08/28/2023 06:50 PM 

Mains & Connections
Current mood:  adventurous

Here are my mains. If you want to be one just let me know. And I will update this blog and add you to my top friends list.

Emma: is playing as my daughter.

Killian Jones (T&L Lana Lang): is playing as David's best friend.



08/28/2023 06:10 PM 

Rules :)
Current mood:  accomplished

Hey guys. Just a few simple rules here to keep things going smoothly and in check. All I ask is for you to read them and if one gets broken I'll give you one warning then after that warning and it happens again you will be off my friends list. 

1. If my David character ever finds love it will be updated on my display name and the characters name and he will not cheat on that person and I aspect the same thing in return.

2. I'd like to discuss storylines out first before we start a role play. Yes from time to time it's fine to add something into it a bit different but not like a whole other storyline.

3. I will role play in both messages and comments it doesn't matter. If I send the starter I'll start it in a message but if you prefer comments just simply reply in a comment.

4. I'm not a fan for discord nor group roleplays. Look up to rule number 3.

5. I don't mind talking to anyone on here in OOC. I enjoy a nice conversation once in a while but don't get creepy like asking my real name and address. If I feel I can trust you I can give you my number to text me but I have to know you for a while first.

6. I do some OUAT verse and some of my own ideas in the story lines. 

7. I do have other accounts to keep up with so I might not be on this one every day. I try to get to them all but also have things to do out of role play. I try to be on each account for a couple of hours at a time.

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