05/31/2023 07:21 PM 


Preference length for writing | roleplaying: Para, Multi-Paragraph, Novella, The only time that i will do Semi to One Liners is through status stream banter, and status rp. If I don't know you from another page of mine and you flood my comments or messages with one liner responses you're ass is gone off my list with no questions asked. It's simply not my fault that can only respond to messages and comments with one word replies.

Discussed Storylines: If you're new to my friends list it's kindly asked that you discuss with me, The only ones I will just wing it with storylines is with those i trust completely. That's just how it is, if you don't like it then I'm not the right connection for you. If someone new sends a premade starter right off the bat and it doesn't mention anything from American Satan, Paradise City, Shadow Hunters or Teen Wolf they will be kindly asked to read the bio I have there for Eve and wouldn't mind send something new that includes mentions of those verses or a suggestive idea they may have, If they refuse and give me lip by saying sh*t like " Maybe you could send me something " Well you're the one who requested me, not the other way around.

Love Interest: Eve and her writter are happily taken in both by Mad Hatter and his writer. We know the difference between rp and real life. I'm a single ship type so it's not wise for smut accounts to try and come between Johnny's writer and I. If someone flirts with me in character that isn't my man then you will be asked to stop, if you continue to flirt with me after being asked to stop then you're ass is blocked and removed off my friends. Eve and her writer will never cheat on Mad Hatter and his writer, He knows that I have rp ships with other friends of mine on other pages and he isn't the jealous type, over protective yes though never jealous and has no reason to be, He knows that my heart and loyalty belong to him in real life forever.

ABSOLUTE NO SMUT PAGES: If a smut page has sneaked way onto friends list and you send a flirty greeting you will be told off and deleted or blocked off my friends list. I don't give a flying f*** if you're character in general is flirty. Come near me or those i care about you will not like me tearing you a new one and being bluntly honest towards you. I have a friend whom i voice chat with on playstation, He used to do smut though not anymore, Him and I have pages who are rp shipped together and he is loyal to those ships and is a true amazing friend of mine. True some can change though with the smuts that pop up recently  are nothing but filthy idiots who love to be dirty spoken to ooc of character when they don't want to roleplay, or they try to convince the one who they have added or requested to leave their partners in both for their character or be toxic trolls. SMUTS CAN CLEARLY F*** OFF 🖕🏻

Accepts and Denies: I have a right to decide who to accept, friend request, and deny requests from, If i don't see a connection with that character then that request from the other will be denied, there are some verses that I don't see Eve involved into their request will be denied. Don't like that I'm abit selective that is a you problem not mine. If you have issues with me then f*** off and move on, If you see one of my pages online instead of being a childish idiot and blocking, why don't you just look past it and move on. 

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