03/08/2024 04:02 PM 

Goodbye my old friend (03/07/2024)
Current mood:  crushed

                                           ​​​​​​Goodbye my old Friend

Hey everyone, you might of noticed that I haven't been active much here or on my other accounts because on March 7th of 2024 my very own real kitty name Meow passed away in my arms around 10:30am in the morning. He had an aggressive cancer that raptured his digested tract and the vet couldn't do much for him but they to keep giving him IV's to get back hydrated again till on that day we made the decision to put him to sleep but he never made it to the vet as he passed right in my bedroom in my arms. He had blood just running out from his mouth and crying out in pain because he was scared and I think he knew he was going to go. My sister on here got to meet him during face time and even was taking it hard. I thank her for being there for me. I'm probably always going to feel heartbroken now as I about to lose interest in everything but one thing I will never stop coming on here as my sister needs my characters for hers as I know she will never leave me as well. 

Meow my little man I miss you so much and every time I close my eyes I see you and I wake up in hopes you came back to life again. When you passed I laid on the floor just cuddling to you close not ready to fully let you go yet. I sit and wait everyday to hear your meows from wanting to come back in but knowing you will never be back. I'm having a hard time accepting your gone forever. I'm going to feel lost without seeing you coming to greet me when I come home from work or anywhere from either if you was outside playing or inside. I'm going to miss you sleeping with me on the days that you did. You were my emotional support animal when I have a bad day. I remember the first time we met each other you popped out of that tree garden when I just moved in with my mom and step father house and you came to me with that tail of yours wagging like a puppy dog. And you spending time with me in my bedroom everyday and sharing my chicken with you when it was chicken night that they never knew about because it was our little secret.

I hope rainbow bridge is treating you right and be sure to visit me. And tell my sister's kitty name Poppy that she loves and misses her too. I'm so sorry that you had to die the way you did. I hope you know I tried everything I could do to make you feel better. This house isn't the same without you and never ever will be. I'm going to visit your grave every day and give you cat nip my little man.

I love you little man
Rest in peace Meow

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