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12/07/2021 06:15 PM 


❰ ❰ Things you should know:
1. What would completely break your character?
A loss of someone she holds dear would break her entirely.

2. What was the best thing in your character's life?
Well, that depends. Kasumi has lived through 3 separate lives. She has many "best" memories from each life she's lived so far. But, she found some particular happiness in her second life when she shared a mind/body with a woman called Delia. Kasumi loves her fiercely.

3. What was the worst thing in your character's life?
In her first life, Kasumi was married to a woman called Chiaki. They were happy for a short time before their love was discovered by someone Chiaki held dear. She was brainwashed into killing Kasumi and then she was also murdered for her betrayal.

4. Does your character work so that they can support their hobbies or use their hobbies as a way of filling up the time they aren't working?
She uses her hobbies to fill her time, for sure. Kasumi does not work and probably never will. She has far too much fun with her life right now!

5. What is your character reluctant to tell people?
Why would I tell you that?(;

6. How does your character feel about sex?
Honestly? She's probably just a little bit addicted to it.

7. How many friends does your character have?
Not many, honestly. Matthew, Katherine, Queenie and Valentina are the ones she considers as her best friends. Gigi isn't quite a friend but she's not an enemy either. And Kasumi actually enjoys Gina's presence and riling her up. It's her favorite past-time. :P

8. How many friends does your character want?
Kasumi is content with her current friend count. If more happen to stroll along? Cool!
But she's not actively looking for new friends right now.

9. What would your character make a scene in public about?
She makes a scene about a lot, honestly. But it's only because she lives for causing chaos among the public. That's just who she is though and it serves a purpose.

10. What would your character give their life for?
Her friends and family, despite it being cliche.
But Kasumi also isn't afraid to "die" since she's technically immortal.

11. What are your character's major flaws?
She can be very impulsive. Doesn't always think things through. Very self  destructive at times. An actual manipulator in order to get things she wants or wants someone to do something for her. 

12. What does your character pretend or try to care about?
She puts on a good show of pretending not to care when, in fact, she cares a great deal. It makes her appear cold and callous which is, actually, what she like to be seen as.

13. How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
Well, she tries to project just how cold and unfeeling that she can be but it sometimes backfires on her. 

14. What is your character afraid of?
Again. Why would I tell you something like that?

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10/05/2021 08:27 PM 


drabble : requested by Power lust

It had been a week since Regina had been found holed up in the basement by Henry. The boy was in tears when he'd raced back into Granny's to relay his discovery to Snow, Charming, Emma as well as a few others. While Henry usually wasn't one to lose himself in his emotions.. He'd broken down into Emma's arms and the blonde wrapped them around her son to try her best to console him. After that, Charming had offered to take him out for a bit to try and help clear his mind to distract him so they left the diner together and instead headed to the park to get some fresh air.

"What are we going to do?" Snow looked across the table at Emma and the Savior shrugged uncertainly. What could they do? "I don't know.. It's obvious that this isn't Gigi. There's no way she would just kidnap Gina and hold her prisoner in her basement. Honestly? I'd expect this from anyone else.. But not Gigi." Emma frowned, trying to rack her mind. Now it all began to make sense just as to why the brunette had been acting so cheerful lately. Emma couldn't help but to slam her open palm down onto the table, grabbed her red leather jacket from beside her and marched out of the diner to clear her own mind.

Another week flew by and there was a meeting in Town Hall. Gigi had been practically non-existent in town lately but everyone still decided to be discreet as they gathered inside to discuss what they thought best on how to handle the situation.
But the trouble with gathering so many people together.. Everyone had an opinion on what to do. Everyone was shouting over each other and the speech began to be garbled together making it hard to understand what everyone had to say. "Everyone.. QUIET!" Emma shouted, grabbing for the near-by airhorn and the loud HONK shrieked out into the atmosphere causing everyone to cover their ears and the chatter finally died down to silence. "Thank you!" The blonde huffed, gesturing for everyone to sit which they reluctantly did. 
"Now, I know everyone is worried about what we're going to do. And I'm sure you all have suggestions.. But we're going to take this one at a time. Understand?" There were mumbles of agreement and Emma sighed in relief. "Now, Leroy? What is your suggestion?" She gestured for the dwarf to rise, which he did and cleared his throat. 
"Look.. I'll be the first to admit that I haven't always been Regina's biggest supporter.. But surely you can understand why?" He flashed a lame smile, narrowed his eyes and spoke again. "I think I speak for us all when I say that we just want her safe." While Regina had not always been the best person, she still protected the town when it needed it. And she'd done her best to prove that she was redeemed and no one could really look over all her hard work. But right now? Gigi was out of control and she had to be dealt with for the safety of everyone.

