10/21/2022 01:07 PM 

Rules of Writing

A few rules of writing

1. I have a life outside of site.  Please be patient with me when it comes
to replies.  Rushing me only makes me want to take even longer.

2. I am a Multi-Storyline / Multi-LI writer that ships strictly on chemistry.
That being said, not all my storylines will include romance. If you cannot
handle me being multi-li, we simply will not write any romantic themes.
**NOTE: All romance themes are STRICTLY in character. I am not looking for
an online significant other. This is not a dating site, I am here to write.

3. My character is an original character of my own creation. No, I will not write
Clary Fray. If this is a problem for you, please see yourself out. Respect that this
is a character of my own creation I want to grow and develop.

4. Absolutely NO DRAMA OOC. I have a zero tolerance policy and will unadd
you without warning. I want my writing space to be filled with kind and supportive
writers that encourage others and support my work.

5. This is not my only account. You may find me here on my alt account geared
towards the Marvel / DC / Comic verses. My other alt geared towards the New Order /
War verse can be found here. If this is a problem, feel free to unadd. 

6. Yes, I am discord friendly. Just shoot me a message and I'll send it your way!

7. I am totally mirror friendly! I know some writers don't enjoy writing with someone
who shares the same faceclaim as them, but I have zero problems with it. I adore mirrors!

8. While my character can be a bit brash and cold, I am not that way by any means. I am not
my character
and am more than happy to discuss plot ooc or remain strictly in character.

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