10/29/2023 05:29 PM 

MANTIS: Drax | Rocket - Donuts in Space

Mantis, Drax, and Rocket were on another one of their wild adventures in the cosmos. They had heard about a legendary space donut, said to be the size of a moon and taste like a combination of chocolate and cosmic cotton candy. Naturally, they couldn't resist the temptation, even if it meant facing all sorts of intergalactic challenges.

As they approached the space donut, Mantis could feel her excitement growing. "I can sense the donut's sugary aura," she exclaimed. "It's like the sweetest siren calling out to us!"

Drax, as always, had a simple and direct approach. "I am ready to devour this space donut, and any enemies that stand in our way."

Rocket, on the other hand, was drooling at the thought of the sweet prize. "I don't care about the challenges, the space donut is mine, and I'm not sharing!"

Their ship descended onto the donut's surface, and they were greeted by a peculiar sight. A race of alien pastry chefs, known as the Bakers of the Universe, had taken residence on the donut's crust. These bakers were passionate about their craft and had constructed an entire civilization dedicated to baking the perfect space donut.

The Bakers of the Universe were fascinated by Mantis, Drax, and Rocket. Mantis's empathic abilities made her the perfect taste tester, Drax's appetite made him the perfect customer, and Rocket, well, he was just the most enthusiastic donut fan they had ever seen.

The Bakers challenged our heroes to a bake-off to prove their worthiness of tasting the space donut. Mantis had to use her empathic powers to understand the donut's innermost desires, Drax had to eat a mountain of powdered sugar without flinching, and Rocket had to out-bake an alien pastry chef in a duel of culinary skills.

Mantis closed her eyes and connected with the donut's soul. "The donut craves warmth and adoration. It wants to be devoured with love and appreciation," she announced, bringing a tear to the eye of a baker.

Drax, with sugar all over his face, shoveled donuts into his mouth with great gusto. He even ate one with the wrapping still on. "These sugary mountains are no match for my appetite!" he bellowed, sending powdered sugar flying.

Rocket, meanwhile, challenged the head baker to a fierce baking competition. It was an epic showdown of dough, frosting, and sprinkles. In the end, Rocket's space-age recipe, involving a dash of gunpowder and a hint of laser-beam caramelization, won over the judges.

The Bakers of the Universe were impressed. They had never met such a passionate trio of space travelers. They presented Mantis, Drax, and Rocket with a slice of the legendary space donut. The moment it touched their lips, they were overcome with a sense of joy and wonder.

As they savored the space donut's incredible flavor, they couldn't help but burst into laughter. Mantis, Drax, and Rocket were an odd bunch, but together, they had conquered the sweetest challenge in the galaxy. And the Bakers of the Universe had not only found worthy taste testers but also newfound friends.

And so, with their bellies full of space donut, they bid farewell to the donut's sugary realm and soared back into the cosmic unknown.

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