10/16/2023 06:57 PM 

Stalker: Part 1

Tap...Tap...Tap... Is all Ji-ah could hear as she looked at the man sitting at the desk. His pen tapped on the notes he had taken of her sh*tty life. "And, how long has this...." He tapped again, causing Ji-ah's eye to twitch. "These thought's been on your mind." She sighed loudly to show her annoyance at his question. "Have you not been listening to me? Or is taking notes, looking at my chest.. More important?" His tapping got louder, before she reached over, grabbed the pen, and threw it out the open window. 

"I think I'm done here." She said as she stood up. She was looking at him, then shook her head. "It was a pleasure." Her tone was sarcastic. Rolling her eyes as she made her way to the door, then stopped. You don't need to be in this fieldIf you're not going to be paying attention to your patients." With that, she opened the door and left the office.

As she walked towards her apartment building, she reached into her pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, and unfolded it to read the same messages she had read for four straight days: "I'm always watching you. You can't hide."  Shivers ran down Jiah's spine as a cold fear settled in her heart. She couldn't comprehend who would send her such a sinister note. Fear took hold of her, but she decided to stay vigilant and protect her peace of mind.

It may be time to tell someone. But who? She was afraid to call her Appa. In turn, he'll tell her Uncle, and another visit from him was something she wasn't looking forward to. Overbearing, control of everything.. After all, it was in his line of business to be that way. But she also didn't want his men following her around. She decided the best thing was to keep her mouth shut on it, hoping it would go away.

Days turned into weeks, and the unnerving notes continued to appear outside Ji-ah's home. Each message seemed to be taunting her, creating an atmosphere of terror and paranoia. Ji-ah began questioning her safety, constantly looking over her shoulder and feeling the weight of an unseen presence.

As the days grew darker, Ji-ah's stalker escalated their torment. The following note on her doorstep hinted at details only someone close to her would know. Panic consumed Ji-ah's every thought as she struggled to find a solution. With a growing sense of desperation, Ji-ah decided to take matters into her own hands. She installed a security system and changed her locks. Determined to regain control, she refused to let fear govern her life.

But just as Ji-ah started to regain a semblance of normalcy, a final note arrived. The words were chilling: "You can't escape me. I'm right behind you." Ji-ah realized she had to call someone, even if that someone was her Appa and her Uncle. 

10/10/2023 08:12 PM 

The Dance

Ji-ah found herself in an empty dance studio. The room echoed with the sound of her footsteps as she stepped onto the worn wooden floor, ready to dance her heart out. As the familiar melodies surrounded her, she began to move with the rhythm, allowing every beat to guide her body.

With each leap, twist, and spin, Ji-ah felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. It was as if the world around her paused, leaving only her and the music to connect on a spiritual level. As she twirled and swayed, the depth of her emotions emerged, making her dance even more fervent and captivating.

Unbeknownst to Ji-ah, tears began to well up in her eyes as she poured her heart into every movement. The dance became a vessel for all the unspoken words and hidden feelings that weighed heavily upon her. With every turn, she released her worries, fears, and burdens, captivating the air around her with the weight of her emotions.

The studio became filled with an ethereal aura, as if Ji-ah had conjured magic through her dance. Her body moved effortlessly, channeling the emotions into a spellbinding performance. The strength of her passion and the rawness of her vulnerability intertwined, creating a profound connection between her and the empty space around her.

As the last notes of the music faded away, Ji-ah stood there, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face. Emotions overwhelmed her, both cathartic and empowering. In that solitary moment, she realized the transformative power of dance—the ability to heal, to convey what words often cannot, and to express the depths of one's soul.

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