03/12/2024 10:30 PM 


This is Role Play! There shouldn't be many rules but here are a few to know where I stand as a RPer.

1) Clearly you know what I'm here for --- I mean "Daddy" is in my name. First, if you're not down then why allow me on your friends list? Second, let's discuss or decide upon a story to start us off. Connects or settings are great suggestions.

2) Look this isn't RL. I will frequently go on hiatus without warning becase life gets hectic. Can we leave real life behins and just have a good time during the time we are on here together?

3) I'm a para roleplayer which means I literally cannot stand one liners. Please respect that. We can banter but starters and replies will be a paragraph or semi para at least and I expect the same from my writing partners.

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