10/24/2023 03:42 PM 

Trail of Blood (Drabble)

Trail Of BloodFT: Blood and a dead bodywww.roleplayer.me/TheProtector
Arriving at the gym he put his bags down in the bathroom. It wasn't that busy on a Wednesday night. Some good 3 months had passed since the New York Ghostface killings. The murder spree that he barely survived. Risked his own life to protect Tara. Sometimes when he closed his eyes he could still see those knives digging into his skin and blood coming out. Feeling weaker and weaker.

Changing into a pair of black sym shorts and a white tank stuffing his other clothes inside of the bag then zipped it up. Since what happened he grew out a small beard. Exiting the bathroom he put his bag inside one of the Cubby's before taking out his cell phone and putting the earbuds into his ears. Coming into the main part of the gym, there were only two other people there now. 

Putting on the weights as he put on some Papa Roach he started to bench press with his hands grabbing the bars then slowly moving it towards his chest, then back up again. Shutting his eyes as he could see Tara crying with Sam holding her back while Ethan and Quinn worked on him. Stabbing him on either side. Never again will he be in a position of being that helpless ever again. Doing a total of 4 sets he finally set the bar down and got up in a seated position as Last Resort was ending and removed the earbuds from his ears before noticing that the other two who were there in the gym left.

Pushing himself upright he went towards the water fountain to get a drink. But as he leaned his head down he noticed a trail of what looked like blood leading into one of the bathrooms. "What the actual f***?" The lights above flickering as he inched closer towards the bathroom door before pushing it open and that's when he saw it. One of the gym guys sitting on the toilet gutted with blood everywhere and his throat slit. Blood written on the mirror to say LOOK BEHIND YOU.  
Well, this is how I mourn and distract myself from the looming spectre of death.

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