10/15/2023 09:42 PM 

The Haunted House.

Staring at the door in front of her Katie didn't know if going in would be a good thing or a bad thing. She could hear noises coming from inside which told her not to go in, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. It sounded like someone needed help and she couldn't leave them crying out for help alone in there. Katie placed her hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath. She slowly turned the doorknob until the door finally opened and she could hear the screams coming from inside.

"Don't worry, I'm coming. I won't leave you in there alone. Stay where you are and I will be there shortly." Katie called out to the person who was yelling as she closed the door slowly behind her. She walked deeper into the house but she could feel her arms and legs shaking from the fear of what she would find when she got to the person.

As the yelling got louder and spooky noises became clearer Katie began to think she had made a mistake. Maybe this wasn't a person who needed help and it was something more sinister calling out to her. She tried her hardest to keep her feet moving even though every part of her was telling her to turn around. The closer she got to the voice the more she realized it didn't sound like a voice at all. It began to sound more demonic.

Katie stopped in her tracks the moment she arrived at where the screams were coming from. There was nothing and no one there and she was only hearing things the entire time. Whatever entity was in this house was messing with her and now she was inside. Katie tried to keep her composure to show that she wasn't scared but it was harder for her than she thought it would be. She was terrified and this entity knew it and was playing off of that.

She could hear the screams again but this time they were coming from another place. Katie wasn't going to stay this time and find out where it was coming from. She was going to get out of here as quickly as possible. Katie finally mustered up enough engery to turn around and take off the other way. Before long she was out the door and away from the scariest night of her life in a long time. 


10/04/2023 04:26 PM 

Burning Flame.

Katie looked down at the piece of paper in her hand. The paper told her she was finally clean and could go home. However, it reminded Katie that she had been hardcore into drugs and almost ended her life. It was the worst time of her life, and she wanted to forget about it. It also brought up more memories about why she did it: her parents' murder and the men who murdered them in front of her.


Katie wanted to get rid of it because it was too painful. She couldn’t stand looking at it any longer. This fire was going to help her do that. It was the perfect way to help her eliminate the evidence of what happened to her long ago. Now, she would never have to remember it again, and she could finally move on with her life.


“This is it. The moment I get rid of the one thing holding me back since I got it. I never have to think about this again after tonight.” Katie told herself as she crumbled the piece of paper in her hand. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, preparing herself to let what happened to her go forever. This was what she had been waiting for.


Katie threw her crumpled-up paper into the fire to watch it burn. She had never felt so good as she did right now. It was like letting go of the most significant stressor in her life. Now, she could finally breathe again. A weight had finally been lifted off her shoulders, watching the paper burn in the fire.


As Katie watched the paper burn, she looked at everyone else around her. “I don’t know about you guys, but that was very satisfying. I needed that to move on with my life. I feel much happier now that it’s gone.” Katie told them with a smile as she watched everyone else burn their things. She was thankful that they did something like this every year.

08/26/2023 07:43 PM 

Fall Mood Board.

08/12/2023 03:50 PM 

Work MoodBoard.

08/08/2023 11:09 PM 

Owes List.




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