11/05/2023 01:30 PM 



We need to sit and talk about something, Lee.” Lindsey’s tone was soft and calming and always he was approachable on every level, just with Stevie it was different with them. Sitting up on the couch  she’d come home for the memorial for Christine, even though there had been a small gathering for her family in London as she got cremated it was best to finally spread her ashes in the malibu beach it was her favorite place in the world.”Yes?” fully giving her father’s attention  from watching too many Tiktok edits from fans whom were grieving around the world of songbird.

Lindsey sat beside her the older male had held out that his musical soulmate and collaborator  would be okay and they could discuss this very thing with.. THEIR Daughter Lelee Welles was Christine and Lindsey’s child a night when he was visiting her apartment in london and their daughter was born in the summer of 1999. “ “Honey..” His hand clasped over hers  this was hard enough to break the news of her passing but, this should have been done sooner, sonner rather than now when the british songbird was on the other side in spiritual realm.” You got to be there for her in her last breaths and that meant alot to her. why? That was your mom.”

Mom what the hell that was her mother not the woman she’d known to be married happily to her father and biologically her mother lived across the pond in England where she had just returned from with John McVie. Mother, it explained the knit bond closer than ever it was just like mother and daughter only it was Aunt Chris  to Lindsey’s children with keeping a secret from her daughter.

Mother. A naturing caregiving soul  that’s what Christine was but to leave her child in the usa, did it ruin a pact the older blonde had made? Did she get her tubes untied just for this desire and then have it re done again.”I’m sorry?” blinking to gain her thoughts and Lindsey’s words. “Hold on, you're telling me I knew my mother and you both kept it a secret until her death bed?” Lindsey's hand was still clasped in hers squeezing it tightly. The shock. Mother.

mother. Sweet songbird was the greatest living extension to her heart and now her mother was just gone like that? How was this well kept secret hidden from the world? From her? Who knew. There were so many questions to ask and not a single word could fall from her lips, maybe it was hidden in the album in the meantime  about how her affair with Lindsey resulted in her daughter being brought into the world.”Dad, I don't understand? I need more context to this? She left me here in Los Angeles and couldn’t take me back to england?” her brain was failing to understand the fact Christine relocated to the english countryside in Kent without a baby.It was always known Christine wanted to be back to her english roots after the earthquakes in california “ Listen, hon she was raising her half siblings for a long time.. But, when she decided to hand you over it was not an easy choice to make. Partially i think because she felt she may have failed you. And she knew you would be ok with us. Will was already attached.Mom was already attached and i think she knew that.’

Failing Leelee now it made sense that maybe raising a child without her father present actively every day. Regret must have filled when she saw leelee growing up into a human that was just like her antics like her, her father’s love for the same music. Just like that. She was the exact same carbon copy as the English blonde cheeky, playing pranks.. Now her mother was the angel resting back in the arms of god.

“This a lot to take in, dad. But that is a gift to allow me to be there for her in her final moments.” her arms wrapped around the older male’s embrace tightly squeezing him. The male squeezed back “ just know i don’t blame you for wanting space to deal with this,  you watched your mom take her breaths and now this on top of this. It’s i’m sure a shock”

A shock indeed. What a gift.



11/04/2023 04:27 PM 

You're my northern star. (drabble)

One year, somehow we survived a year without a second mom, a friend and a collaborator. Christine McVie, somebody who wasn’t supposed to leave this earth yet. She was suppose to live to see her 80th birthday. Christine was  Lelee’s second mom, the non biological aunt for her whole life

Birthday’s and christmas would no longer be the same. Lelee’s eyes  laid on plaque with Christine’s name and photo since the passing. The blonde hadn’t found  a way to express the need for the older blonde. “We all miss you” she drew a breathe, to keep herself from crying again it had been a very hard 11 months the pair talked on the phone every day even if Christine was living in england and was five hours ahead of her living in New york. “I just really miss my friend” her hand laid on the plaque her finger’s caressing The blonde’s face.

don’t you know I told everyone, ooh i even told the risin’ sun that i really miss my friend Christine’s wise words was missing from her life especially about her Father’s complicated relationship with his ex girlfriend that she had no longer been in contact with due to so many reasons.

“As far as anyone knows Chris, you were my safe person  to go to. The music just reminds me how much i miss our daily phone calls I was planning on a trip to see you. Now it’s just this void dad talks about you like there’s no tomorrow it’s really hit him hard, well… He and Stevie made amends at the memorial and Jen did an incredible job at making it perfect everyone reminisces about you. You should be proud of the legacy you’ve left. I hope  you’re proud of it. Dad always says you’re in the sky now as one of the stars.”

The legacy of Fleetwood Mac truly would not have been where it was without Christine’s nature and her ability to be motherly to everyone. Lord. Lelee had sworn in secrecy when they would giggle about boys in each other’s life and tubs full of ice cream. You’re my northern star. How many of those songs she wrote had messages in to them? Those songs now were her favourtie. ‘I  want to say just how much I love you. You’re my northern star’

“You always held everyone together and now it feels like that glue is gone. Every time i see the stars i think of you. I love you.”



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