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08/14/2022 12:46 PM 

Family Reunion And The Einhorn Legacy

Featuring Unicorn Kitten Princess, Céline Anneliese, Geneviève (Gen), Kathryn (Kate) and Ace.

News of the baby’s premature birth travelled fast, soon reaching the Einhorn family and its Matriarch, Céline. Céline Anneliese Einhorn raced to the hospital, flanked by her other two daughters Geneviève and Kathryn. The trio barrelled through the doors of the hospital, rushing to the Maternity Ward. 


“Where is my daughter?”


Mrs. Einhorn demanded and was promptly directed to Lois’ room. Kathryn who was known as Kate, was the Miami Police Lieutenant’s twin. Seeing her twin sister in the bed, pale from blood loss and the birth nearly brought her to her knees. The baby had been released from the NICU but would be put right back in if any problems arose. Kate, flanked by Gen and their mother approached the hospital bed. Her voice caught in her throat as she got choked up.




She said but was overcome with emotion. Truth be told the eldest Einhorn sister and the youngest had been terrified when they found out about the premature birth of the baby and their sister’s near death. Kate had suspected something was wrong. After all, Lois was her twin, the elder of the two. Lois was a lot better but it was obvious she was recovering after only four days. The preemie was in her bassinet. Everyone around her always washed their hands and sanitized. Everything was very sanitary considering her immune system.




The young Lieutenant queried, sitting up slowly in the bed with a wince. 


“You’re here.... and Gen and Kate.”


She said softly. 


“Of course I am, darling. We came as soon as we could.”


Céline crooned soothingly.


“We’re here now and we will help out in whatever way we can.”


She told Lois.


“I’m so proud of you.”


The Einhorn Matriarch really was proud of everything her daughters had overcome. She was thankful Lois had been safely returned to the family and was eternally grateful to Ace for saving her daughter.


“Thank you....”


Lois said softly with a slight wince as she moved. Having stitches made things difficult.


Kate placed a hand on her twin’s shoulder comfortingly.


“Easy.... take it easy.”


She told her.


”Kate’s right, Lo. Do things slowly.”


Geneviève said worriedly, concern flashing across her features

Ace was by his girlfriend’s side, keeping a watchful eye on Lois and the baby. Lieutenant Einhorn sat up slowly with assistance, every movement felt like a knife stabbing her abdomen. Biting back a scream, she exhaled slowly. With the stitches in certain places, movement was already slow and painful. There was a sudden ringing in her ears and  the voices of her loved ones started seeming far away as her vision blurred and everything went black.



When Lois came to, the first sensation she felt was Ace’s strong arms around her. As everything came into focus, she was met with the worried faces of her mother, sisters and Ace. A nurse was in the room to make sure everything was okay.


“You gave us all a fright. Don’t scare us like that, Lois Amélie.”


Her mother exclaimed half worriedly and half scolding, stroking her daughter’s forehead and face.


“Where...where is my baby?”


Lois asked and paused. Did that croaking sound come from her? She struggled and tried to sit up.


“Slowly....Get your bearings first.”


Céline murmured. After a moment, she helped her middle child into a sitting position.



“May I please see my daughter?”


The Lieutenant asked again. The nurse moved to Lois Kathryn’s bassinet and picked the preemie up. She handed the swaddled baby to the young new mother and stepped back, excusing herself as she left after making sure everything was okay.


“Hi there, Kitten... It’s Mommy.”


Einhorn cooed, pausing as the baby’s eyes opened slightly.


“Are you looking at Mom? Your Daddy’s here too. And your Grandmaman and Aunties..”


She queried, pressing a kiss to the baby’s tiny forehead. The Einhorn legacy had come full circle.

08/02/2022 04:12 PM 

Recovery and New Life

In the short time that followed the birth of Lois Kathryn, Lois found herself having a tough time with recovery. She found herself in her daughter’s NICU pod, hands pressed against the glass. Silently willing her baby to keep fighting, the young Police Lieutenant moved gingerly to a glider as she bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain. Slowly sitting down, she could not hold it back any longer and let out a yelp of agony.


A nurse came to her aid as she asked to hold the baby. The nurse could only nod, opening the small incubator as she lifted the tiny infant out. Working quickly, she moved the baby to the Lieutenant’s arms and helped her lower her garments to provide the tiny child with much needed skin to skin contact. The little one had improved quickly, surprising the doctors and nurses but was not out of the woods yet as they told her mother. 