"That's actually really mature of you, Leroy. Thank you." Snow's voice called and she wore a smile on her face.
"Yeah, well.. Don't get used to it.." He grumbled and sat back down, arms crossed and that sour look back on his face again.
A few other people took their turns to speak, but no one was really throwing out any ideas, strangely. Simply wishing to see Gina returned home safely. 
"Anyone else?" Emma asked, glancing around the room. She waited several moments but no one spoke up. "Alright, then.. I guess we may end up having to take the more drastic route. No one wants to and I understand why, but.. We may have to sacrifice Gigi." Emma trailed off, wincing as the volume in the room rose again. To kill Gigi would be like killing Gina or Queenie! 

No one noticed the other two brunettes entering the room until the door slammed shut and a hush fell over the room again as one made a motion with her hand to silence the voices yet again.
"If you think either of us are about to let you sacrifice our sister.. Think again, dear." Rowan practically snarled as she made her way down the aisle between the rows of pews. She didn't stop until she was standing before Emma with her shoulders back and a challenging expression on her face. Valentina pulled to a stop on Rowan's right side and she looked equally as pissed with the alleged sacrifice that Emma was wanting to do.
"We may not have a choice.. And believe me, it's not an idea to be taken lightly. None of us wants to see anything bad happen to her, but.." Emma trailed off and Rowan growled. "No. There is no "but", Savior. We're going to find a way to get this.. Presence out of our sister. Without her life being ended in the process." Rowan's green eyes transitioned into a hard gold and Emma actually took a step back and glanced sideways. 
"Leave Gigi to us. We'll be back tomorrow with a better idea of what to do." Rowan grunted, turning and leaving the room with Val at her side.

Snow was pacing Granny's the next day, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth and wringing her hands nervously in front of her.
"Snow, you're wearing a hole in the floor.." Charming frowned at his wife who passed a glare in his direction to silence him.
"Where are Rowan and Valentina? They should have been here by now!" Snow murmured.
The little bell above the door tinkled to alert their arrival. Both brunettes approached a table and Valentina placed a vial in the middle. Snow, Charming and Emma looked down at the vial, all wearing that same idiotic expression of confusion on their faces which had both brunettes rolling their eyes. "Are you not going to ask what that is?" Val grumbled.
"Um.. What is that?" Emma asked, green eyes glancing between the pair. It was Rowan who stepped forward to enlighten. "A potion. It's made with wolfsbane and should be potent enough to render her unconscious." Rowan spoke, next glancing to Val and gave an expectant expression. The vampire reached to lay the cuff on the table next to the vial. "The magic cuff?" Emma raised a brow.
"Similar. Val managed to create a cuff that's similar to the one we're used to.. But.. Stronger. Whoever is inside of Gigi is powerful, so these two things used together should be enough to weaken her." The three Charmings nodded, understanding so far. "Alright.. How do we get the cuff on her and convince her to drink the potion?" Emma inquired next. "Gigi enjoys apple cider, so it's no doubt this presence will take it, as well. Put some in the bottle and offer it to her. As for the cuff.. That's up to you to decide, Savior. Just keep in mind that the potion won't harm Gigi at all. She's not a wolf, so it won't affect her. The cuff.. It might."

"Alright, well.. Now is as good a time as any." Emma sighed. It was Snow, Charming, Emma and Henry standing outside on the sidewalk. Rowan and Valentina refused to be apart of this. 
"Henry, you find Regina okay? Get her free. Charming, you help him." The two nodded.
"Snow, you're with me. Let's do this."
Emma and Snow approached the front door, the neck of the apple cider bottle in Emma's grip as she steeled her nerves and knocked. About to take a step back to await Gigi's appearance, the door swung open from the inside and there the brunette stood with one eyebrow raised. 
"Snow? Emma? How can I help you both?" There was something different about the brunette from the last time they'd seen her. She looked exhausted in her face and eyes as if she wasn't sleeping well. "Gigi? You look.. Terrible.." Snow frowned, stepping forwards to place a hand on the brunette's arm. A grimace tugged at the Mayor's face and Emma realized she was leaning heavily into the door to keep herself standing. "Here, let's get you inside. You look like you need to get off your feet." Emma offered the cider to Snow who took the bottle into her hand as the blonde wrapped an arm around Gigi's middle and led her inside to the living-room to help ease her down onto the couch. Snow shut the door behind them both and followed.

