11/12/2022 12:38 PM 

My Thoughts on Roleplay

Okay so I think I have to make a guidelines to roleplaying with me blog. This is me, my real name is Samantha and I have been a roleplayer for 12 years or so. I've played everyone from Rachel Greene to Kathryn Janeway, to Gerda from OUAT. Michaela has always been a favorite character of mine and one that I take pride in. I do my stories in canon and non canon format.And yes, I will roleplay some sexual scenarios as long as it doesn't involve children. That is something I feel strongly about, I don't expect people to rp Dr Quinn with me all the time but it would be nice. Also, I do like to respond to rp's that are more than one line, I've never been a one line roleplayer. I'm going to stay but I wanted to make this little note so that everyone is aware of my wishes. I think everyone I've met so far and have roleplayed with has been very polite and patient and I appreciate that thank you for taking the time to read this 

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