Fresh warm, salty tears streamed down the Lieutenant’s face as she pressed a kiss to her daughter’s tiny forehead. Hearing her baby’s delicate cry was like music to her ears considering the preemie had given everyone a scare in her short life so far.  Lieutenant Einhorn would give her own life to save her baby if it came down to it. However she wouldn’t change how things happened for anything in the world. She was just happy that her baby was safe. Tiny Lois Kathryn was as sassy and feisty as her mother before her, willing to show she could fight...and fight she did.

07/26/2022 07:46 PM 

Birth of A Unicorn Princess

After the events that had happened after Ray Finkle’s arrest and incarceration, a pregnant Lieutenant Lois Einhorn was in her office at the Miami-Dade Police Department. She was around 34-35 weeks along but considering her entire pregnancy (which was achieved by artificial insemination and a sperm donor) had been high risk, she knew the baby could come any day. She’d been working on making sure Finkle couldn’t get out of the SuperMax facility in which he’d been imprisoned and according to the inmates, being there was a fate worse than death or hell on earth as they put it. She smiled to herself as being held hostage for seven years or so had been hell on earth so she did not care if being in a SuperMax prison was hell for Finkle. 


A twinge in her abdomen made the young Lieutenant wince in pain. She’d been expecting this. Was it labor exactly, she wasn’t quite sure yet. Inhaling sharply, she collected herself and began reciting her breathing, hoping that this was a one-off. Her suspicions were soon confirmed as she was overcome by a sharp contraction. Damn it.... She knew she needed to call for help. 


Rising to her feet, she groaned as she inched her way across the office floor to the door. Her hands were shaky as she grabbed the door knob and thrust open the door. The officers, detectives, and Sergeants all turned in surprise to see their Commanding Officer doubled over.


“Someone please call an ambulance...”


She pleaded in a whimper.


“Yes, Ma’am.”


Aguado said as he immediately grabbed the phone receiver and dialled 911.


Everything was a blur after that because before Einhorn knew it, she was being bundled into an ambulance on a stretcher and rushed to the nearest hospital. This was bad. It was more than likely time to deliver but that did not mean it would be an easy delivery. Within minutes, the ambulance arrived at its destination. 


There was commotion as the Police Lieutenant was rushed inside, through Triage and to Labor and Delivery. Sounds were overlapping as Lois tried to make sense of everything. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she was hooked up to a fetal monitor. She bit back a scream as another contraction rippled its way through her. Soon enough she could hear the familiar voices of Ace, Emilio and Aguado. Fair enough, there was a chance the donor had been either Ace or Sgt. Aguado. Emilio was there to support his friends. She was dating the now famous Ace Ventura Pet Detective after all. 


Hours passed and the pains became stronger as her body contracted in labor. She could hear the doctor and nurses as well as the others urging her to push which she did. Finally, after 37 hours of labor, she delivered a tiny, fussing baby girl who was considered premature at around 35 weeks. 


“Please let me see my baby...”


She asked in a soft voice. The crying child was placed in her arms. Marvelling at the preemie’s miniature beauty for a moment, she caressed the downy soft brown hair atop the baby’s head as she provided skin to skin contact to boost the immune system. 


“Shhhh.....Lois Kathryn.... Mommy loves you, my little Kitten...”


She cooed in a soft voice, kissing the preemie’s forehead. 


“I’m so proud of you, love. You did it.”


Ace was heard saying as he pressed a kiss to her temple, beaming with pride as tears stung his eyes.


“I love you...”


Lois said, as she kissed the Pet Detective. However all was not well in paradise as there was yet more commotion. The baby was swiftly moved from her mother’s arms as the doctor told Lois she was bleeding out and needed surgery to save her life. The next few minutes were a blur once more as she was prepped for surgery and put under. All she could think about was her daughter as everything went black.


When the Lieutenant came to in the recovery room, she noted a bag of blood attached to an IV pole. Following the catheter, she looked at her hand ...And then it hit her. She’d needed a transfusion as well. Once she was awake enough, she was brought to her room in the Maternity Ward. She was told that both she and her daughter had pulled through. Of course neither were out of the woods yet, but that was something at least. Lois Kathryn Einhorn had arrived... The Unicorn Princess.

 (gif by Wicked Jealousy)

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