05/28/2023 05:01 PM 

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This is going to be long, but I've been writing for over a decade and I've learned a lot of things the hard way.

Rose will remain Multiship. Whatever interactions your muse has with her are completely independent of other muses' relationships with this character.

If the circumstances are right and it makes sense for our muses, and the chemistry is there, I'm not opposed to it.

I will not share certain details about my real life (especially not my name). We'd have to get to know each other pretty well for me to do so. I am also in a committed relationship in real life, so please don't be creepy or flirt with me in DMs. RP needs to stay RP. It's still fiction.

I am not from the UK. This writer is American. I am in the Eastern Time zone. I try my best to portray my character as best I can, try to use slang/phrases appropriately if I need to, and try to really pick up her mannerisms. I want to do Rose justice. If I get it wrong, it isn't because I'm trying to mock the British (or anyone else in the UK). I'm doing my best, but I'm not always going to get it right. If this annoys you, then don't even bother. I've been harassed about it before. I'm not going anywhere. There are likely a lot more American Doctor Who writers out there than you realize. If you don't like it, just 'Unfriend' or Block me and move along.

Friend Requests:
I am selective in which requests I accept. Please don’t take it personally. I just have a busy schedule and I don't want to overwhelm myself. I'm also hesitant to participate in crossovers these days due to bad experiences with other fandoms that were incredibly toxic.

Just... no. I'm here to write. It's a hobby for my enjoyment, to improve my creative skills and meet other like-minded writers. If you start drama, you will be blocked.

I will do my best to get to them in a semi-timely manner, but I'm currently a part-time intern and a full-time student. Things are very busy, and sometimes my presence will be sporadic. I'll do the best I can, but don't pester me about it. We all have responsibilities outside of RP, and I'm not always able to respond immediately.

I generally do my best to reply to people in order. But sometimes I may have writer's block on certain things, have lost my muse, or there's something I'm hung up on that I'm still working out. Longer replies may obviously take longer. There may be certain plot points I'm not familiar with that I have to research more. It just depends.

Starting a storyline:
Please don't send me starters without discussing it with me first. Depending on how many people I'm writing with or how busy I am at the time, I may not always be accepting new RPs. I don't want to get overwhelmed. If you want to write, just ask first.

Writing in general:
I write semi-literate to literate (multi-para to novella). However, just a warning… my starters can be quite long sometimes. I love writing, I like putting in a lot of detail/background info, and I'm just plain long-winded. Subsequent replies usually aren't as long, depending on what's happening and writer-to-writer preferences. Please do not at ALL feel like you have to write that much in return. But if you want to, go for it. I can be flexible, but I do not do one-liners.

Don't steal my stuff. I usually will put my name on it and put it in an 'Edits' folder if I've done work on it. I'm not great at it, but I do work hard on them. If I've tagged your muse in it specifically then yes, feel free to save a copy if you want.

I guess that's it for now.

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