grew.

The beautiful Chaotic Flower's seedlings fell onto the Planet, and then she formed. She was lovely. Her hair was long and platinum, her green eyes shined like emeralds, and she had two marks on her face, which we would call "beauty marks" today. One was located underneath her right eye, and the second mark rested just above the left side of her lips—a small spray of freckles across her nose. She had a small and petite frame, but with breasts that could feed and hips to bear children, she was proportioned well, to say the least. She was covered in smaller versions of the Chaotic Flowers and vines when she arose from the ground. Her body was sacred and was to be treated as such. Standing on the ground, her eyes shifted to the gorgeous sky. Even though the Star that would heat up her soul would brighten the sky and make the other stars "dim," she could still see them. She could even see the rocky satellite that started the tides. The first smile curved upon her lips, "Ba...B..Baa....Baaeelll..Baal..." as she looked at the rock floating in the sky.

Her body then shifted back to a giant star that gave her heat and allowed Light. "Hope...Hope..." she said as she felt a beat in her chest. She skipped towards the "floating rocks" as they appeared. The first feeling that happened that day was what we now call "love." As love grew, it became admiration. As she experienced these new feelings, she felt the need to place her hands on the Terra, and she was able to access its energy. Using the ground energy, she formed two orbs and positioned each in her hands – one towards Baal and the other towards Hope. Letting out a soft sigh with high decibels, the orbs levitated by themselves and flew towards the round objects in the sky. One entered Baal, and the other entered Hope – these orbs were "baby souls" that needed time for growth.

She danced around the land during her entire orbit, dropping stardust created by her own body and Black Obsidian Crystals with a pinkish-blue hue. The dust and obsidians fertilized the land and contributed to the first harvest, while her satellite and Star regulated the weather. The ocean's tides continued to rise and fall, adding more moisture and microorganisms to the formation of dirt. For something to "flourish," it must grow and go through changes.

While walking the grounds on the first day of Velen, she stumbled upon a rise in the ground, and it looked like something was growing in her. As her eyes scanned the area, she noticed a mound in the same spot where she had arisen. She knelt down to get a closer look and realized it was almost like a cocoon, and it seemed to be growing. Placing her hands on it, she felt something thumping inside. The thumping echoed her own heartbeat. She put her head in the cocoon and listened, filled with curiosity, and decided not to leave it unattended. She stayed overnight, and that same night, she noticed that the Moon, Baal, was lower than usual, casting a moonlight on her and growing in the ground. The next day, the sun, Hope, was out longer than usual, providing more sunshine to aid development. When night fell, Baal's orb would leave the rock it resided in and return to Terra. In the atmosphere, it headed for the cocoon, cracked it open, and entered through the rib cage of what was inside. The being inside the cocoon then sat up. He had black hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see into one's soul. To her, they were perfect. He, Xy, Baal, was perfect.

Her gaze was fixed on Baal as she heard him murmuring words. It sounded like the noises she had made when naming Baal and Hope. "Ma..." he struggled to say. "Maiii... Maaiaaa... Maaiiii... Maia...Maia..." was now her name.

They were the Aen Undod. The first ever souls created, the two souls that started the little thing we call "Life".  But out of Life comes Death, and out of Death comes Light. 

"No Rain, No Rainbow"

"Out of Creation came Destruction."

"With Light Came Darkness"

"With Positive, there was Negative."

They were Maia and Baal, the Mordorn and the Perdorn (Mother and Father) of Time, Space, Worlds and Souls.  


The Aen Elle Calendar/Seasons can be found here:


lder Speech Language can be found here:


The Aen Undod For the Witcher Lore, Please Note, there isn't much known about them... but now there is!! :) 


Penned and Published by SDR 

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