12/30/2022 03:01 PM 

Vampirism, Trivia, Etc.

I will worry about making this blog more aesthetic later.
For now, I'm going to focus on getting all of the necessary information and things up.
I'll attempt keeping this relatively linear and coherent.
There willl be a combination of canon lore with my OC's headcanons.
Canon lore will be labeled and explained just enough to understand the how/why behind muse's headcanons.
This is going to be consistently added to for a while and I'll let everyone know I've updated it via status.
I intend to add in fun little section for things like "diaglogue options" or "quotes" you would probably hear for Tearlach as if he were an actual follower / companion in-game.

(*Canon) There are recorded accounts of Mer, Men and Beast specifically infected with Noxphilic Sanguvoria being able to, not only have children in the first place with equal ease as if alive, but breed between different races that weren't previously thought to be able to do so. The most known case of this was between a Nord man infected with Noxphilic Sanguvoria having three sons with his Orc wife; however, two came out Nord and one came out Orc. One nord son was born a blood vampire, while the other two were not, though the Orc son supposedly did somehow have some notable vampiric attritubes or abilitlies. 9 out of 10 times, a child's race or dominate race traits is determined by their mother; but, this is another thing that does not apply to those infected with Noxphilic Sanguvoria. Woman or man, Man or Mer or Beast, whenever these individuals have children, it is important to keep in mind that the possible outcomes are a totally mixed bag.

(*Canon) Did you know the "average" Bosmer family has 12 children, while families with 20+ children is what they consider "large" and it is almost considered embarassing to not have at least 2-3 children? Most people forget that Bosmer are the most plentiful race on their entire world. Most of this is in connection to the very liberal views Bosmer have regarding romantic and, or their sexual relations. It is important to them that whoever they marry is compatible in the bedroom, and this importance is even placed before other things such as physical appearance. A couple having many children is taken as the sign of a happy and healthy romantic + sexual relationship, and this will garner the attention of others (singles and couples). Keeping open relationships or being polyamorous is also quite normal in their culture, and even those who remain monogamous will often still be openly flirtatous with others.

Tearlach has always been very, very adventurous in terms of his romantic endeavors. Mer, Man, or even Beastraces? As long as their sentient, its Equal Opportunity in his book! After all, isn't life about experiences? And pleasure comes in many forms.

The primary vampire clan which Tearlach will forever remain close connection with is: Clan Baelnorn. They are an offshoot of the largest and most well-known Bosmer Vampires known, the (*Canon) Keerlith Clan of Greenshade. 

Clan Baelnorn is primarily made up of women, only accepts and turns those of Elven descent, and is entirely run by the women.

7/10 vampires in Clan Baelnorn are Bosmer, with the other 3/10 being a mix of Altmer, Dunmer or Orismer.

Women in Clan Baelnorn are often referred to as Maidens of the Mist, or Mist Maidens throughout Valenwood.

As of the Fourth Era, there are approx. 120 vampires in Clan Baelnorn. This does not count their thralls, blooded vampire children who do not want direct involvment, other affiliations etc.

Clan Baelnorn has heavily based many of their "laws", traditions, etc. off a combination of Bosmer Culture and the history + symbolism of the Blood Matron: Lamae Bal. One primary example of this is how they stress to not make sexual advances unless they are clearly reciprocreated, and to treat those who force such advancements with great cruelty and without mercy.

One of some note-worthy customs of Clan Baelnorn is that Men are not to speak over Women, ever. It is not uncommon to see men of this clan look to the nearest (and highest ranked) woman of their clan for a signal that they are permitted to speak.

Hypocritcal to some of their own customs, men in Clan Baelnorn are not permitted to outright refuse or tell the women "No".  All men in Clan Baelnorn are to understand they are considered the Lovers to the Maidens of Mist, and even Lover to the Blood Matron in times of ritual, sacrifice or whenever she simply makes such requests of whimscal desire.

Should a man of Clan Baelnorn be found guilty of greatly offending and disrespecting a woman or women of their Clan, he will be killed as well as any of his blood. Him, his children, his children's children. It will be a complete purge, no exceptions. This will also happen if a man attempts to abandon the Clan. The only way a man may leave Clan Baelnorn is by "returning the Mother's gift", which means being cured of their vampirism.

(*Canon) Noxphilic Sanguvoria is the only form of Vampirism which gives immunity to the Sun and daytime hours. The Blood Matron is capable of freely manipulating and creating Vampirism "strains"; however it is agreed by many that the more pure their Noxphilic Sanguvoria strain is, the more powerful they are. These individuals are able to walk among others in daytime without reprcussion, and are enhanced in the night more than other vampires. It is believed part of these benefits is due to the Blood Matron's connection to Hircine, who some believe are actually lovers. This belief of Lamae and Hircine being lovers is only encouraged by the fact that, apparently, Werecreatures such as those with Lycanthropy (Werewolves) are supposed to smell and taste (described as) positively divine to those infected with Noxphilic Sanguvoria.

Excluding those born as Blooded Vampires, everyone in Clan Baelnorn has been directly gifted their vampirism from the Blood Matron and only the purest strain of the vampirism. Just as all those hailing from Clan Keerlith, everyone in Clan Baelnorn is capable of transforming entirely into mist / fog; however, those of Clan Baelnorn can take this a step further by also freely transforming and manipulating different parts of their body into the mist / fog for longer periods of time.

Just as other Clans with the purest forms of Noxphilic Sanguvoria, those of Clan Baelnorn have only one weakness: Water.

Tearlach and others of Clan Baelnorn can swim, but can very easily sink and it takes them thrice the amount of stamina at thrice the speed than others to keep themselves afloat. Even the simple act of being submerged in their own bath water for longer than a handful of minutes at a time weakens them in explainable ways. Some Clan members have described a lingering stinging sensation on their skin wherever water touches, and some develop rashes on their skin.


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