08/27/2022 04:23 PM 



I know people hate rules as do I but they are definitely needed. At that moment especially, there is no doubt about it as peopld still seem not to get a hint. Not all but still plenty. So I hope that way to finally change it. So I doubt it but I still hope for the best just the same. Not many read rules but I will know whether you have read those or not, so you better read those. I am a nice person but am not cool with people break rules and assume lies so time to change it once and for all. So here are the rules.

1.Not the person in the photos but an rper. So don't assume it is a real life account or such with mockery and such as it isn't true. I am an rper here to avoid real life drama and rp, have fun no more nor less so no assuming and ignoring facts. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me.  That rule will never change. Don't add me with real life account or such as that is an rp account. This site is an rp site after all. That should be a given but not many seem to get it but hopefully that eventually you all would get it. I am only here to rp and am not the person in the photos. As said before, so keep that in mind. Don't people with real life accounts to add as that won't work. I am here to rp that is all. If I make friends with some people I rp with great and if not then not. All good but I am still here to rp and only that.

2.My character is from Westworld, the tv show. With that comes Scifi, Hosts (Robots), horror or some horror due to events of season 4. It also got Futuristic things and an apocalyptic themes due to season 4 events. Parks as it starts with a western park after all and all. There are many more themes going with it. With that in mind nothing real life is allowed nor would work. Not against it just it doesn't work so won't approve it. Unless you are fine with mixing our verses together. Than it is different. Supernatural themes or a like are allowed so as they would definitely work well with my character. As it helps with bringing characters to the same world, etc. Yet, real life that doesn't allow to mix means that my character isn't the character she actually is, and it means the character is fully ruined which is a no no. Therefore no real life. Sorry but it just won't work. Not judging or such but being realistic here. I rp a host also known as a robot. She won't work with real life themes as it ruins the character completely. So that is why no. I respect those who rp that but it won't work with my Christina/Dolores character is all. Others are fine so. With some exceptions of course but basically most others are allowed so.

3.That one is connected to rule 2. Sex or erotica is a no no. That means I don't do that and won't accepted anyone who does that. Not ever. So don't ask those who rp that to request me and claim that it is what I do as it won't ever happen and nothing or no one will ever change my mind about it. Not ever. Sex and erotica are other themes, that will never happen with my character. Any of my characters or my friends characters. So don't even try that nor assume it as it won't happen. I am not a fan of that and never will be. Also my character is taken and will never cheat. So don't even go there. Don't assume my character will sleep with you or wants you as it'a not true and will never be true. Not ever.  When I request or accept friends request from people it is only to rp and discuss a storyline before rping. No more than that and it will never change. No matter what.

4.When I ask about discussing a storyline, that is all I mean. No more nor less than that. It isn't a request for sex, erotica and romance or such but only to discuss a storyline and it will only be to discuss a storyline. It will never change no matter what. I don't care who you are or who you think that you are but it will never change. I will never ask for sex/erotica and romance as am not interested in that. As Christina aka Dolores is taken by the one and only Teddy Flood. He is one of a kind and he is hers. I have my main Teddy already. The top friend is him. That means that no more than friendship would happen between our characters, so don't even think that or try anything as it won't happen. Only one that would get romance as part of rp but with fade to black when sex happens is my top friend, as in Teddy Flood and no one else. Others only friends and nothing else. No discussions. It is that way in definitely. Case closed.

5.Not looking for a li as I have him. Not your character so but Teddy Flood. He is my top friend and the only one with my character, always and forever. No ifs or buts about it. No one is allowed to break them up. No one. No discussion about it. It won't ever happen. I don't care who you are or who you think you are, no one gets in the way of my Christina aka Dolores and her Teddy Flood. No one got it? Good. There is no one else that she would ever want to be with except Teddy Flood. It was always the case and always will be. Her and Teddy's feelings for each other were always real. The real deal and always will be. Case closed.

6.I am here to rp not for numbers. And it will never change. Don't treat me as a number. I am fine with you being busy but don't pretend to be busy but talk to all but me and ask for new storylines and rp or I will know you are lying and delete you. Being busy, sick and such is understandable and won't get you deleted but pretending to be busy or sick or such will. So keep that in mind. I am not a fake rper but an actual rper so keep that in mind and things would be fine but mistreat me and you are gone.

7.My character is from the future. That is the only reason I ever ask if you mind where they meet. Especially with future or present. As Future is her timeline and present yours. Present is more like 2022 and such. Future is over 60 years past it. Not mocking or such but actually. That is the only reason I ask about it in the first place. Or otherwise the characters would be from different timelines and all, and they would go through a storyline without meeting and the point is for them to meet. That is why I try to have them in the sane place, no more nor less than that.

8.I need mains and connections those would always come first. From mains I only got Teddy Flood and Bernard Lowe. I need the others too and need many connections. However, no love interest given that I already got a love interest  main, Teddy Flood and no need anyone else. Love interest is closed in definitely. New friends or friends would do so for connections so. Just don't ask to be a biological child, sibling, parent, or such as that is a flat out no. Christina aka Dolores is a host which means a robot. So biological relative isn't possible. Both her and Teddy are hosts also known as robots so that is unlikely. No ex's. Yes there is William aka man in black but he used her and those feelings were programed into her so not real and never will be. Teddy and her have real feelings for each other and am not changing that for no one. So that is closed. So don't try getting to be her love interest or a biological relative as it won't happen. Don't try to even add her guy to ask about being his and my character's kid as it is a no. Also don't add him to break him and my character up as that will never happen, no matter what.

9.I am not changing my character for no one, no matter what. Don't even ask. No that doesn't mean judging. It just means I rp the character the way the character actually is and not the way someone wants my character to be. That is my right and you must accept it. You rp your character as you want and I will rp mine as I want. No debate or arguments about it. I rp her canon and au both. While I like the show and the current season, I rather my version of events as it makes it easier to rp with others and makes rp more fun. No more nor less. As well as it makes it different and interesting. Not to mention it makes the character more unique and fun.  While still staying true to the way that she is. So please respect that.

I will forgive a mistake but if you break those rules delibrately then you are gone and might even block you. So just don't. Those are the rules will add more once I think of more. Once you read those put a gif of your character in comments so I know you read those or a gif from westworld you like or  a funny gif. 


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