12/09/2023 08:20 PM 

- The Emperor’s Decrees -

β˜€οΈ My favored style of writing is Multi-Para, but I’ve been know to slip into Novella pretty easily when trying to describe a scene and character actions in detail. 

β˜€οΈ I’m also a HUGE fan of banter! It’s a great way to develop a character, and to break the ice with other characters as well. Please don’t ever hesitate to tag me in random banter, or a meme or anything honestly. I live for that kind of thing.

β˜€οΈ In that same line of thought, I’m also a big fan of random starters. I have no issue sending them out, and if you have an idea we haven’t discussed and would like to drop it on me, feel free! 

β˜€οΈ I’m open to all themes, including Mature, Gore, Fantasy, ERP, Horror etc. For mature or horror roleplay, I’d like to discuss the storyline first!

β˜€οΈ Crossovers are ALWAYS welcome and HIGHLY encouraged! All fandoms! 

β˜€οΈ Shipping; I’m all for shipping and developing a relationship between characters, but I’m a big believer in allowing that relationship to develop organically. I like it to happen in the course of our story-lines and for there to be chemistry already there. I’d like to find a Malina to ship with from Emperor’s New School, but I’m open to exploring anything, really.

β˜€οΈ Mun is 21+ and will not write any type of mature theme with anyone under the age of 18. 

β˜€οΈ Mun also has a life outside of roleplay, and works as a first responder which can make for a very erratic schedule. I will do my absolute best to respond in a timely manner, but if I don’t for what seems like a while, feel free to nudge me. We all need a little nudge every once in a while.

β˜€οΈ I am always on Discord, even if I appear idle and my DM’s are always open for chatting, plotting or whatever! 


That being said— BOOM BAM, BABY! let’s get this llama cart rolling!

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