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04/09/2022 01:27 PM 

| Annora Cicarelli |

[ B A S I C S ]

[ Name: ] Annora Cicarelli
[ Nickname(s): ] Anne, Annie, Nora
[ Age: ] 28

[ A P P E A R A N C E : ]

[ Height: ] 5'4
[ Hair Color: ] Brown
[ Eye Color: ] Brown
[ Scars: ] a couple here and there, but most are small. A prominent one on her left side from a close encounter with a monster
[ Jewelry: ] One small necklace, given to her by her mother before her passing
[ Face Claim: ] Jenna Coleman
[ F A M I L Y ]

[ Father: ] Axton Cicarelli
Status: Deceased

[ Mother: ] Sersi Cicarelli
Status: Deceased

[ Brothers: ] Alaric, Cassian, Sven, and Daegal Cicarelli
Status: Alaric(Alive), Cassian(Deceased), Sven(Deceased), Daegal(Deceased)

[ H I S T O R Y ]

[ Brief Personality Overview: ]
 Annora typically keeps to herself, occasionally catching a drink at a local shop, but she tends to avoid the brutish men one would typically find in those areas. She spends most of her time compiling information on monsters and other rare beasts in hopes of understanding creatures that are severely misunderstood. Annora also does quite a lot of work with anti-toxins gathered from said monsters and beings. She is incredibly stubborn and hardheaded, never giving up the chance to show a man that women can do anything they do

[ Background: ] Born in Cidaris, Annora grew up with 4 brothers and had to learn how to fight to defend herself from an early age. Shortly after she was 10, she was taken in and trained at Aretuza and was set to advise royalty, but she found her passion was in her studies. Annora has a few moral differences with those advisors in Aretuza and finds they butt heads often, leading her to often debate breaking away from them. She now lives in various places, never staying in one place for too long as she worries it may affect her studies. Annora currently spends her time studying medicine and obscure creatures, including monsters. She is not close with many, but is good friends with Triss and consider's Vesemir to be like family after saving him from a life-threatening wound many years prior. Proficient with a bow and arrow.

{ **NOTE: There is far more to her backstory than listed here. The rest can be discovered through the roleplay or discussed OOC beforehand** }

[ Pets/Companions: ] 

Kato: An Irish Wolfhound she saved from a bear trap shortly after leaving Aretuza.

Sage: A dapple grey mare gifted to her by Vesemir after saving his life

10/15/2021 05:52 PM 

| Davina Theano |

[ D A V I N A     T H E A N O ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]

[Name:] Davina Theano
[Nickname:] Avi, Vina
[Age:] 24 (Could be played as older or younger)
[Species:] Human
[Height:] 5’3
[Accent?:] English

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Chocolate Brown
[Eye color:] Hazel
[Skin tone:] Light olive
[Height:] 5'3
[Tattoos:] None
[Scars:] Plenty from battle, most are small

[ H E A L T H ]
[Drinks:] Yes
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] Very fit

[ B A S I C S ]
[Personality:] Davina is very sweet, but she is incredibly guarded and may even come off as cold. She knows exactly what she wants, though she refuses to let anyone in for fear of losing them or having them hurt her. While Davina is specially trained in combat and is a very skilled fighter, she wants justice and peace for the world, wanting to put an end to war. Her family emblem is a tiger, their bloodline having used to have a special bond with the animals, gifting tigers to their children to bond with and grow up with. That came to an end when these animals became misused to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and were killed. Deep down, Davina has a soft spot and is genuinely a kind, gentle, and patient girl. She has been through quite a bit in her lifetime and is well guarded.

