05/25/2024 06:54 PM 

Required Reading

Before we get started, please be advised that I flat out refuse to write an Ascended version of Astarion that will dominate your character or make them his slave. If I agree to write as this version of him, we will have to suss out the details of our muses' relationship and set boundaries before proceeding. 

I need direction when it comes to stories. Discussion is a must before starting anything big. I ADORE banter! It's very fun and a great way for our muses to feel each other out as well as to test the waters of compatibility with other writers. 

I've had too many bad experiences on Discord with people not respecting my boundaries and I've hit a limit with it and will not be using it.

My presence here isn't transactional and I don't owe anyone anything aside from my very best when it comes to writing. That's it. 

There are no time limits or writing limits with me. Give me what you've got and I will return the same amount of effort. 

If you have beef with other writers, that's between you and them. I mind my own business for my own sanity's sake and do not want to be involved. 

Thank you for reading! I just want to RP- not to be stressed out! So let's have a nice, NORMAL time, ok? 

#Baldur's Gate 3 from Lost In FaerΓ»n

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