"Thank you, Emma.." Gigi managed a tired smile as she sat, tucking her feet up under her and settled against the cushions. 
"Can I offer you a drink?" Snow asked, holding the bottle up into view with a hopeful smile. Had she been in her right mind, Gigi would have been questioning the sudden offer. But in her exhausted state? She simply nodded and waved a hand towards the liquor cabinet near-by and Snow headed towards it to grab out three glasses and returned to sit the glasses on the coffee table in front of them. She uncorked the bottle and poured a generous amount of the liquid into each glass, offering one to Emma and Gigi and took the last one for herself. Gigi didn't bother to think twice as she took a sip of the liquid and relished the familiar apple taste that it left on her taste-buds. "Thank you for this.. Both of you." The brunette passed, what she hoped to be, was a friendly smile. "You're welcome.." Emma smiled back, but glanced sideways at Snow. Uncertain as to whether the potion was working or not.

For now, Gigi didn't seem to act out of the ordinary at all as she took another deep sip of the cider. But what she did take issue with was Emma clearing her throat and a pained expression appeared on her face. "Emma..?" The brunette frowned in confusion. "I'm sorry about this, Gigi. Honestly I am." She grabbed for the Mayor's arm and dug the cuff from her right side pocket to slip it onto the brunette's wrist even as she tried to tug it back away from her grip. With the cuff on, Emma released her and Gigi flashed a glare. "What the f***, Emma?! Why did you do that?!" 
Of course, Entity was the one with the real issue as she shoved Gigi aside and the brunette sat up straighter than a few moments ago. "If you think this cuff will do anything to stifle my power.. You're sorely mistaken, Swan." Entity snarled, attempting to conjure a fireball into her free hand but instead a shockwave of electricity pulsed through her veins startling the brunette into dropping the glass of cider to the floor below and it spilled out onto the carpet. Entity rose to her feet as she attempted to shake off the torrent of electricity, her face twisted into a grimace of pain until it finally died down enough for her to breathe again. 
"What have you done?" The goddess hissed angrily, dark eyes narrowed onto the blonde.

"What should have been done from the beginning." All heads turned in Gina's direction as she entered the living-room with Henry and David on either side. It was clear to everyone in the room that Gina was beyond exhausted and she was even struggling to stand so she was leaned into David's side. 
"Ah, Gina.." Entity scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "How nice of you to join us." The brunette drawled idly, clearly bored with the situation.. Despite feeling a sliver of fear creeping down her spine at the sight of the Mayor.
The Mayor said nothing as she shoved her hand forwards, palm out flat and Entity's body was flying backwards through the wall, blowing out a window in the process and landed heavily on the ground outside with shards of glass sprinkled around her and a few even embedded into her arms. Entity didn't bother moving as she lay still but it was obvious she was still alive by her heavy breathing. "I told you that the town would catch up to you in the end, Entity." Regina hissed as she made her way slowly over.

That was a year ago now. Since then, the magic cuff Valentina had created remained on her wrist at all times. A magical barrier had been placed over the cell where Gigi and Entity now resided, and it was not only for the safety of the town.. But for the Mayor and Goddess, as well. Gigi had not had access to her wardrobe in a year, instead forced to wear the grey cotton "uniform" that she'd taken to calling it, but.. Gigi had made peace with her situation.
The echo of heels clicking against the floor had the brunette sitting up a little straighter as Gina turned the corner to stand across from her. Gigi knew the drill by now and leaned against the wall furthest away in her cell, sliding down until she sat on the ground with her arms crossed and in view at all times. "Hello, Gina.." The brunette murmured without looking up this time. 
"Hello, Gigi." She could hear the sigh of relief in her mirror's voice. Entity was a gifted liar as most had come to find out, and Gina was now able to tell the difference between her beloved mirror as opposed to when Entity was pretending to be her.
"How are you? Some days I feel okay. But others, I just feel lost and broken, but most of all, numb." Gina answered, sliding down onto the uncomfortable folding chair in front of the cell, crossing her right ankle over her left.

Gigi's eyes fell shut, clearly heartbroken that the presence had done so much damage in such a short time. Bonds had been torn. Rifts formed. She felt so hopeless. "I'm sorry.. Nothing I say will ever have you forgive me, you've made that clear but...I hope one day you know how sorry I am." The brunette replied, exhaling another tired sigh. 
"Everything that happened is my fault." The ex-Mayor grumbled, narrowing her eyes on the ground. "I'm the one that bought the necklace. I'm the one that didn't listen to the warning. I'm the one that put it on. And I'm the one that let this happen.." Gina wanted to speak to retort, but.. She couldn't dispute that. 
"We'll.. We'll get through this, Gigi. Somehow. Just.." The Mayor trailed off into a murmur, rising to her feet but her twin still refused to look up at her. "Good-bye, Gigi."

Gigi nodded with tears streaming down her face, dark eyes shut as the echo of Gina's heels finally faded into roaring silence.
The only thing that seemed to bring her comfort was the fact that Entity was also trapped. "You deserve this.." There was a murmured whisper, but whether it came from Gigi or Entity? No one could tell.

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