10/11/2021 11:30 PM 

| Alexandra Marquis |

[ A L E X A N D R A      M A R Q U I S ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]
Alexandra Marquis
[Nickname:] Lex
[Age Appearance:] 24 years old
[Actual Age:] 187 years old
[Species:] Vampire (could be human at first in the roleplay)
[Height:] 5’2
[Nationality:] American
[Accent?:] None

[ F A M I L Y]

[Katherine Marquis]
-5’5, brown hair, green eyes, American

[Nolan Marquis]

-6'2, black hair, brown eyes, American


[ H E A L T H ]
[Smokes:] No
[Sexuality:] Straight
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] seasonal
[Fitness:] very fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:]
Chocolate Brown
[Eye color:] Brown
[Skin tone:] Tan
[Height:] 5'2
[Tattoos:] A few
[Scars:] none
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings

[ B A S I C S ]
Alexandra is the definition of a flirt. She is very smooth and very playful but when she actually has feelings for someone she is clumsy and often gets shy. Alexandra loves to go out to bars and clubs just to watch the people. She definitely loves being the center of attention to an extent but she also needs her own personal space and tends to watch for a moment before jumping into things.

[Faceclaim:] Emeraude Toubia

10/11/2021 11:13 PM 

| Anastasia Parker |

[ A N A S T A S I A      P A R K E R ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]

[Name:] Anastasia Parker
[Nickname:] Stasi, Stasia, Ana
[Age:] 19-26 (depends on the roleplay)
[Species:] Werewolf (could be human at first in the roleplay)
[Height:] 5’2
[Nationality:] American
[Accent?:] None

[ F A M I L Y]
[Emma Parker]

-5’5, red hair, green eyes, English (born and raised in Wales, moved to America when she married Johnathan)

[Jonathan Parker]

-5'11, black hair, brown eyes, American (lived in Wales for a few years, moved back to America when he married Emma)

[Luke Parker]

-6'1, brown hair, brown eyes, American, 24 Years old

[ H E A L T H ]
[Drinks:] Yes, on occasion
[Smokes:] No
[Sexuality:] Bisexual (Male lean)
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] seasonal
[Fitness:] very fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Chocolate Brown
[Eye color:] Hazel
[Skin tone:] Tan
[Height:] 5'2
[Tattoos:] white rose behind her left ear
[Scars:] a few on her back as well as one on the back of her left hand
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings, double helix (right ear)

[ B A S I C S ]
[Personality:] Anastasia is quiet and reserved at first , even coming off as a bit cold. She has been through quite a lot in her past which tends to make her rather cold and mean at times, but it's all just a defense mechanism. Anastasia can be very dangerous, seeing as she's very difficult to read and rather closed off, but once you make it into her heart she is the most kind and caring girl you will meet. Anastasia is fiercely loyal and protective over the ones she loves, however, she doesn't let too many people get close to her. (You can find out more about her personality as we roleplay and plot.)

[Positive Traits:] patient, kind, gentle, independent, loyal, smart, caring, eager to please
[Negative traits:] closed, distrusting, can be cold, overthinks, eager to please, hard on herself
[Likes:] Rain, books, tea, nature, animals, sketching/painting, music, traveling, and cooking.
[Dislikes:] horror movies, thunder, ketchup, heights, loud people/noises (unless it's her music)
[Habits:] lip biting (when thinking or nervous)
[Pet Peeves:] disrespect, impatience, dishonesty

10/11/2021 10:46 PM 

| Eleanora Pierce |

[ E L E A N O R A      P I E R C E ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]

[Name:] Eleanora Pierce
[Nickname:] Nora, Ella, El
[Age:] 19-26 (depends on the roleplay)
[Species:] Half angel/Half demon (Thinks she's human)
[Height:] 5’3
[Nationality:] American
[Accent?:] None

[ F A M I L Y]
[Octavia Pierce]

-5’5, Blonde hair, blue eyes, homeland unknown
(Believed to be dead)

[Atlas Pierce]

-6'3, black hair, brown eyes, homeland unknown, leader of a gang

[ H E A L T H ]
[Smokes:] No
[Sexuality:] Straight
[Sexual preference:] Switch
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] very fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Dirty blonde
[Eye color:] Blue
[Skin tone:] Pale
[Height:] 5'3
[Tattoos:] None
[Scars:] One scar on her wrist that looks oddly like a flame
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings, double helix (right ear)

