05/01/2024 12:46 PM 

tw// alcoholic parent.

It was a familiar feeling for her, a feeling that brought back memories of a night long ago, when a friend stopped by for help and she'd had to turn them away due to her mother and her mother's bad habits. She sunk down to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees for comfort as she cried. She hadn't had a mother figure in years, the alcoholism had made Sandra so selfish in her ways. She didn't consider what Maddie might want or need, and often the girl had to find the help somewhere else.

She'd been lucky to have Simon, the kind of friend who never turned her away. A better friend than she'd been able to be all those years before... And now, the likelihood of her having to be separated from him, as well, loomed ahead. What am I going to do now...?

Maddie, Simon and Nicole had been planning their futures together ever since the topic of college applications had even come up. The blonde had always been keenly aware that college was her way out, and the idea of being with her chosen family as they started life's next chapter meant the world to her. And now all of that had been ripped away by her mother's selfish choices. She couldn't take it back, it was too late. 

In an instant her own mother had sold Maddie's future without even a second thought.

04/30/2024 02:17 PM 

even the (non?)dead have rules.

001: No age inappropriate ships, ever.
No she will not be the May to your December. 

002: No ooc drama, please! I'm too old for that sh*t.
Lets just all have fun, keep it chill.

003: This account is multi-ship, multi-storyline, multi timeline. Must be 21 plus to ship. 

004. Will only write smut in character, in small doses,
and only after lots of story and writer to writer respect is there. I care more about telling the story and the emotions involved than sexual activity between characters and I am NOT interested in anything where that kind of thing would be gratuitous. Please respect that, I'll always extend that respect of your character not just being one thing with one purpose to you and yours.

005. Feel free to message me if you have an issue or a question, but please don't bug me too much about replies, sometimes life gets overwhelming and I retreat to stream musing. I'm not ignoring you, I'm recharging. Its good for us all, I promise.

you can call the writer 'S'. I look forward to creating stories with you all!

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