03/21/2024 12:04 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

"Wrestlemania folks, the time
and year you get to see yours
truly ready to steal the show
i am going to be victories at
Wrestlemania, watch yours
truly win at Wrestlemania
and leave my legacy at the
grandest stage of AUF" he 
chuckled as he removes his sun
glasses off and smiled and folds
his arms together "So this year
i am going to face Adam Page,
daddy little boy." chuckled
Ethan as he nods his head
"What the matter Adam cat got
your tongue do you need daddy
to fight all your battles for you?
Or you want Adam Cole to take
your girl to another trip to Cole
city." laughs Ethan as he chuckled
"That was fun, it was fun watching
it and also getting in your head 
seeing you loose it, wow that
was easy for me and Caitlin to 
do because i have much more
plans for you Adam i am going
to defeat you at Wrestlemania,
and not just that i am going to humiliate
you at Mania once again i remember last
time you lost to your old man!" laughs
Ethan "That must been humiliating to you
that you lost to your own dad! Your own father
the man that is program to teach you and love
you but that was bogus of a fiasco to watch
anyways." chuckled Ethan 

"Adam, you don't get it do you? You just a
stubborn little boy that's all you are going
to be a second generation star? Seriously
nobody cares about that supposed legacy
everyone talks about just is how great the 
Reso dynasty is what about the Korklan
legacy what they done all former world champions
that's big right there that's a huge legacy two
of the biggest families in AUF when we going
to see your family make waves in AUF when?
Where and how?" chuckled Ethan as he nods
his head 

"So what will happen when i am done with little Adam
after i win my match against him maybe an all vacation
leave for a while and take a long break." said with a 
smile on his face as he taps his chin "Of course
i got it." spoke again as he continued to speak 
on "I am going for the world title, who knows
maybe this year i am going to win Mr. Money
in the bank match this year and win it and then
win the world title i plan on making 2024 this
year is going to be the year of Ethan Carter
the rising superstar of 2024."

"I know i been here in this company for years, but
guess what i been overlooked for the years by the
new guys coming in and taking what i should get
title opportunities where is my title shot! Where!
Where is it at where is my talk about me being
so great oh i forgot you guys are more worried
about your favorites the darlings of AUF that
is bull crap, that charade is going to end when
i steal the spotlight from your favorites!"

"Bite your tongues when you want an audience with me?
Bunch of lies and hypocrites coming to me for autographs
seriously that needs to stop being fake and plastic world going
on it's pathetic, but hey beggars can't be choosers , heroes
can't be chosen out of a box but hey that why you cheer
on Adam Page and the rest of the good guys of AUF and you
boo us the bad guys of AUF such a shame."

"I am not like them i am not a beggar and i won't beg
for a title just like little Adam who is begging for
attention to the AUF universe that so funny."
he chuckled again as he has a serious
look now 
"Playtime is going to be over kid."

"Oh Adam,
Oh Adam are you ready for our Wrestlemania encounter
I am ready for our match where i am going to prove that
i am better than you and of course the best."
chuckled in a devious way as he folds his hands
together "I am, ooh i am going to humilate you
at Wrestlemania with Caitlin at ringside i won't
loose she is the best manager so i got this in the bag
you have no chance in beating me so good luck trying
and i send you back the line back to catering where
you would go while i am going for the gold is
about time AUF chanted Ethan Carter for next
champion and which i am going to be a champion
next guy to hold the gold soon, see you at
Wrestlemania." winks at the camera ending
the promo.

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