[ B A S I C S ]
Eleanora's mother, Octavia, was a fallen angel. She had been sent down to earth on a year-long assignment but she had fallen in love with a demon, Atlas. Atlas had managed to escape hell, someone having summoned him many many years ago. Atlas had been spending most of his time on earth running a large gang, a gang that was ruthless and feared by most other gangs in the area. When Octavia and Atlas met, it didn't take long for the two to begin to fall in love, but neither of them knew about eachother's true forms. Atlas didn't take too long to propose and Octavia happily accepted. When the year was up and the angel Octavia was supposed to return home to heaven, she found that she was pregnant. Due to the fact that she had fallen pregnant and was in love with a man on earth, she was granted permission to remain on earth and live out a human life.

Octavia and Atlas were happier than they ever had been their whole lives. Atlas filled the emptiness that Octavia had been feeling and Octavia brought kindness and patience to Atlas. After Octavia admitted to Atlas that she was not only pregnant, but an angel that had been granted permission to live on earth with Atlas, he soon confessed of his true form. Atlas was torn up and thoroughly concerned, admitting he was actually a demon. Atlas was worried she would hate him and that she would leave him, but she loved him all the same. The only issue was that they needed to keep it a secret. All of heaven was happy for the two, however, when word got out that Atlas was actually a demon and not a human, Octavia was punished and perished during childbirth, leaving Atlas alone to care for a half demon half angel child.

After the loss of his love, Atlas went cold, his gang becoming even more cruel and ruthless. He had a constant battle within himself, bouncing back and forth between the kindness Octavia had instilled in him and the hatred he felt at the world for the loss of his lover. A part of him even blamed his child, Eleanora, but the child was all he had left of his lost love. From a young age, Eleanora began displaying great power, having the ability to create fire and touch it without being burned. This was a power she had inherited from her demon father, however she was already much more powerful than him at a young age. This frightened her father and he had instilled fear in her since she was old enough to understand. This made her fear her powers, suppressing them so that she would never use them. The girl had no idea how powerful she was, only knowing she had an immunity to fire.

Atlas kept Eleanora out of his gang business to, not thinking a woman was fit to lead his gang after he passed and he did not want her to somehow discover the amount of power she held in her hands. He hated the girl, truly, but Eleanora bore a striking resemblance to her mother and he couldn't bear to part with her, not to mention he planned on keeping her close to him because she was so powerful. He planned on using her powers for his own devious plans.

Eleanora is quiet and reserved at first, very very shy. She is the definition of a good girl with a slight twist. She is incredibly smart and can read people like no ones business. Eleanora is fairly innocent minded and has little to no experience with any sort of conflict, seeing as her father kept her rather sheltered and wouldn't allow her to date all her life. She has a love-hate relationship with her father, seeing as he goes from hot to cold all the time on her. The girl has a passion for nature and animals.

[Positive Traits:] patient, kind, gentle, independent, loyal, smart, caring, eager to please
[Negative traits:] Naive, inexperience in minor life matters, doesn't know how to flirt, cannot stand up for herself but she stands up for others
[Likes:] Rain, books, tea, nature, animals, sketching/painting, music, traveling, and cooking.
[Dislikes:] Fire(she had been taught to fear it, but she is still drawn to it), coffee,
[Habits:] lip biting (when thinking or nervous)
[Pet Peeves:] disrespect, impatience, dishonesty, cruelty to animals

10/11/2021 10:40 PM 

| Alicia Harrington |

[ A L I C I A     H A R R I N G T O N ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]
**NOTE: Gender-bent Steve Harrington(Stranger Things 1, 2, and 3)
[Name:] Alicia Harrington
[Nickname:] Alice or Ali (pronounced Allie)
[Age:] 18 (Could be played as older in a college setting)
[Species:] Human
[Height:] 5’3
[Nationality:] American
[Accent?:] None

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Brown
[Eye color:] Brown
[Skin tone:] Light tan
[Height:] 5'3
[Tattoos:] None
[Scars:] None
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings

[ H E A L T H ]
[Drinks:] Yes
[Smokes:] Sometimes
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] Very fit

[ B A S I C S ]
[Personality:] Considered the reigning "Queen of Hawkins High." Very popular among the high school students, loves to party, constantly making bad jokes, friends with a few children, considered the "mom" of her friend group. Alicia is incredibly protective and while she often makes poor decisions, she tries to do the right thing. She thoroughly enjoys playing sports and partying and can handle quite a bit of liquor, earning the respect of many of her peers. Considers herself pretty smooth when it comes to guys, but in actuality she is pretty awkward when it comes to flirting and has no game.

10/11/2021 10:28 PM 

| Katherine Genovese |

[ K A T H E R I N E      G E N O V E S E ]

[ O V E R V I E W ]

[Name:] Katherine Genovese
[Nickname:] Kat, Kitty, Katerina

[Age:] 32-40 (depends on the roleplay)
[Species:] Human (Could vary depending on the storyline)
[Height:] 5’3
[Nationality:] Italian

[Accent?:] subtle Italian accent

[ F A M I L Y]
[Nadiia Genovese]
-5’5, Blonde hair, Green eyes, Italian, Died month's after Katherine's birth

[Marcello Genovese]
-6'0, Black hair, Brown eyes, Italian, Cartel leader/Mafia affiliate

[Luke Parker]
-6'1, Brown hair, Brown eyes, Italian, Died at the age of 18(right after Katherine's 10 birthday)

[ H E A L T H ]
[Drinks:] Yes, on occasion
[Smokes:] Surprisingly, no
[Sexuality:] Straight

[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] Very fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Dark Brown
[Eye color:] Light Brown
[Skin tone:] Tan
[Height:] 5'3

[Tattoos:] A few scattered about here and there.
[Scars:] Numerous scars in various places. Each tells it's own story

Katherine's mother and father moved to America in their teens to start up their cartel business. After having many run-ins with opposing gangs, one escapade ended up in a shootout and Katherine's mother was killed shortly after Katherine was born. In another shootout 10 years later, Katherine's older brother was caught in a crossfire and killed as well, leaving her alone with her father, Marcello. After spending 6 years working alongside Marcello, the police caught up to him and sentenced him to 10 years in jail, leaving Katherine all by herself to carry on her fathers name and take on the mafia leader role. She fit right in after her father was taken, and she was damn good at what she did. After spending 8 years in jail, Marcello was released early on "good citizenship" and returned to his gang where Katherine had been in the lead... but now Katherine knew something about her father that she hadn't before. In this time away, Katherine managed to stumble upon files and secret communications her father had been hiding from her. Turns out, her mother and brother hadn't been killed by accident... In fact, Marcello set up the shooting to have them killed. Her mother had begged Marcello to retire and give up his mafia dream so they could care for their children and she threatened to go to the police. Marcello took things into his own hands and pulled the trigger. As for Katherine's older brother, he had found out about the truth behind his mother's death and confronted their father about it, only to be shot dead. Now Katherine is left to pick up the pieces.

10/10/2021 07:02 PM 

| Luna Gaisti | Star Wars |

[ L U N A      G A I S T I ]

(Takes place in the First Order timeline)
[ O V E R V I E W ]

[Name:] Luna Gaisti
[Nickname:] N/A

[Age:] 23-30 (depends on the roleplay)
[Species:] Human
[Height:] 5’3
[Birth Place:] Alderaan

[Accent?:] None

[ F A M I L Y]
[Nala Gaisti]
-5’5, Blonde hair, Green eyes, Italian, Died month's after Katherine's birth

[Keido Gaisti]
-5'10, Brown hair, Blue eyes, Italian, died on Luna's 23rd birthday, taught Luna everything she knows


[ H E A L T H ]
[Smokes:] No
[Sexuality:] Straight

[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] Very fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Blonde
[Eye color:] Green
[Skin tone:] Fair
[Height:] 5'3

[Tattoos:] None
[Scars:] a few scattered scars from life on Alderaan and run in's with The First Order
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings, gold double helix (right ear), gold rook (left ear)

[ B A S I C S ]
[Personality:] Luna is a very kind and gentle girl, though she has a lot of suppressed emotions, seeing as she refuses to allow herself to grow close to anyone out of fear of losing them. She is incredibly cunning and crafty, taking notice of even the smallest changes in things and noting how things work. Luna has a particular fascination with the electrical mechanics of things, seeing as her father was a mechanic that taught her everything she needed to know about ships and their parts. Despite her angelic looks, she is quite cunning and has actually found a career in smuggling and has been known to pickpocket.

[Backstory:] Having grown up on Alderaan, Luna's mother died shortly after she was born. Quickly, her father became all that she had. Luna was incredibly close with her father and his death was devastating to her. Seeing as her parents were both petty theifs and stole from people they deemed as evil, Luna did not often spend much time around other people. Because of this, she doesn't have anyone to call a friend, simply wandering the galaxy in hopes of finding some sort of purpose there. She is very strong with the force but is completely unaware of what it is.

10/10/2021 06:50 PM 

| Felicia Hardy | Marvel |

[ F E L I C I A      H A R D Y ]
(aged up version)

(young version)

[ O V E R V I E W ]
[Name:] Felicia Hardy
[Alias:] The Black Cat
[Nickname:] Party Hardy, Kitty, Kitten
[Age:] 22-34
[Species:] Super Human
[Height:] 5’4
[Nationality:] American
[Accent?:] None

[ F A M I L Y]
[Walter Hardy]
-6'1 with white hair and a white mustache. Walter was a renowned cat burglar in his youth, attracting the attention of criminal group. When he refused to join this criminal group, they threatened and targeted his daughter, Felicia, causing Walter to fake his death in hopes of protecting his daughter. Walter later became a detective for the NYPD, adopting the alias Detective Mackey. Unfortunately this alias was discovered and Walter is currently being held hostage by the crime group.

[Lydia Hardy]
- Not much is known about Lydia Hardy, seeing as she left Felicia and Walter on their own shortly after Felicia's 3rd birthday

[Siblings:] None

[ H E A L T H ]
[Drinks:] Sometimes
[Smokes:] No
[Sexuality:] Heterosexual
[Mental disorders:] None
[Physical disorders:] None
[Food Allergies:] None
[Environmental Allergies:] None
[Fitness:] Incredibly fit

[ P H Y S I C A L ]
[Hair color:] Platinum blonde
[Eye color:] Green
[Skin tone:] Pale
[Height:] 5'4
[Tattoos:] None
[Scars:] A few small scars on her stomach from fights
[Piercings:] basic ear piercings, double helix (right ear), rook (left ear)

[ B A S I C S ]
[Background:] Felicia lived alone with her father since she could remember, and had always been close with him. When her father, Walter, had faked his death, Felicia had been devastated. The young girl had just gone to college at the time and had multiple bad experiences with men. This combined by the fact she believed her only family to be dead, Felicia decided to take up her father's previous career as a cat burglar, though she only stole from rich people whom she deemed "deserving." Years later, Felicia ran into her father again who explained his reason for disappearing, only wanting to protect her. It wasn't long before Walter Hardy's alias was compromised and Walter was kidnapped by The Maggia, the criminal group who had previously tried to recruit Walter. Now they wanted his daughter, Felicia, and used Walter to get to her. The Maggia managed to convince Felicia to work for them using the threat of her fathers life. They tested her with a special serum that had been developed, giving her superhuman abilities.

[Occupation:] Singer at a Jazz club
[Positive Traits:] patient, kind, gentle, independent, loyal, smart
[Negative traits:] closed off, can be cold, can be too caring, overthinks, eager to please, hard on herself
[Likes:] Rain, nature, animals, sketching/painting, music, traveling, and cooking
[Dislikes:] horror movies, thunder, drunk men
[Habits:] lip biting (when thinking or nervous)
[Pet Peeves:] disrespect, impatience, lack of ambition, laziness

[A B I L I T I E S ]
- Superhuman agility and stealth
- Expert burglar
- Trained in multiple forms of combat including martial arts
- Often uses a suit with a grappling hook and retractable claws, allowing her to scale buildings


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